Redirect Array + online check + remote acces finalversion . exe

Redirect Array + online check + remote acces finalversion . exe

Started by -RICK-, 14 March, 2007, 00:56:08

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This tool is the most simple tool u can get
it test all hubs in your network online/offline
and its got a inbuild redirect array / client login for remote acces

So i hope you all stop asking me to build one HERE it is :)))

If it wont start install (2)

Have fun with it

small note (after adding your hubs please close it and restart it hubs will be saved after closing if it crashes u dont have to add all hubs again :))

// V2
solved Bug // add remove offline in array

// V2.01
intern ip to extern ip converter (to ping hub on host)
Save all settings on start

// fixed negative count crash
// tested 2 hours on 30 users a second

// added login to hub
// added remote commands threu hub

<rick> ^help
[01:33:24] <OARH>  trigger =  ^  on = online hubs / off = offline hubs / all = all hubs /  add = add hub / rem = remove hub / tot = total redirected / logon / logof / ping = start pinging

[01:33:54] <OARH> total : 12998

// added protected nicks using commands and extra info


hehe replaced wrong file :))

//Final version
[01:32:34] <OARH> 
   ---------------- Help----------------
   trigger =  ^ 
   on = Shows which hubs were online when pinging
   off = Shows which hubs were offline when pinging
   all = Shows all  hubs that are in pingerlist
   add = Adds a hub to pingerlist
   rem = Removes a hub from pingerlist
   tot = Gives a total count of redirected users
   logon = Shows pinger results when pinging hubs
   logof = Logs off the pinger
   ping = Starts the pinger
   showon = Shows which users were redirected
   showoff = Stop show which users were redirected
   showlog = Shows timelog of offline hubs until online
   clearlog = Empties the log
   addnick nick = Grants a user access to botcommands
   delnick nick = Removes a user to access botcommands
   cmdon = Gives everyone in hub access to botcommands
   cmdoff = Disables botcommands
   stats = Shows Arraystats
   tempadd = Puts redirecting to this hub on hold
   temprem = Restores redirecting to this hub
   showtemp = Shows hubs in templist
<rick> ^stats
[01:37:27] <OARH> 
   ---------------- Stats----------------
   32 : hubs in network
   28 : Online
   4 : Offline
   1 : Hubs in templist
   7 : Users redirected
   Nicks in oplist
   Commands for all : Off

all requested commands added



Finally a new and updated and improved redirect array.
I know this will come in handy for many networks :)
good work here   ;)

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