Release/Request and self-reg for unreg users V0.3.6.0h

Release/Request and self-reg for unreg users V0.3.6.0h

Started by burningstar, 17 October, 2007, 14:16:19

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I changed my hub to and added the following scripts:

- Auto-Block 1.0g LUA LUA 5.1 [Strict][API 2]  By Mutor
- PxCommands 1.1c2 Lite Ed. LUA 5.1 [Strict][API 2] By Mutor
- Chat History On Entry 1.05 LUA 5.1 [Strict][API 2] By Mutor
- RangeFilter 1.0 LUA 5.11 [Strict] [API 2] By Mutor

They are all running great but now i need a Release+Request Script which will work with this Version of Ptokax. I tried freshstuff, which is not yet compatible and Mlink.Library.v2.0.LUA5.X-PtokaX, which wont work either. Is there any other Releae script which is already working with the new API?

Another thing i realy need is the possibility for unregistred users to register their nick with a password via chat-command or richt-click menu.


I decided not to give users the possibility of registering themselfes, so the only thing i really need right now is a release bot (if possible with categories) which will work on Prokax


I hate doing plugs for myself, but FreshStuff3 may be what you need.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


I tried freshstuff3 5.0 RC2 but it wont work with my ptokax

All i get is :

[21:06] Syntax freshstuff.lua:99: module 'ptokaxnew' not found:
   no field package.preload['ptokaxnew']
   no file 'freshstuff/ptokaxnew.lua'
   no file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\\ptokaxnew.dll'
   no file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\\libs\ptokaxnew.dll'
   no file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\\scripts\libs\ptokaxnew.dll'


Yeah, because I haven't yet published the 'ptokaxnew' module since I consider it beta. I will do it now and post a link here.
EDIT: link :)
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


Thx... but still the same problem. freshstuff is looking for a  prokaxnew.DLL but in yoouir release its a prokaxnew.lua. Should i change the lua to dll or edit the freshstuff script to look for .lua?

PS: Sorry, it?s working now... i was just too stupid

PSS: Thank you, again

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