***Translators part - Page 4


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***Translators part

Started by Guibs, 31 October, 2003, 03:34:50

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QuoteOriginally posted by Guibs
Hi all,, :)

Hmm,.... i'm confused now about the portuguese & brazilian parts,...

Your language file is well for the portuguese version ?

See with Xokas if the translation is correct to you,...

So, if i get it, there is 2 versions:
Xokas < 'real' portuguese one, (mean lang file is about: lang.por.dat)
Acrespo < brazilian one,, ( & lang file is about lang.br.dat)

Please,, tell me if i get it,... :)

AC,, i don't have all the parts for the dutch work,... Msn rulez,,, ;)

I'm still looking forward italian, swedish, or some other languages... :)

l8tr,, ;)


I am translating to BR (brazilian portuguese). It's slightly different. For this reason is better have two files as you said above. My file can be lang.br.dat

My translations have "Brazilian Portuguese Translation - Part X" title.

I still have a problem to understand a specific line of Part 6:
Minimum share upload value set to

It means a minimum upload speed to share something (old bandwidth limit function)?


Hi there,,

Thks, m8,, I get it, now :)
& about ur question,, i try to explain,,...
- each user can set his own 'minimum upload share value'
- i.e. if Guibs has choosen 5 Gb for this value,, anyone who doesn't have at least 5 Gb can't download on him,,
I hope it's more clear... :)

Nice to see a new language file,, ;)
I've tried your link,... & your archives seems to be corrupt,... :s
Once done the latest translations needed,, would be nice then to post it again,,
For example. I would turn of the report when bad ISP connect.
" Somebody was redirected....."  
< put the ISPNOTIFICATION to 0,, then you shouldn't have again those messages

And the Help men? is comeing into Pm. Thx!
< done in the next version: !answer main / !answer pm
l8tr, ;)
-- Please,... don\'t ask help in Pm,...Forums are made for that, to help everyone & my Inbox pm will be safe,... Thks,,  :))  --
CB forum     /     CB Home page


Ok Guibs than, the translation of line:
Minimum share upload value set to

can be:
O m?nimo de compartilhamento para upload ?

and I change the part 7 bellow, because I didn't understand this feature. Please consider these new translation:

limpou a
Fun??es de hist?rio de IP ativadas
Favor digitar um motivo...
Estat?sticas de chat para
Nenhuma estat?stica online encontrada
nenhuma estat?stica de chat encontrada
Sua estat?stica de chat atual ?
est? fazendo uma procura em
est? fazendo uma procura m?ltipla em
Novo recorde de compartilhamento
novo recorde de contagem de usu?rios
M?xima contagem de usu?rios
Saltando para
Top Compartilhadores
Tempo Total de Funcionamento do Hub
Aqui est? alguma informa??o sobre o Hub
Scripts iniciados desde
Hub iniciado em
Estat?sticas para
foi reiniciado !
Top Registradores
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provavelmente estava fazendo propaganda... mensagem bloqueada:
est? procurando por alguns arquivos proibidos
Nenhum texto encontrado...
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Mensagem para registrados
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Mensagem para Operadores
Mensagem para Moderadores
Mensagem para Administradores
Mensagem para Donos/Fundadores
 deve ser ao menos 3 caracteres
 ou  , e unidade de compartilhamento pode ser: KB, MB, GB, ou TB
onde [usu?rio] ? opcional
Hubs Seguros
Lista Negra para
est? vazio
o limite de compartilhamento para upload atual dele ?
ele n?o tem limite de compartilhamento para upload
tem um n?vel mais alto... voc? n?o pode ver a Lista Negra dele...
Sua Lista Negra est? vazia
Sua Lista Negra
seu limite de compartilhamento para upload atual ?
voc? n?o tem limite de compartilhamento para upload
Fun??es de Lista dos Online ativadas
Nenhum ISP ? permitido nesse hub... favor remover seu ISP atual...


