DixBot is totally ruining my hub

DixBot is totally ruining my hub

Started by Morrowind, 15 December, 2014, 18:55:20

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so i am using DiXBoT v2.1 Build 3072 (07.14.11)
and ptoka x

and i hate it that i've been trying to fix it whole day, and i m keep getting disappointed.  :(

as soon as turn on script

and type command, for eg. !trivstart

in few secs it closes my HUB -_-

see the IMAGE

I would be grateful for a fix. :)


I noticed 1 thing.. my hub doesn't download anything, says filesize is zero, perhaps a wrong type ip to country causing Ptokax to crash?
21:00:24] <DiXBoT Downloader> Nothing to do! http://www.dixbot.com/dixbot/dl//ip-to-country.csv.zip filesize is zero.
keep on sharing :)


You may try this. I hope it will fix the above problem.

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