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Archive => Archived 4.0 boards => Finished Lua 4 scripts => Topic started by: SilvaO on 15 July, 2005, 12:22:53

Title: Lucifer 6.6.6 anti palavr?es PT
Post by: SilvaO on 15 July, 2005, 12:22:53
Este Script desliga os Users que teclarem palavr?es no Hub.

--Lucifer 6.6.6-- updated version

--This is a Powerful AntiAdvertising Script
--Powered by Demone.Astaroth and OpiumVolage

--History: Base='multiline antiadvertise' by OpiumVolage (your tables simplify the work I did until that moment). Here its features:
-- 1)Script can block this types of advertisement: A)
-- B) e x a m p l e . n o - i p . c o m
-- C)example.
-- no-
-- ip.
-- com
-- D)e
-- x
-- a
-- m
-- p
-- l
-- e
-- .
-- n
-- o
-- -
-- i
-- p
-- .
-- c
-- o
-- m
-- 2)You can insert valid addresses (like yours) in trigs, so bot won't kick you
-- 3)Users conversating with ops don't get kicked
-- 4)Why the Timer? It cleans memory.

-- Demone.Astaroth addons: 1)added an huge list of addresses
-- 2)When advertising: user advised on Pm before disconnection; Bot sends to all in main chat the kicking message (without IP);
-- advertise-infos send to Op-chat directly without troubling any Op with Pms! Infos contain user's IP, user To(if PM) and last message
-- Just replace INSERT.HERE.YOUR.OP-CHAT.NAME fields with yours.
-- 3)inserted Disconnect and TimeBan (15 minutes) instead of gagging user
-- 4)Prevented very splitted addresses (with more tabAdvert lines)
-- 5)added Control-addresses: user isn't kicked for these addresses but Ops are informed in any case.
-- this is useful for friend-hubs addresses, if u also want to control them
-- 6)added ControlUser status: if u're scary about your vips advertising their hubs and stealing you user,
-- you can't insert the tag [VIP] or anything else in the specific space: they will not
-- get kicked for any addresses, but in case of typing a Control-address, Ops will be
-- informed.
-- 7)Fixed some bug (Thanks Opium)
-- 8)Added a new string-pieces find way to catch advertises

BotName = "Brain-Master"

advtrigs = {"foder","caralho","cabra","picha","foda","cabrao","karalho","puta","caralhino","cona","caralhao"}

validtrigs = {"computador"} --insert here your addresses (like yours or multihub ones or great friend's hub ;) )

controltrigs={["hub1"]=1,["hub2"]=2,["hub3"]=3, ["hub4"]=4, ["hub5"]=5} --insert here addresses you want to be informed (no kick)

tabAdvert = {}

function Main()

function OnTimer()
for key, value in tabAdvert do
if (tabAdvert[key].iClock > clock()+60) then

function DataArrival(user, data)
if not user.bOperator then
if strsub(data, 1, 1) == "<" then
local _, _, msg = strfind(data, "^%b<>%s+(.*)|")
if Verify(user.sName, msg) then
catch=strsub(user.sName,1,5) --5 is counting chars of the tag below: if u change [VIP], change it!
if catch=="[VIP]" then --ControlUser status : insert users Tag u don't want to get kicked
SendToAll( BotName, user.sName.."  diz: Eu sou mesmo um MARICAS que n?o tinha nada para fazer, ent?o vim para aqui faltar ao respeio ao ppl sorry ppl...mas sou um gajo triste.. ")  
user:SendPM(BotName, "Foste desconectado por falta de respeito.. e aqui n?o ademitimos isso.. se quizeres podes voltar ao hub basta fazer reconect mas v? se tens mais respeitinho.. ok..")
s,e,onlymes = strfind(data, "%b<> (.*)")
SendPmToOps ("Brain-Master", "O Crominho do  "..user.sName.." com a merda de ip "..user.sIP.." faltou ao respeito no nosso hub: "..onlymes.."")
for key, value in controltrigs do
if( strfind( strlower(data), key) ) then
s,e,onlymes = strfind(data, "%b<> (.*)")
SendPmToOps ("Brain-Master", "O Crominho do  "..user.sName.." com com a merda de ip "..user.sIP.." faltou ao respeito no nosso hub: "..onlymes.."")

if( strfind( strlower(data), "no",1,1) ) and ( strfind( strlower(data), "ip.",1,1) ) then
if ( strfind( strlower(data), "com",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "org",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "info",1,1) ) then
spam=spam+1; end; end;

if( strfind( strlower(data), "dns",1,1) ) and ( strfind( strlower(data), "2",1,1) ) and ( strfind( strlower(data), "go",1,1) ) then
spam=spam+1; end

if( strfind( strlower(data), "dy",1,1) ) and ( strfind( strlower(data), "nu",1,1) ) then
if( strfind( strlower(data), ".net",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), ".com",1,1) ) then
spam=spam+1;end; end

if( strfind( strlower(data), "d n s a",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "d n s .",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "d n s 2",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "o d s .",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "d y n",1,1) ) then

if spam>0 then
SendToAll( BotName, user.sName.."   diz: Eu sou mesmo um MARICAS que n?o tinha nada para fazer, ent?o vim para aqui faltar ao respeio ao ppl sorry ppl...mas sou um gajo triste..  ")
user:SendPM(BotName, "Foste desconectado por falta de respeito.. e aqui n?o ademitimos isso.. se quizeres podes voltar ao hub basta fazer reconect mas v? se tens mais respeitinho.. ok..  ")
s,e,onlymes = strfind(data, "%b<> (.*)")
SendPmToOps ("Brain-Master", "O Crominho do  "..user.sName.." com com a merda de ip "..user.sIP.." faltou ao respeito no main chat: "..onlymes.."")