zojuist de ..... geleegd
Ip-History functies geladen
Alstublieft, enter een reden,...
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Geen chat statistieken gevonden
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Nieuw user record
Maximale user aantal
Springt naar
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Totale Hub online tijd
Hier is wat informatie over de hub
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Hub is gestart op
Statistieken voor
zijn gereset !
Top geregistreerde gebruikers
Top niet geregistreerde gebruikers
was waarschijnlijk aan het adverteren,.... geblokte boodschap:
zoekt voor een paar niet toegestane files
Geen tekst gevonden,....
Boodschap voor alle gebruikers
Boodschap voor geregistreerde gebruikers
Boodschap voor regs
Boodschap voor newbies
Boodschap voor vips
Boodschap voor niet geregistreerde gebruikers
Boodschap voor  alle Opsen
Boodschap voor Ops
Boodschap voor Moderators
Boodschap voor Admins
Boodschap voor owners/netwerkfounders
moet op zijn minst 3 karakters hebben
of , en share eenheden die verwacht worden zijn: KB, MB, GB, or TB
waarbij optioneel is
Veilige hubs
Zwarte lijst voor
is leeg
zijn huidige upload snelheids limiet is ingesteld op
hij heeft geen upload snelheids limiet ingesteld
heeft een hoger level,... je kan zijn zwarte lijst niet zien,...
Uw zwarte lijst is leeg
Uw zwarte lijst
Uw huidige upload snelheids limiet is ingesteld op
U heeft geen upload snelheids limiet ingesteld
Lijst online functies zijn ingesteld
Alleen users zonder ISP zijn toegestaan in deze hub,.... bedankt voor het verwijderen van uw huidige ISP


QuoteOriginally posted by Guibs
Hi all,, :)

AC,, i don't have all the parts for the dutch work,... Msn rulez,,, ;)

l8tr,, ;)
tell me wich ?
i think all are in the threads i hope



File updated for the braz lang,,
You can have a rest ;)
& many thks for the work done,, :)

AC,, it was about the first parts,...
Here is the dutch part of CB5 translation

You can find it over here

With thnx to
Sweet_Bitch from Triva Zone
& the link is broken,...
Better contact me on Msn,,, :)

l8tr, ;)
-- Please,... don\'t ask help in Pm,...Forums are made for that, to help everyone & my Inbox pm will be safe,... Thks,,  :))  --
CB forum     /     CB Home page


This is Portuguese version, i?ve just changed Acrespo Version to PT.

Hurry with CB5

limpou a
Fun??es de hist?rio de IP ativadas
Favor escrever um motivo
Estat?sticas de chat para
Nenhuma estat?stica online encontrada
nenhuma estat?stica de chat encontrada
As sua estatisticas s?o
est? fazendo uma procura em
est? fazendo uma procura m?ltipla em
Novo recorde de Share
Novo recorde de Users
Recorde de Users
Saltando para
Top partilhas
Tempo Total de Funcionamento do Hub
Aqui est? alguma informa??o sobre o Hub
Scripts iniciados desde
Hub iniciado em
Estat?sticas para
foi reiniciado !
Top Registradores
Top Desregistradores
provavelmente estava fazendo publicidade... mensagem bloqueada:
est? procurando por alguns ficheiros proibidos
Nenhum texto encontrado...
Mensagem para todos os users
Mensagens para users registrados
Mensagem para registrados
Mensagem para novatos
Mensagem para vips
Mensagem para users n?o registrados
Mensagem para todos os Operadores
Mensagem para Operadores
Mensagem para Moderadores
Mensagem para Administradores
Mensagem para Owner/Founder
deve ser ao menos 3 caract?res
ou , a unidade de share pode ser: KB, MB, GB, ou TB
onde [user] ? opcional
Hubs Seguros
Lista Negra para
est? vazio
o limite de share para upload actual dele ?
ele n?o tem limite de share para upload
tem um n?vel mais alto... voc? n?o pode ver a Lista Negra dele...
Sua Lista Negra est? vazia
Sua Lista Negra
seu limite de share para upload actual ?
voc? n?o tem limite de share para upload
Fun??es de Lista dos Online activadas
Nenhum ISP ? permitido nesse hub... favor remover seu ISP atual...



