Release/Request Bot - Page 2


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Release/Request Bot

Started by jiten, 26 March, 2006, 12:55:40

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Quote from: GrinSlaW on 28 June, 2006, 20:06:18
oki will try that, tnx :)

If something comes up, just let me know.

Best regards


umn should i comment the whole command function or just some line ?

here i have comment just one line.

tCmds = {
	--[Settings.clrVotesCmd] = {
		tFunc = function(user,data)
			-- Empty votes
			tFunctions.Releaser(5); tVote = nil; tVote = {}
			tFunctions:save(tTable); tFunctions:save(tVote,"tVote",Settings.fVote)
			user:SendData(Settings.sBot,"*** All votes have been successfully cleared.")
		tLevels = {
			[0] = 1,
			[1] = 1,
			[4] = 1,
			[5] = 1,
		sDesc = "Clear all Votes",
		sExample = "\t!"..tPrefix..Settings.clrVotesCmd,
		tRC = "Vote\\Clear$<%[mynick]> !"..tPrefix..Settings.clrVotesCmd },

.:: AcExtreme ::. | .:: AcPro ::.


Ignorance is Bliss.


nicely done mutor :) that gave me a clear picture how to do it.  tnx alot :D

.:: AcExtreme ::. | .:: AcPro ::.


Another way of doing it, could have been changing the tLevels and only allowing the highest profile and the "Right Clicks" wouldnt be sent to the others.
Ignorance is Bliss.


Quote from: Dessamator on 30 June, 2006, 10:19:09
Another way of doing it, could have been changing the tLevels and only allowing the highest profile and the "Right Clicks" wouldnt be sent to the others.

hehehe yeah thats true didn't think of that :P will se how i do it many tnx for help :)

.:: AcExtreme ::. | .:: AcPro ::.


hi Jiten..

i try this script & is Grate  ;D

i want ask if possibol to make something like that in main chat..

"    :::T:h:e:: 5  ::L:a:s:t::R:e:l:e:a:s:e:s::..!..::

   1 - [25/07/06] PsyChedelic added by *******  ::  Peacedata_-_X-Television-(Bootleg)-2005-PsyCZ
   2 - [25/07/06] PsyChedelic added by *******  ::  Encephalopaticys_-_Psychotermic_Meditation-2006-MYCEL
   3 - [25/07/06] PsyChedelic added by *******  ::  Floattank_-_Touch_The_Void-2006-MYCEL
   4 - [25/07/06] PsyChedelic added by *******  ::  Glookanary_Express_-_Glookanary_Express-(Promo_CDS)-2005-PsR
   5 - [25/07/06] Ambient added by *******  ::  VA-Cryosphere-CDR-2006-SEVER
when u enter to the hub.. u will c the last 5 rls ??  ::)
[like in fresh stuff] ;)

if this can be its be grate!!! 
tnx...  8)


Read the 1st post carefully electronic_Psycho...


hi Markitos  :)

i read it all.. but i dont get the point,,,

u can be mor specific man ?  [sorry my english not so good]



Quote from: electronic_Psycho on 26 July, 2006, 01:32:27
i want ask if possibol to make something like that in main chat..
when u enter to the hub.. u will c the last 5 rls ??? ::)
[like in fresh stuff] ;)

Yes, it's possible.

All you need to do, is set:

bSendOnConnect = true,

And change these values according to your needs [5, probably]:

-- Max shown releases/requests
iMax = 30,
-- Max shown Filled Requests
fMax = 30,


 tnx u man :D

i do it but,,when i type rls its show only 5 .. & in pm :-[

tnx on help man.. :)

i mean first ' that i want the bot sand the last 5 rls in main ,,

   :::T:h:e:: 5  ::L:a:s:t::R:e:l:e:a:s:e:s::..!..::

   1 - [25/07/06] PsyChedelic added by *******  ::  Peacedata_-_X-Television-(Bootleg)-2005-PsyCZ
   2 - [25/07/06] PsyChedelic added by *******  ::  Encephalopaticys_-_Psychotermic_Meditation-2006-MYCEL
   3 - [25/07/06] PsyChedelic added by *******  ::  Floattank_-_Touch_The_Void-2006-MYCEL
   4 - [25/07/06] PsyChedelic added by *******  ::  Glookanary_Express_-_Glookanary_Express-(Promo_CDS)-2005-PsR
   5 - [25/07/06] Ambient added by *******  ::  VA-Cryosphere-CDR-2006-SEVER

something like that .. only 5 last without category or something..

i hope that u understend me..  :)

if this can be ?
tnx allot


Quote from: electronic_Psycho on 26 July, 2006, 17:27:38
tnx u man :D

i do it but,,when i type rls its show only 5 .. & in pm :-[

tnx on help man.. :)

Here's a quick [not tested] workaround that only shows the last 5 releases on connect:

Change your 'NewUserConnected' and 'tFunctions.ShowX' functions to this:

tFunctions.ShowX = function(Table, iMax)
	local msg, iMax = "", (iMax or Settings.iMax)
	for Cat,a in pairs(Table) do
		for v = table.getn(Table[Cat]) - iMax + 1, table.getn(Table[Cat]), 1 do
			if Table[Cat][v] then
				local tmp = Table[Cat][v]
				local fLink = function()
					local lnk = ""
					if tmp.sLink ~= "" then lnk = "\r\n"..string.rep("\t",11).."[ "..tmp.sLink.." ]" end
					return lnk
				msg = msg.."? ? ?"..v..".\t"..tmp.iVote.."\t"..tmp.iTime.."\t\t"..tmp.sPoster..
	return msg