elseif strsub(data, 1, 4) == "$To:" then
local _, _, to, from, msg = strfind(data, "^%$To:%s+(%S+)%s+From:%s+(%S+)%s-%$%b<>%s+(.*)|")
local nick = GetItemByName(to)
if not nick.bOperator then
local userdata = to.." "..from
if Verify(userdata, msg) then
if catch=="['??SemiDeus??']" then
tabAdvert[userdata] = nil
SendToAll( BotName, user.sName.."  diz: Eu sou mesmo um MARICAS que n?o tinha nada para fazer, ent?o vim para aqui faltar ao respeio ao ppl sorry ppl...mas sou um gajo triste..")
user:SendPM(BotName, "Foste desconectado por falta de respeito.. e aqui n?o ademitimos isso.. se quizeres podes voltar ao hub basta fazer reconect mas v? se tens mais respeitinho.. ok..  ")
s,e,whoTo,from,mes = strfind(data,"$To:%s+(%S+)%s+From:%s+(%S+)%s+$%b<>%s+(.*)")
SendPmToOps ("Brain-Master", "O Crominho "..user.sName.." com a merda de ip "..user.sIP.." faltou ao respeito no nosso  main chat "..whoTo.." this: "..mes.."")
for key, value in controltrigs do
if( strfind( strlower(data), key) ) then
s,e,whoTo,from,mes = strfind(data,"$To:%s+(%S+)%s+From:%s+(%S+)%s+$%b<>%s+(.*)")
SendPmToOps ("Brain-Master", "Control: User "..user.sName.."  IP "..user.sIP.." disse "..whoTo.." this: "..mes.."")

if( strfind( strlower(data), "no",1,1) ) and ( strfind( strlower(data), "ip.",1,1) ) then
if ( strfind( strlower(data), "com",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "org",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "info",1,1) ) then
spam=spam+1; end; end;

if( strfind( strlower(data), "dns",1,1) ) and ( strfind( strlower(data), "2",1,1) ) and ( strfind( strlower(data), "go",1,1) ) then
spam=spam+1; end

if( strfind( strlower(data), "dy",1,1) ) and ( strfind( strlower(data), "nu",1,1) ) then
if( strfind( strlower(data), ".net",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), ".com",1,1) ) then
spam=spam+1;end; end

if( strfind( strlower(data), "d n s a",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "d n s .",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "d n s 2",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "o d s .",1,1) ) or ( strfind( strlower(data), "d y n",1,1) ) then

if spam>0 then
SendToAll( BotName, user.sName.."  diz: Eu sou mesmo um MARICAS que n?o tinha nada para fazer, ent?o vim para aqui faltar ao respeio ao ppl sorry ppl...mas sou um gajo triste..")
user:SendPM(BotName, "Foste desconectado por falta de respeito.. e aqui n?o ademitimos isso.. se quizeres podes voltar ao hub basta fazer reconect mas v? se tens mais respeitinho.. ok..  ")
s,e,whoTo,from,mes = strfind(data,"$To:%s+(%S+)%s+From:%s+(%S+)%s+$%b<>%s+(.*)")
SendPmToOps ("Brain-Master", "O Crominho "..user.sName.." com com a merda de  IP "..user.sIP.." faltou ao respeito no nosso main chat "..whoTo.." this: "..mes.."")

function Verify(userdata, msg)
if not msg then return end
tmp =""
gsub(strlower(msg), "([a-z0-9.:%-])", function(x) tmp = tmp..x end)
if not tabAdvert[userdata] then
tabAdvert[userdata] = { iClock = clock(), l1 = "", l2 = "", l3 = "", l4= "", l5= "",l6= "",l7= "",l8= "",l9 = tmp}
tabAdvert[userdata].iClock = clock()
tabAdvert[userdata].l1 = tabAdvert[userdata].l2
tabAdvert[userdata].l2 = tabAdvert[userdata].l3
tabAdvert[userdata].l3 = tabAdvert[userdata].l4
tabAdvert[userdata].l4 = tabAdvert[userdata].l5
tabAdvert[userdata].l5 = tabAdvert[userdata].l6
tabAdvert[userdata].l6 = tabAdvert[userdata].l7
tabAdvert[userdata].l7 = tabAdvert[userdata].l8
tabAdvert[userdata].l8 = tabAdvert[userdata].l9
tabAdvert[userdata].l9 = tmp
local Lines = tabAdvert[userdata].l1..tabAdvert[userdata].l2..tabAdvert[userdata].l3..tabAdvert[userdata].l4..tabAdvert[userdata].l5..tabAdvert[userdata].l6..tabAdvert[userdata].l7..tabAdvert[userdata].l8..tabAdvert[userdata].l9
for key, value in advtrigs do
if (strfind(Lines, strlower(value), 1, 1)) then
for key2, value2 in validtrigs do
if (strfind(Lines, strlower(value2), 1, 1)) then
return nil
return 1