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Archive => Archived 5.1 boards => Request for scripts => Topic started by: dodgeviper on 13 November, 2006, 13:55:14

Title: For a new game
Post by: dodgeviper on 13 November, 2006, 13:55:14
i want to have game which a certain number of users can play in a group...the game shud not be shown in the main chat..
Like guess the movie...or Hollywood
In this game one of the player gives a name of the movie of his choice to other players.....
Like for example Player 1 gives the movie The Departed then to the other players all the vowels are revealed as the first and the only hint...
from then onwards Player2 has to guess the rest of the letters...he has 9 chances only to guess the movie..
Suppose Player2 says letter "t" then the places where t exist shud be revealed to the player... otherwise his number of chances shud be reduced by 1
if he is able to guess the movie in the 9 chances then he is the winner otherwise not...
Next time player2 gives a movie..
There shud be a score card the end to show that whose winning..
Instead of writing a single letter if the player writes more than one letter then the answer shud not be accepted...neither shud his chances be reduced...

I Will really appreciate if someone can make this script for me...
Title: Re: For a new game
Post by: bastya_elvtars on 13 November, 2006, 13:58:13
Title: Re: For a new game
Post by: dodgeviper on 13 November, 2006, 14:34:48
nope Hangman is different...Here in the game which i deisre Player1 will give a word or movie of his choice to the other player...regarding the revealing of the words read my first post...
No single player option.....
Words are generated by user and not by the bot..
Title: Re: For a new game
Post by: Dessamator on 13 November, 2006, 19:21:27
Interesting, it would be a mod of hangman, but it presents a problem too, if only 1 letter is allowed each time, the word can only have a max of 9 consonants, the limit amount of players has to be established too.
Title: Re: For a new game
Post by: dodgeviper on 13 November, 2006, 22:40:50
the user can answer incorrectly only 9 times....for every right answer the chances doesn;t get reduced....
so this kinda solves the max 9 consonant problem....make it a 2 player game only...