trivia ex - Page 4


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trivia ex

Started by c h i l l a, 07 January, 2004, 15:13:55

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Well I also think the command comes in quite handy,
so no offence but , Could you add..., is defetly the
better way to ask.

Ahm delete your old config file before installing the new version.

V 0.68


Syntax error: `=' expected;
  last token read: `function' at line 20 in file `F:\PtokaX\scripts\Trivia-Ex-V.0.68.lua'

What did I o wrong?
Norges DC hub nummer 1!


I don't know, if you did something wrong or me, but I'll
check it out, till then you could try a clean install, maybe back up your old settings and scores, and just install
the script from the package, and hope the error is gone.


what are the profile for.
\and i can not get the commands to work

what are they and if it is controld bye the prifiles can you add mine that i use in my hub please here they are



Odin I am sorry, but I couldn't recall the error,
could you tell me when the error occured, here,
it would have happened when the function OnExit()
is called.
Does anybody else usning this script have the same error?

night_hawk here is a exsample,

TrivEx._Profiles = {}

TrivEx._Profiles.Normal = {
	[0] = "Master",
	[1] = "Operator",
	[2] = "VIP",
	[3] = "Reg",
	[-1] = "Noobs",

TrivEx._Profiles.Config = {
	[0] = "Master",
	[1] = "Operator",
	[2] = "VIP",
	[3] = "Reg",

TrivEx._Profiles["Config+"] = {
	[0] = "Master",
	[1] = "Operator",

now if you want all your profiles to be allowed to use all commands

you would have to do this

TrivEx._Profiles = {}

TrivEx._Profiles.Normal = {
	[0] = "Master",
	[1] = "Operator",
	[2] = "VIP",
	[3] = "Reg",
	[4] = "Mod",
	[5] = "NetFound",
	[-1] = "Noobs",

TrivEx._Profiles.Config = {
	[0] = "Master",
	[1] = "Operator",
	[2] = "VIP",
	[3] = "Reg",
	[4] = "Mod",
	[5] = "NetFound",

TrivEx._Profiles["Config+"] = {
	[0] = "Master",
	[1] = "Operator",
	[2] = "VIP",
	[3] = "Reg",
	[4] = "Mod",
	[5] = "NetFound",

as you can see the name is actually not important, but
the Profileindex is.
I can almost assure you to 99% that it works. And you
should get results when typing, +trivhelp
Unless I coded some weird things again that only work
in my hub


i only want ops mod netfounder and masters to be able to change trivia settings how do i set it up for that..


one more they my users told me it doesnot show there scores adding up when they answer a question and there seed to here is and example from the lold on eif you can get it to do this in the new one it would be great

  Correct dildi the answer was "isis", You get 3 Point(s). Answer solved in 39.09 sec.
[12:40] dildi's Stats, Score: 7 Point(s), Answerd Questions: 2, Average Answering Time: 63.58 sec.

shows usewr got 3 poits then total score 7 than average time

in the new one it dose not do this can you set t up to do that again thank you..


QuoteOriginally posted by chill
Odin I am sorry, but I couldn't recall the error,
could you tell me when the error occured, here,
it would have happened when the function OnExit()
is called.
Does anybody else usning this script have the same error?

My fault, wordwrap in notepad :/. I've even done that before :D
Norges DC hub nummer 1!


QuoteCould you add..., is defetly the the better way to ask

Thanx chill, for replying my both questions . I am sorry if i hurt ur ego.  In fact I was getting erroneous results. It was fine when i configured it in editplus(editor) .This is a great game scriptand best trivia .and the question file of 134744 question is too much to ask about.


hey _Satan_ its okey and forgotten, hope you can still
make use of the command lol.

Odin you also managed to set it up :).

night_hawk to get the full detailed stuff, do this

TrivEx._Sets.showcorrectanswer = 1

and your profiles should look like this

TrivEx._Profiles.Normal = {
	[0] = "Master",
	[1] = "Operator",
	[2] = "VIP",
	[3] = "Reg",
	[4] = "Mod",
	[5] = "Net",
	[-1] = "Noobs",

TrivEx._Profiles.Config = {
	[0] = "Master",
	[1] = "Operator",
	[4] = "Mod",
	[5] = "Net",

TrivEx._Profiles["Config+"] = {
	[0] = "Master",
	[1] = "Operator",
	[4] = "Mod",
	[5] = "Net",

Hawk also put up another questionfile for me,
it is smaller but has less doubles, and no Movie
and Year questions.
80.000 Questions

Other thing is does anybody know, if there are any
convetions about the questions file, I know usually
they are devided by *, but do they also divide by
category by *  or maybe by : ?,
Just the $ sign was from early trivia, when I thaught
we would need 2 $$ to identify Question and Answer


I got a runtime error so I change the line; 399 to this;
self:SendToPlayers(curUser.sName.."'s Stats, Score: "..self._Scores[curUser.sName].Score.." Point(s), Answerd Questions: "..self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[2]..", Average Answering Time: "..format("%.2f",self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[3]).." sec.")
Dont know if its correctly done by me, but the script runs very well.
Nice work chill. :)


Thx Vidfamme :)

The code looks good, so I'd say everybody should
change it to that line...


Hi Chill,

I've tried converting your script to LUA 5.2 to use with the new PtokaX hub version build 16.05.

however m8 when i go into the script editor to check the script i get this error.

Syntax [string "-- Trivia Ex V 0.68 by chill..."]:20: `=' expected near `function'

I know that error has been reported before m8, but i think it was with LUA 4 hub.

Any help would be much appreciated.


MusicMan?  :D  :D  :D



I've just installed this on a new hub running Ptokax build 16.06

When I start it up, I get the following error:

Syntax C:\Program Files\Hub\scripts\Trivia-Ex-V.0.68.lua:294: unexpected symbol near `%'

Line 294 is %self._PMPlayers[nick] = nil

Anyone know how to fix this please?

Michael  :))


try this one, works fine on freshly installed 16.08 so should work on yours to
PtokaxWiki ?PtokaX Mirror + latest Libs



can you change over your Trivia-Ex-V.0.66 over to lua for me i can send you the script if you give me your email addy thank you...or any one


QuoteOriginally posted by night_hawk
can you change over your Trivia-Ex-V.0.66 over to lua for me i can send you the script if you give me your email addy thank you...or any one

Check this thread.

Best regards,



that is not what i want...i want the verion i use chaged over...My user like it and do not like the new verion at all....


QuoteOriginally posted by night_hawk
that is not what i want...i want the verion i use chaged over...My user like it and do not like the new verion at all....

If u had more attention u would have seen that I posted the link to Trivia Ex v0.65 (Lua 5) in that thread.


i did see that i need the Ex-V.0.66 not the Ex-V.0.65

i tried the Ex-V.0.65 verion and it does not show the scores or the winning streaks at all..


night_hawk the new trivbot has options to show or not show streaks m8ee, and will auto take the question pack from old lua4 script  ver .68.
if ya want i'll mail it ya
-=U=K=?=E=T=-???? the friendly network from good old blighty.


QuoteOriginally posted by night_hawk
i did see that i need the Ex-V.0.66 not the Ex-V.0.65

i tried the Ex-V.0.65 verion and it does not show the scores or the winning streaks at all..

Fixed those bugs. Grab it here.



hi ,i m using Trivia Ex V 0.68a by chill,for my hub.i m encountering following problem. whenever trivia bot ask a particular question(question no.420) it sticks keep asking the same question again and again.the only soln is to restart the script.after restarting it works fine for a while then again problem comes.plz help

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