Daddys redict window V 1.1 for lua 5.1


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Daddys redict window V 1.1 for lua 5.1

Started by [NL]Daddy-Bear?, 10 September, 2006, 20:21:22

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So I hope a nice script.
You can help a friendly hub to grow.
And you wont lose your own pinger.
Just gif a upper and down limit, users will be redicted by entering your Hub.
Have Fun.

10 Sept 2006 by NL]Daddy-Bear?  Modification lua start now at in advance give up of the number of users in You hub.

-- *************************************************************************************
--		Redirect Array by nErBoS

--		LUA 5.0/5.1 version by jiten


--		- Corrected by NightLitch
--		- Added: Endless amount of hubs by plop
--		- Changed: For setting user levels to be redirected by bastya_elvtars (nice crew in here)
--		- Changed: CheckUserLevel originally by Nathanos
--		- Changed: CheckUserLevel eliminated by plop
--		- Added: Table For Checked User In Redirect by 6Marilyn6Manson6   05/08/2006.
--		Rewrote version to Daddys redict window 
--		By [NL]Daddy-Bear? on 21 augusts 2006
--		Mail by >>>>
--		Advantage you can help another hub to users but no los off the pinger.  
--		redict window lua have much pleasure using it. 
--		10 Sept 2006 by NL]Daddy-Bear?  Modification lua start now at in advance give up of the number of users in You hub.
-- *************************************************************************************  
--		Which profile YOU want give a redict  1=yes 0=no  
RedProfiles = {	  
[0] = 0,			-- Master  
[1] = 0,			-- Operator  
[2] = 0,			-- VIP  
[3] = 0,			-- Registered  
[4] = 0,			-- Moderator  
[5] = 0,			-- Netfounder
[6] = 0,			-- Owner
[-1] = 1,			-- Unregistered  
Bot = "daddys_window"  
function Main()  
-- **************************************************************************************  
--		      		>>>>>>>>>> The border limits. <<<<<<<<<<<  
-- **************************************************************************************  

redictbij = 50	-- above this number off Users in your Hub the lua will start redicting.  

-- 				redict window in now is 510 Mb to 3 Gb see below

onder = 0.51	-- everything above this value (is in GB) goes to the redict hub.  
boven = 3		-- everything under this value (is in GB) goes to the redict hub.  
-- 				the redict hub bla bla hub below chance it in the correct address of the hub to redict to.  
tHubs = {  
	{ iShare = boven, sDomain = "de redict hub bla bla hub", sName = "\r\n\r\n        ******   Your share size is to small, the minimum share size is set to: 3  GB   ******\r\n\r\n                     take a look in ower Network type in main !network there is more!!\r\n\r\n"}  

-- **************************************************************************************
--				do not change below the this line!
-- **************************************************************************************
MyINFOArrival = function(user, data)
online = frmHub:GetUsersCount()
	if redictbij < online and RedProfiles[user.iProfile] == 1 then    
		local iShareSize = user.iShareSize  
		if tonumber(iShareSize) then  
			iShareSize = (tonumber(iShareSize)/(1024^3))  
			for i in ipairs(tHubs) do  
				if iShareSize < tHubs[i].iShare and iShareSize > onder then  
					user:Redirect(tHubs[i].sDomain, tHubs[i].sName); break  

???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D

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