Invite Users Script


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Invite Users Script

Started by death_invader777, 01 February, 2008, 16:44:09

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Can There Be A script that invite users from other hubs.......(Hub addys Will be edited by me)

and The autoreg script doesnt work wen oder scripts r in use ( Like Lucifer 6.6, rincewind's games nd Poll)

thanx in advance

Yours Sincierly


Quote from: death_invader777 on 01 February, 2008, 16:44:09
Can There Be A script that invite users from other hubs.......(Hub addys Will be edited by me)
That would mean that you are planning to advertise in other hubs, that?s sure gonna make you popular  :o Or famous

Quote from: death_invader777 on 01 February, 2008, 16:44:09and The autoreg script doesnt work wen oder scripts r in use ( Like Lucifer 6.6, rincewind's games nd Poll)
Are yu sure that the script fits the version of px you are running?


Invite Users from selected hubs only...........(With The approval of hub owners)

And I use v3.60 and i use the regbot script available on finished script forum......


How about posting the erroneous code? :)
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


srry for my bad english

My Ptokax version is 3.60 and i use the regbot script made by nErBoS


Well, you should post the script, either attached or the code itself.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


--## Secure Pass and Nick (thanks to RabidWombat)
--## Made by nErBoS
--## Updated to Lua 5 by Pothead
--## Commands;
--##   !regme - Register the user who uses the command
--   +Mod request by Mutor 6/26/05 request by Loading
--      +Added User, Op and Main chat message
--      +Added check if nick is already registered
sBot = "Reg-Bot"

function Main()

function ChatArrival(user, data)
   if (string.sub(data,1,1) == "<" or string.sub(data,1,5+strlen(sBot)) == "$To: "..sBot) then
      data = string.sub(data,1,string.len(data)-1)
      s,e,cmd = string.find(data, "%b<>%s+(%S+)")
      if (cmd == "!regme") then
         if not frmHub:isNickRegged(user.sName)   then
            local s,e,pass = string.find(data, "%b<>%s+%S+%s+(%S+)")
            if (pass == nil) then
               user:SendData(sBot, "Syntax Error, !regme , you must write a password.")
            elseif (string.find(pass, "[%c|\n\r]")) then
               user:SendData(sBot, "Invalid Password. Try Again.")
            elseif (string.find(user.sName, "[%c|\n\r]")) then
               user:SendData(sBot, "Your nick is invalid. Please choose a new one.")
               AddRegUser(user.sName, pass, 3)
               local OpMsg="The User ( "..user.sName.." )\r\n"..
               "With the IP: ( "..user.sIP.." )\r\n"..
               "With this Share: ( "..user.iShareSize.." )\r\n"..
               "With this Connection: ( "..user.sConnection.." )\r\n"..
               "With this Mode: ( "..user.sMode.." )\r\n"..
               "With this E-Mail: ( "..user.sEmail.." )\r\n"..
               "With this Client: ( "..user.sClient.." )\r\n\r\n"..
               "Registered Theirself \r\n"..
               "With the Pass: ( "..pass.." )\r\n"
               local UserPm="You are Now Registered\r\n"..
               "With the Nick: ( "..user.sName.." )\r\n"..
               "With the pass: ( "..pass.." )\r\n"..
               "Your IP: ( "..user.sIP.." )\r\n"..
               "Your Share: ( "..user.iShareSize.." )\r\n"..
               "Your Connection: ( "..user.sConnection.." )\r\n"..
               "Your Mode: ( "..user.sMode.." )\r\n"..
               "Your E-Mail: ( "..user.sEmail.." )\r\n"..
               "Your Client: ( "..user.sClient.." )\r\n\r\n"..
               "***Please reconnect and type your password.***\r\n"
               local MainMsg="\r\n"..
               "(\ ,_____,-/) \r\n"..
               "_.-'-.( d\_/b ).-'-._ \r\n"..
               "/'.-' ' .---. ' '-. \ The User ( "..user.sName.." ) Registered Theirself \r\n"..
               "/' .' (= (_) =) '. \ \r\n"..
               "/' .', -.__.-.__.-' ,'. \ WELCOME TO "..string.upper(frmHub:GetHubName()).." !\r\n"..
               "( .'. V V ; '. ) \r\n"..
               "( :: -,__.-.__,-' :: ) \r\n"..
               "} / :. .:' \ { \r\n"..
               "} / :. :' \ { \r\n"..
               "} ( ( :. .: ) ) { \r\n"..
               "( ( ( :. :' ) ) ) \r\n"..
               "( ( \ :. .: / ) ) \r\n"..
               "( ( \ :. .:'/ ) ) \r\n"..
               ") ( \ :. .:'/' ) ( \r\n"..
               "( )_ ) :._.:' ( _( ) \r\n"..
               "\ ' _) .' . (_ / \r\n"..
               "\ '_) / .'' ''. \ (_ / \r\n"..
               "'' \ ( ) / '' \r\n"..
               "___ '.'. .'.' ___ \r\n"..
               ". ''''''-- _) (_'--'''''' \r\n"..
               "(_(_(___...--''' '''--...___)_)_) \r\n"
               return 1
                user:SendData("\t\t*** Sorry, the username "..user.sName.." is already registered")
            return 1

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