There is a typo error in second line of Part 7, and Neospider69 copy/paste the same error  :P. Here is the correct line. Please change in lang.br.dat and lang.pt.dat

Fun??es de hist?rico de IP ativadas



Done for the 2 lang,, ;)

As usual,... no hurry there,...
I just want a script who is > working fine <,... & i think you would like it like that too,, ;)
Please,, check also the ' latest translation ' thread,... some lines need to be correct there,, :)

-- Please,... don\'t ask help in Pm,...Forums are made for that, to help everyone & my Inbox pm will be safe,... Thks,,  :))  --
CB forum     /     CB Home page



I haven?t even noticed


i don?t wan?t to rush you, but......God........CB5 promisses, and i can?t hardly wait to get my hands on it

and....checking now the latest translation thread



no worries,, ;)
-- Please,... don\'t ask help in Pm,...Forums are made for that, to help everyone & my Inbox pm will be safe,... Thks,,  :))  --
CB forum     /     CB Home page


Hi dear translators,,

Last added:
990 - Nice share, there... you're in the Topshare List! Your rank is
& i close the file for the moment,.... :)

Current lang files done are:.
- fr
- eng
- spanish
- brasilian
- portuguese
- nl

If you want to have your lang file included into the script,, please get the final file on this link:
english file

Once translated,, contact me in Pm & i could added it into the script,,

Be brave, & good work on it,, :)

l8tr,, ;)
-- Please,... don\'t ask help in Pm,...Forums are made for that, to help everyone & my Inbox pm will be safe,... Thks,,  :))  --
CB forum     /     CB Home page


Brazilian portuguese last line translation:

990 - Bom compartilhamento aqui... voc? est? na lista de Top Compartilhadores! Sua posi??o


Portuguese Translation:

990 - Boa partilha... est?s na lista de top das partilhas! A tua posi??o


990 - Mooie share heeft u... U ben staat in de Topshare Lijst! Uw level is


Hi guibs, I'm happy to see you back

So... for the italian translation, I can try to do, but now I'm daddy so I don't have many times, but I can try...

cu l8r!


Hello everyone,

I?ve seen you got a few translators for the portuguese language, so i will not offer to translate it into Portuguese. ;)
But if you want i?ll translate it into German!



QuoteOriginally posted by xfiles
Hello everyone,

I?ve seen you got a few translators for the portuguese language, so i will not offer to translate it into Portuguese. ;)
But if you want i?ll translate it into German!


^^ JA BITTE, cause I don't know how to translate some lines... sounds more logical in english 4 me

but some ppl will thank you if u could translate it :)
Greez ????_H???z??

??/v\\ \'?\' ?@?? ???? is Secured by RoboCop? Created by Optimus?



I?m allready on it!


Greez ????_H???z??

??/v\\ \'?\' ?@?? ???? is Secured by RoboCop? Created by Optimus?


Hi ^^

And finally the 7 part of spanish

acaba de limpiar el
Funciones de Historico de IP's cargadas
Por favor, introduce una razon,...
Estadisticas del chat para
Ninguna estadistica online encontrada
ninguna estadistica del chat encontrada
Tus estadisticas del chat actuales son
esta haciendo una busqueda en
esta haciendo una busqueda multiple en
Nuevo record de share
Nuevo record de usuarios
Numero maximo de usuarios
Saltando a
Usuarios con mayor share
Tiempo total en funcionamiento del hub
Aqui hay alguna informacion sobre el Hub
Script iniciados desde
Hub iniciado en el
Estadisticas para
ha sido reiniciado !
Maximos Registradores
Maximos Desregistradores
probablemente estaba haciendo publicidad,... mensaje bloqueado:
esta buscando algun archivo prohibido
Ningun texto encontrado,...
Mensaje para todos los usuarios
Mensaje para los usuarios registrados
Mensaje para los registrados
Mensaje para los novatos
Mensaje para los Vips
Mensaje para los usuarios no registrados
Mensaje para todos los Operadores
Mensaje para los Operadores
Mensaje para los Moderadores
Mensaje para los Administradores
Mensaje para los Due?os / Fundadores de la Red
tiene que tener como minimo 3 letras
o , y las unidades de share esperadas son: KB, MB, GB, o TB
donde [usuario] es opcional
Hubs Seguros
Lista Negra para
esta vacio
su limite de share actual para el Upload se ha establecido a
no tiene establecido ningun limite de share para el upload
tiene un nivel mas alto,... no puedes ver su Lista Negra,...
Tu Lista Negra esta vacia
Tu Lista Negra
Tu limite de share para el Upload esta establecido en
no tienes establecido ningun limite de share para el upload
Funciones de ListOnline cargadas
Ningun ISP permitido en este hub,... gracias por quitar tu ISP actual

--> Last Line
990 - Buen share, ... estas en la lista de usuarios con mayor share! Tu rango es
Babylon 5
 TDS Coder
 Let the Game begin

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