NewUserConnected = function(user)
	-- Send Releases/Requests on Connect
	if Settings.bSendOnConnect then
		user:SendPM(Settings.sBot,tFunctions.Structure(string.rep("\t",9).."Last 5 "..Settings.sMode.."s per Category "..
		string.rep("\t",6).."[""]\r\n",tFunctions.ShowX(tTable, 5),tTable))
	-- Sending RightClick
	if Settings.bSendRC then
		if user.bUserCommand then
			-- Build user-specific temp RC table
			local tRC = {}; tFunctions.GetRC(user,tRC); table.sort(tRC);
			-- Send RC alphabetically sorted
			for i in ipairs(tRC) do 
				user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..Settings.sMode.." Bot\\"..tRC[i].."&#124;")
			collectgarbage(); io.flush();
	-- Offline tFilled Report
	if tOffline[user.sName] then user:SendPM(Settings.sBot,tOffline[user.sName]); tOffline[user.sName] = nil end

To get an output like the one you asked for, the script will need to be modded 'some'.
As additional information, tFunctions.ShowX, tFunctions.TopContent, tFunctions.Releaser and tFunctions.Structure would need to be 'treated'.


   [Cleaner / Link]: [off / off]         Release/Request v.3a by jiten            [Request Mode]
   Commands:      Description:         Example:

   !reqdelall         Deletes all Requests      !reqdelall
   !reqsetup         Configure this bot.         !reqsetup <link/cleaner> <on/off>
   !reqtopposter      Top Request Voting         !reqtopvoter
   !reqclrvote      Clear all Votes         !reqclrvote
   !reqaddcat      Add category & time         !reqaddcat "Movies" 15
   !reqdel         Deletes Requests         !reqdel "Category" ID/Empty
   !reqdone         Fills up a Request         !reqdone "Category" <ID>
   !reqshow         Last 30/all Requests      !reqshow; !reqshow all; !reqshow <category>
   !reqvote         Vote for a certain Request      !reqvote "Movies" 1
   !reqhelp         Displays this help.         !reqhelp
   !reqfind         Find a Request         !reqfind "jiten"
   !reqtopvoter      Top Request Voting         !reqtopvoter
   !reqadd         Adds a Request         !reqadd "Movie" "Blade3"
   !reqshowcat      Shows categories         !reqshowcat
   !reqdelcat         Deletes a category         !reqdelcat "Movies"

how i make command with out perfix req? same one can help me i don;t found where i can close this


Quote from: TrIp-iN-SuN on 17 August, 2006, 17:13:41
how i make command with out perfix req? same one can help me i don;t found where i can close this

Check your settings again and look for this:

-- false: Normal commands; true: Commands with Prefix (default)
bPrefix = false,



how i closed Request i want only use release becose that Request make me problams to add catgory and more thing for release


and how i changed right clicker name in that script i can't find this too?


Check Line 701 of the script

Code: lua
user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..Settings.sMode.." Bot\\"..tRC[i].."|")

for instance you can change that to whatever you will

for example

Code: lua
user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 YourBotname\\"..tRC[i].."|")
PtokaxWiki ?PtokaX Mirror + latest Libs




same one can help me
   - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
           Requests? Category List:
   - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
          ? Ambient (365 days)
          ? Psychedelic (365 days)

i add to category and when i try to add release it's type me all time
i doing command !add psychedelic test
it's type me
????? Syntax Error: Type !add <category> <type>


Quote from: TrIp-iN-SuN on 18 August, 2006, 14:44:03
how i closed Request i want only use release becose that Request make me problams to add catgory and more thing for release

I'm not sure of what you mean with this, but, here's my guess.

If you don't want the Request mode, just delete this from the tSetup table, and then restart your scripts:

-- Request Bot Setup
request = { 
	-- Prefix for its commands
	sPrefix = "req",
	-- Folder where the DBs will be stored
	sFolder = "Requests",
	-- Files related to the Mode (First one is the Main DB)
	fDB = { Settings.fRequest, Settings.fReqDone, Settings.fOffline, Settings.fConfig, Settings.fVote },

Quote from: TrIp-iN-SuN on 18 August, 2006, 15:59:33
i add to category and when i try to add release it's type me all time
i doing command !add psychedelic test
it's type me
?•?•? Syntax Error: Type !add <category> <type>

If you have the separator enabled, it must be used for both category and type.

Default example: !add "category" "type"


same one can help me
   - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
           Requests? Category List:
   - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
          ? Ambient (365 days)
          ? Psychedelic (365 days)

i add to category and when i try to add release it's type me all time
i doing command !add psychedelic test
it's type me
????? Syntax Error: Type !add <category> <type>

this is not work when i type this command in main chat onlt in right clicker


Quote from: TrIp-iN-SuN on 20 August, 2006, 14:53:05
same one can help me

Don't be afraid to read the replies to your posts carefully.

I've already posted the solution to your problem:

Quote from: jiten on 18 August, 2006, 20:02:20
If you have the separator enabled, it must be used for both category and type.

Thus, you should use: !add "psychedelic" "test"


tell me and how i doning this with out this tag ----------> ""


Quote from: TrIp-iN-SuN on 21 August, 2006, 00:13:38
tell me and how i doning this with out this tag ----------> ""

Did you check your settings before posting? It's everything there:

-- Separator for Release/Request and Type. Default one is "
sSep = "\"",

If you don't want the ", set:

sSep = "",

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