Freestyles Script


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Main Menu

Freestyles Script

Started by Ma?t?r_JO, 13 April, 2005, 21:33:10

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Mozambique is a country with very good Rappers (but the world doesent know it)
Allmost every evening we make freestyles in the main chat, but when someone is rappin all the ppl get exited an talk in the main.
I need a script that lets me tchoose the ones that I want to see talking on the mainchat. Its no like a gag...

Plz help me out


What about using a message board like CodeBoard for this purpose?
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


hi m8  

maby one of the  Chat room  scripts  would be better  ...

try this



I thought that he wants freestylers to be seeable but not interruptable. He might want a freestyle-mode when only people in a certain list are allowed to use main, and preferably anyone can be added.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


Hi m8  ..  

Something like this  ...  

untested  ..  but looks like it will work  :P

--  By ??????Hawk?????? 14/04/2005
	Chatters = {}
	BOTName = "Freestyles"
	Fs = 0

function ChatArrival(curUser, data) 
	data = string.sub(data,1,string.len(data)-1)
	local _,_,tCmd,tUser = string.find( data, "%b<>%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+).*" )
		if tUser == nil then
			 _,_,tCmd = string.find( data, "%b<>%s+(%S+).*" )
	if curUser.bOperator then 
		if (tCmd=="!fson") then 
			SendToAll(BOTName, curUser.sName.." Has Activated "..BOTName.." Only Invited Users will have use of main chat . PM and op to be invited.") 
			Fs = 1
			return 1
		elseif (tCmd == "!fsoff") then 
			SendToAll(BOTName, curUser.sName.." Has Disabled "..BOTName.." All Users have Use of main chat.") 
			Fs = 0
			Chatters = {}
			return 1
		elseif (tCmd == "!invite") and tUser then 
			Chatters[tUser] = 1
			SendToAll(BOTName, tUser.." Has Been Invited to take part in "..BOTName) 
			return 1
		elseif (tCmd == "!remove") and tUser then 
			Chatters[tUser] = nil
			SendToAll(BOTName, tUser.." Has Been removed from taking part in "..BOTName) 
			return 1
	elseif curUser.bOperator == nil and not Chatters[curUser.sName] and Fs == 1 then
	 	curUser:SendData(BOTName,"Main Chat has Been temporarily  Been Disabled for a "..BOTName.." Session.")
		return 1

function OpConnected(curUser) 
	curUser:SendData("$UserCommand 255 |") -- clear
	curUser:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..BOTName.."\\ON$<%[mynick]> !fson||")
	curUser:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..BOTName.."\\OFF$<%[mynick]> !fsoff||")
	curUser:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..BOTName.."\\Invite$<%[mynick]> !invite %[nick]||")
	curUser:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..BOTName.."\\Remove$<%[mynick]> !remove %[nick]||")



From what I understood, he wants a script that would allow him to see only the lines written by certain users (those Rappers) and at the same time letting everyone else speak freely.
Guess something like a custom nick's written text finder without main disabler for the others (yikes, where did I get that?) :D  



I hope that will work...

If you did not get it, the most important thing is that<<< THE OPS CAN SELECT THE ONLY USER THAT WILL TALK>>>

Thanks Hawk for the code... I'll try it now...


I've tested it, and it WORKS !!!!
Its just fine Hawk !!!
Thanks !!!!!!

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