PtokaX forum

Archive => Archived 4.0 boards => Help with Lua 4 scripts => Topic started by: Northwind on 28 September, 2005, 14:46:39

Title: rmDC and Strongdc block
Post by: Northwind on 28 September, 2005, 14:46:39
I use ptx and this script aint stop tagless strongdc (new version). Secondary i have question is it possible to add function that detect tagless ldc++.

thanks anyway...
--Anti rmDC++ script for PtokaX Lua 5.0.2 by PPK

--ADDED: Anti strongDC++ by Pothead


AdminNick = "[ML]Northwind" -- PM Reports Goto This Nick

Bot = frmHub:GetHubBotName()

function SupportsArrival(curUser, sData)

if string.sub(sData, 10, 11) == "  " then

curUser:SendData( Bot.."We don't support buggy clients")

SendPmToNick(AdminNick,Bot, " rmDC++ from IP: "..curUser.sIP.." koettaa yhdist?? hubiin... heh mutta tuhlaa vain aikaansa ;-)")


return 1

elseif string.find(sData, "Supports UserCommand NoGetINFO NoHello UserIP2 TTHSearch QuickList GetZBlock")then

curUser:SendData( Bot.."We don't support multisource clients")

SendPmToNick(AdminNick,Bot, " StrongDC++ from IP: "..curUser.sIP.." koettaa yhdist?? hubiin... heh mutta tuhlaa vain aikaansa ;-)")


return 1


Post by: Northwind on 29 September, 2005, 13:56:29
does somebody know what is differences in strngDC rc10 cos  this script aint stop it ?
Post by: Pothead on 29 September, 2005, 14:40:58
Strong DC rc 10, emulating DC++
$Supports UserCommand NoGetINFO NoHello UserIP2 TTHSearch GetZBlock |
Post by: Northwind on 29 September, 2005, 15:03:41
so if i type that $support in that old script will the script stop its or is there other client what supports that. I dont wanna kick clients for a mistake...
Post by: Pothead on 29 September, 2005, 16:03:51
Looks a lot like DC++ supports.  ?(
Post by: bastya_elvtars on 29 September, 2005, 18:46:17
Block StrongDC with DCDM++. That's why they made it.
Post by: Northwind on 29 September, 2005, 19:30:33
have to test it :)