[LUA 4/5] Quote System


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[LUA 4/5] Quote System

Started by jattboi, 13 June, 2005, 20:27:55

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Is it possible for a quote system where OPs or VIP members can add funny quote's to a bot, which saves them to a .dat (anything or .txt)..
and ops n vips can add quotes like..
+Qadd and the quote automatically assigned a number so its easier to delete the quote

and also modify
which overwrites the quote eg #11 with an improved one.

And its only possible for ops to delete or modify quotes

*reminds me of irc, catchin people sayin funny things*

Cheers Jas


try searching the forum at least 3 bots exist that can do that, and more !
Ignorance is Bliss.


i did search, love the flash movie in ur sig lol.. did a search for quote, but it also does searchs with the forum code "quote" so.. ill try different wording thanx

Edit - did a search nothing reali which my criteria, where people can add their own quotes, cuz dese r quotes taken from the hub, from our own members stupidity and us ops at sometimes. found a joke bot and quote bot, joke bot had pre-installed jokes on random talk and so did quote bot where it talks by itself.. nothing really matchin my criteria.. hmm if u can point in the right direction many thanx..

"The sheep are blind without their shepperd" lol


try "memories" by nightlitch
Ignorance is Bliss.

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