Can someone covert Banner 1.0b for the new API


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Can someone covert Banner 1.0b for the new API

Started by ThugLife, 06 February, 2008, 22:34:58

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Code: lua

-- Banner 1.0b LUA 5.1
-- by Mutor The Ugly 7/15/05
--      +Changes from 1.0 12/23/05
--         +Added centering function
--         +Added border 2
--              +Converted to 5.1 03/21/06
--????[ User Settings ]??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
--Send command
BannerCmd = "+banner"
--Max length of allowed banner
MaxLength = 1000
--Border charachter for banner ad
BorderChar1 = "="
--Name for bot
--Bot = frmHub:GetHubBotName()
BannerBot = "PtokaX"
--Menu name pulled from hub, uses hub name for menu
Menu = frmHub:GetHubName()
--Custom submenu
SubMenu ="General"
--Who may use this command/receive context menu
Profiles  = {
[-1] = 0, --Unregistered User
  • = 1, --Master
    [1] = 1, --Operator
    [2] = 1, --Vip
    [3] = 0, --Registered User
    [4] = 1, --Moderator
    [5] = 1, --NetFounder
    --????[ End User Settings ]??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    function Main()
       if BannerBot ~= frmHub:GetHubBotName() then
          frmHub:RegBot(BannerBot, 1, "I Send Banner Advertisements", "")

    function NewUserConnected(user)
       if Profiles[user.iProfile] == 1 then
          user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..Menu.."\\"..SubMenu.."\\Hub Banner $<%[mynick]> "..BannerCmd.." %[line:Banner Text]&#124;")

    OpConnected = NewUserConnected

    function ChatArrival(user, data)
    local s,e,cmd = string.find(data, "%b<>%s+(%p%w+)")
    local s,e,advert = string.find(data,"%b<>%s+%S+%s+(.+)")
       if (cmd==BannerCmd) then
             if not advert then
                local reply1 = "Nothing to send, try again."
                return 1
             elseif Profiles[user.iProfile] == 1 then
                if cmd and advert then
                   if string.len(advert) > MaxLength then
                      local reply2 = "\tThat banner has too many charachters ["..string.len(advert).."]. "..
                      "The maximum number characters allowed is "..MaxLength
                      return 1
                      return 1
                SendToNick(user.sName,"Sorry "..user.sName..", your not allowed use of the "..BannerCmd.." command.")
                return 1

    function SendBanner(user,advert)
       local border = "\r\n\r\n"
       local border1 = border..string.rep("=",10).." Banner by "..user.sName.." "..string.rep("=",75).."\r\n\r\n"
       local border2 = border..string.rep("=",75).." Banner by "..user.sName.." "..string.rep("=",10)..".\r\n."
       if user and advert then
       return 1

    Spacer = function(str,len)
       if str then
       local tab = ""
          if string.len(str) < len then
             local count = ((len - string.len(str)) / 2) / 10
             if count > 0 then
                for x = 1,count do
                   tab = tab.."\t"
       str = nil
       return tab
    Code: lua
Skype: galin93

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