MyInfo Manager for Reg Hubs


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MyInfo Manager for Reg Hubs

Started by blastbeat, 27 March, 2007, 17:27:29

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i have developed my desc tag sript a little bit further.


- myinfomanager for reghubs by blastbeat v0.6
- based on hawks desc tag and mutors description censor script

- this script can manipulate the myinfo of an user:
	- you can set a special tag for every userprofile which will be shown in the description of the users
	- you can to set a special tag for certain users independently of their profile
	- you can change the description, connection type, email and client tag for certain users
	- you can reset manipulated myinfos of users to default
	- you can scan description/email for bad strings

- how to use:
	- adjust settings (profiles, permissions, immune profile/bad words)
	- to change myinfo use the rightclick with should appear in userlist or use the cmd !cud n/d/s/e/c/t <nickname> <string> to overwrite specialtag/description/share/email/connection/client tag of <nickname> with <string>
	- to reset myinfo of user use rightclick/reset or use !cud with any postfix without <string>
	- to reset all use !managertoggle r
	- to overwrite the client tag of an user you have to put the string into <>, for example <++YourHubClient>, otherwise the tag maybe wont be shown correctly
	- to start bad string scan use rightclick 
	- you can decide to send a report to a censored user; use Toggle Status Message in rightclick
	- user with overwritten myinfo are not scanned

- versioninfo/changelog:
	- versions date: 3/27/07


Thanks for comments,

Here is the LUA 5.1.1 version


Hallo blastbeat.
I see that is very goog script, but I have small problem:

[16:04] Syntax ...omanager for reghubs by blastbeat v0.6 LUA 5.1.1.lua:345: attempt to concatenate field 'tagToShow' (a nil value)

Could You write me what I should take in this situation?, sorry for my English, Respect from Poand



Hi MacGyver

what ptokax/lua version do you use? is your hub a reg only hub? at the moment the script doesent support unregged users, but i working on
translation of the version 0.7 which supports it. i think in a few days i can upload it here



I use PtokaX DC Hub My HUB is not reg, becouse it working inside academic's in Warsaw and people with University administration don't give us exterior IP :-( . Thank You very much for Your help, I waiting for the version 0.7. I cross my fingers For You.




here is v0.7 in english for LUA 5.1.1:

- versioninfo/changelog:
	- versions date: 3/29/07
	- script partially rewritten
	- bug with apex/zk++ user corrected
	- new function: rebuild all myinfos 
	- new function: unreg users are now supported


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