Trivia Ex V 0.681


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Trivia Ex V 0.681

Started by [NL]Daddy-Bear?, 26 April, 2007, 16:27:07

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Hello it?s me again.

The original lua from chill.  >>  Trivia Ex V 0.681

Just added some things.

Autostart after Trivia Break Time in minutes, given up in advance in the script.
Mem use info.
Some thinks for the eye looking in main.


???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D


can u plzz add teams in trivia


script is not starting
[22:52] Trivia-Ex-V.0.681.lua loaded.
[22:52] Syntax cannot open TRIVIA/TriviaExScores.txt: No such file or directory


Quote from: achiever on 26 April, 2007, 19:30:02
[22:52] Syntax cannot open TRIVIA/TriviaExScores.txt: No such file or directory

The error notice says it all, you dont have a file called TriviaExScores.txt in your scripts/TRIVIA folder
PtokaxWiki ?PtokaX Mirror + latest Libs



I smell the lack of trivia folder inside scripts.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


well yes both were missing, made both, script started and again
[11:47] Script started.
[11:47] Syntax ...ds\[Fusion Hub]\scripts\Trivia-Ex-V.0.681.lua:709: bad argument #1 to 'random' (interval is empty)


I think ur spose to replace existing script wit it  ;) try this  copy an paste  lolz
works fine for me     nice
thx  [NL]DB

                            *TriVia Action*

      Trivia stopped for 5 mins due to Autostop, 20 questions weren't answered in a row.
            Memory usage on this moment 130 Kb


Hello it?s me again.

You are right,   Offski??????

But now I have added the folder TRIVIA in the rar.    ;D
Witch contains the txt file?s.



???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D


thanks for help [NL]Daddy-Bear? .


sorry for posting my request again but i will like to have teams in trivia ... can it be possible ??


can u plzz change the script such that the question when comes for the first time there is some hint already present i.e
QuoteQUESTION 876:  Name the three main bands featured on the cartoon series 'Jem' during it's entire 3 year run.
HINT:  ??? ??? ??? ????????????? ??????????? ????????
instead of this, can it be:
QuoteName the three main bands featured on the cartoon series 'Jem' during it's entire 3 year run.
HINT:  a?? a?? a?? a???????????? a?????????? a???????

i.e the first letters of the words should be seen.

and even i would like teams so can u plzz add it too?



i will like to have the option if clear scores in this script plzzzzz


Hello it?s me again.

And hello Yahoo and achiever.

Just type in main, !triviascorereset it will reset the score.

Teams hmmm sorry no solution found yet.

Or use this RightClickBot v1.0TBR by Late@421

-- RightClickBot v1.0TBR by Late@421 - Feb 7,2004 -
-- Thanx Haard for Ideas from your SDCH User Commands
--  Converted to lua 5 by Hemarr
-- Ralig's Trivia Version for LUA
-- The z before the filename is because PtokaX loads the script in alpabetical order.
-- This way All scripts finish their checks so no bandwidth is wasted on donkeys and fakers
-- All Commands Are Fired in the Main Chat
-- This Script implements support in PtokaX Hub for the $UserCommand Extension
-- for details on this please visit the DC++ wiki pages
-- Syntax
-- $UserCommand <type> <context> <details>|
-- <type> What is the command?
-- 0 = separator 
-- 1 = raw - Most Commands
-- 2 = mainchat - File Related Commands - to prevent sending command more than once in search results
-- 255 = erase all previous commands
-- <context> What is the command for?
-- 1 = Hub Command - Hub Settings etc...
-- 2 = User Command - User List - commands with %[nick]
-- 4 = File Command - Search Window
-- 3 = 1 + 2 = Hub and User
-- 5 = 1 + 4 = Hub and File
-- 6 = 2 + 4 = User and File
-- 7 = 1 + 2 + 4 = Hub, User and File 
-- <details> Differs per <type>
-- <type> 0 = leave blank
-- <type> 1 = <title>$<command> or <menu>\<title>$<command> 
-- <type> 2 = see type 1
-- <type> 255 = leave blank

