PtokaX forum

Development Section => Your Developing Problems => Topic started by: gaiza on 27 May, 2005, 22:56:11

Title: Newbee & Tables
Post by: gaiza on 27 May, 2005, 22:56:11
Hello, this is my first post, so hello everybody.

My question is:

I have a fuction that return a table
prototype is as follow :

TheFuncProvided() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (table of key(string).value(boolean))

so to get the result i wrote this :

Table = TheFuncProvided()

if Table then
      Val = Table.astringaskey
      if Val then
             --do somthing

As resukt Val is always nil, but table is not empty.

What i'm doing wrog ?

Thanks for your help.
Post by: gaiza on 29 May, 2005, 21:42:10
Well, nobody know anything about arrays ?
Post by: Dessamator on 29 May, 2005, 21:52:49
hmm, its probably because ppl are confused by ur "problem", in lua arrays are more or less like tables,

to assign a value to a table in lua u do it more or less like this :

table["stuff"] = 1

to read a key from a table u do it more or less like this:

val =table.stuff , or
val =table["stuff"]

or u can use a loop to acess the info in a table something like e.g:

local temp,temp2 =nil,nil
for index,value in table do
temp =temp.."index "
temp2 =temp2.."value "

P.S. u cant just assign a function to a table, unless a function returns a value which u can add to a table !
hope it helps with ur dilema !
Post by: plop on 30 May, 2005, 13:29:05
here's a example script 2 give you an idea of what you want 2 do.
!this and !that work as main chat commands and are called from a table.
the way you were trying allready failed on TheFunctionProv, as that isn't how you declare a function in lua.
and using an array for these this isn't handy, you would always have 2 loop the array, while tables can be hashed.
and like dessamator said, array's are tables in lua which are indexed by numbers.
for example:
Array = {var1, var2, var3, var4}
is inside lua
Array = {1=var1, 2=var2, 3=var3, 4=var4}

here's the example script for functions inside tables.
tTable = {
["this"] = function(var1, var2)
SendToAll("botje", "doing this")
return 1

["that"] = function(var1, var2)
SendToAll("botje", "doing that")
return 1

function ChatArrival(user, data)
local s,e,sCmd = string.find(data, "%b<>%s+%p(%S+).*|")
if sCmd and tTable[sCmd] then
if tTable[sCmd](user, data) then
return 1

if you want more examples then check my freshstuff and texter series or zcrazy.
these all use functions which are stored in tables.

Post by: gaiza on 30 May, 2005, 21:05:52
Thanks gys, i'll check if ican get it work.

Thanks again, i'll keep in touch