-- Editable Settings --

sMenu = "TRiViA"

-- End Editable Settings --

function NewUserConnected(user)

function OpConnected(user)

function TrivCommands(user)
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 0 3 |") -- Separator
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\Scores Me$<%[mynick]> !trivmyscore&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\top Scores$<%[mynick]> !trivscore&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\Help$<%[mynick]> !trivhelp&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\Show Players$<%[mynick]> !trivplayers&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\Shows you hint$<%[mynick]> !trivhint&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\Skip the question$<%[mynick]> !trivskip&#124;|")

function TrivOPCommands(user)
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\Start$<%[mynick]> !trivstart&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\Stop$<%[mynick]> !trivstop&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\Starts with QuesNr.$<%[mynick]> !trivquestion %[line:Enter number here]&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\reset Scores\\reset$<%[mynick]> !triviascorereset %[line:Warning are you sure?]&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\Set TriviaMain\\set$<%[mynick]> !triviamain&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\Set Triviapm\\set$<%[mynick]> !triviapm&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\trivhint on\\set$<%[mynick]> !triviahint on&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\trivhint off\\set$<%[mynick]> !triviahint off&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\trivskip on\\set$<%[mynick]> !triviaskip on&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\trivskip off\\set$<%[mynick]> !triviaskip off&#124;|")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\triviachangemode\\set$<%[mynick]> !triviachangemode&#124;|")
       user:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 "..sMenu.."\\OP\\add a question$<%[mynick]> !trivaddquestion %[line:Category/Question/Answers]&#124;|")



???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D


i am facing a problem the trivia game starts automatically Whenever i start the hub trivia starts or even when i restart the scripts or a script it starts automatically. Infact When My anti advertisement script send any message trivia game starts.. can somebody help me plzzzzz


thanks for the right click bot, its helpful a lot.

Quote from: [NL]Daddy-Bear? on 01 May, 2007, 19:31:44
Teams hmmm sorry no solution found yet.
hope u find some way out for this soon

Quote from: achiever on 27 April, 2007, 19:27:07
can u plzz change the script such that,the questions when come for the first time there is some hint already present i.e the first letters of the words should be seen.
can u plzz make this modification.



try if this helps

change this

TrivEx._Sets.StartOnMain = 1               -- 1 = Trivia starts on Main(), 0 = Trivia doesn't start on Main()

to this

TrivEx._Sets.StartOnMain = 0               -- 1 = Trivia starts on Main(), 0 = Trivia doesn't start on Main()

hope this sorts it for you



thanks Offski?????? it is working


This script works great.

Is it possible to put 1 more option of RANK, so that after any user gives correct answer it will show as,

Quote<Trivia>  - Rank: ( 16 / 23 ), 9 Point(s) behind Cotton-Candy


ya gud thought creative is it possible to have somthing like this
Quote<Trivia>vinny's Total =4+55=59. Rank = 20th/112 - 2 behind futre-vu


Hi [NL]Daddy-Bear? ..

The Trivia script is working great. But now im getting some problem in it..... when any user gives correct answer, the answer is shown 2 times.... i am pasting it,

Quote<Creative> when i think of you
<Bot> Correct SwapY?, the answer is "when i think of you". You get 3 Point(s). Answer solved in 142.56 sec.
<Bot> SwapY?'s Stats, Score: 88 Point(s), Answered Questions: 23, Average Answering Time: 57.92 sec.
<Bot> There goes Turbo's streak of 4
<Creative> when i think of you


Hello it?s me again.

For the question to start with the first letter. See in the script and play with the settings.
Example line 155 and 156

TrivEx._Sets.revealques = 1					-- 1 = Random displaying of hints, 2 = Displays the first letters of the hint first (Grands Trivia).
TrivEx._Sets.trivshowhint = 2					-- 1 = reveal by number of chars 2 = reveal by number of hints

Try to change it in:

TrivEx._Sets.revealques = 2					-- 1 = Random displaying of hints, 2 = Displays the first letters of the hint first (Grands Trivia).
TrivEx._Sets.trivshowhint = 2					-- 1 = reveal by number of chars 2 = reveal by number of hints

See what happens, there are more settable thinks in the lua just play with it.

For the points question below update version, tested for a short time looks okay here.
Best I can do right now.

Creative problem here not visible sorry.
[22:59:12] <*Trivia*> QUESTION Nr. 31 from 7603 Questions.
   > Category: Aardrijkskunde - Point(s): 10 - Valid Answers: 1
   QUESTION: Hoe heet land tussen dijk en zomerbed.
   HINT:  ??????????
[22:59:24] <[NL]Daddy-Bear?> uiterwaard
[22:59:24] <*Trivia*> 

                  *TriVia Action*

      Correct [NL]Daddy-Bear?, the answer is "uiterwaard". You get 10 Point(s).
      Jou have now 2 + 10 = 12 Point(s). Answer solved in 12.63 sec.
         Memory usage on this moment  138 Kb


[22:59:39] <*Trivia*> QUESTION Nr. 5475 from 7603 Questions.
   > Category: Vulin - Point(s): 4 - Valid Answers: 1
   QUESTION: schapen...breuk.
   HINT:  ????

Have fun with it.



???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D


thanks [NL]Daddy-Bear?,iis it possible to put only tht part of the script in which you have made changes(score changes).. as i have made lot of changes in the old script to suit my hub and if i use the new script i have to do all tht changes again which is a bit time consuming as i am not a scripter like you guys.

thanks in advance


Hello it?s me again.

Yohoo here the last changes in the lua for what gifs this info below.

      Correct [NL]Daddy-Bear?, the answer is "uiterwaard". You get 10 Point(s).
      Jou have now 2 + 10 = 12 Point(s). Answer solved in 12.63 sec.
          Memory usage on this moment  138 Kb

Starting on line 420 ends on 436

Good luck.

if self._Scores[curUser.sName] then
	puntnul = self._Scores[curUser.sName].Score
	puntennu = self._Scores[curUser.sName].Score + curTriv.points
	puntnul = 0
	puntennu = puntnul + curTriv.points
		memgebruik = gcinfo()
	local msg3="\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t*TriVia Action*\r\n"
        msg3 = msg3.."\t================================================================================\r\n\r\n"
	msg3 = msg3.."\t\tCorrect "..curUser.sName..", the answer is \""..corrans.."\". You get "..curTriv.points.." Point(s).\r\n\t\tJou have now "..puntnul.." + "..curTriv.points.." = "..puntennu.." Point(s). Answer solved in "..ansTime.." sec.\r\n"
	msg3 = msg3.." "
	msg3 = msg3.."\t\t\tMemory usage on this moment  "..memgebruik.." Kb\r\n\r\n"
        msg3 = msg3.."\t================================================================================\r\n\r\n"

Have fun.


???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D


the line no. u mentioned is line no. of which script old trivia script or new trivia script
bcoz in my script line no 420 to 436 is as follows
self._Scores[curUser.sName].Streak = 1
						self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime = { tonumber(ansTime),1,tonumber(ansTime) }
					if (self._Sets.showcorrectanswer == 1) then
						self:SendToPlayers(curUser.sName.."'s Stats, Score: "..self._Scores[curUser.sName].Score.." Point(s), Answered Questions: "..self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[2]..", Average Answering Time: "..string.format("%.2f",self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[3]).." sec.")
					-- Show other answeres if present
					if curTriv.availans > 1 then
					-- Check for Streak
					return 1
			elseif (TrivEx._Sets.showcorrectanswer == 2) then
				-- Show right answer
				local talked = nil


Hello it?s me again.

Idd Yohoo it?s a different version.   :(
Mend the line no: in the lua with was posted above.


???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D

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