- RoboCop v4.0 - Testdrive 3 or Higher! - Page 17


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- RoboCop v4.0 - Testdrive 3 or Higher!

Started by Optimus, 12 October, 2003, 23:07:26

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QuoteOriginally posted by DJDelta
QuoteOriginally posted by Optimus
Well RoboCopv5.0c-Beta  will be Out in about 1a2 weeks.

Can you include there sharecheck options ? I mean [ FileChecker.lua, rewrite of a 'SearchKick' bot ] and can you make it to send all info to OpChat instead mainchat ?

Greetz !

don't beat ! i'm new here ... lol

DJDelta in FileChecker.lua u can put the msg in PM... just open settings of the client u are using and turn on the option Popup messages from users that are not online (...... (You can see this Option in Settings--->Advance)


It's workin' man !! TX !!
-------- Don\'t argue with a stupid man --------
-------- He\'ll put you down on his level --------
--- Than he\'ll beat you with his experience ---



I made a Vip in my hub, but after a while it does bad thing to my Ops. They wan to kick them , I was not there
now they see this in the main when then try to kick him

 <-=T-G-T=-> *** You are not allowed to Kick Vips/Operators or Masters!

I think Ops must always be able to kick vips/users

is this a bug or a forgotten setting?

some one any idea

Greets AC :)


Yups i know it is me who made it that way...

Timetraveller & me did that because some ?perators allways kicked those Vips...

Maybe a switch or some will do the trick.. Thx for your Report

L8trs Opti  ;)


perhaps a slection ?
so hubowners can choose what they want

D-J Valhala

Keep up the good work m8 you are the best user in DC++ !
and you are verry welcome in my hub =)

but the script have a litle bug :\

the BoT description gone !

how can i fix it?

+Syntax Error: expected;
  last token read: `=' at line 1 in string "return tBadClients = {["[REPLiKA]"]=1,["0.233B"]=1,["0.233A"]=1..."
My PsyIsrael Network
--=[PsyIsrael DC Hub]=--
--=[PsyIsrael Website]=--



I think u talk about this erlier, In GUI settings
I have check [on] / Dc++ Only / Tag Hidder /..  But still users
with tag hidder or NMDC&NMDC2 are comming in to hub-
any idei
tnx for ya help M8 :P


Well only thing the TagHidder does is checking users if they have V: in there tag (V: = version). If not they will be disconnected etc, etc...

There are lot's off ways to cheat offcourse


hehe tell me about it , I dont see the plesure of fake share or clients
But there will always be some1 to stop them.. :D

Anyway tnx for ur help M8


Hi Optimus

The robocop I am using has a problem with the !write part of the script me thinks, when a use has added something to !write, everytime they type something in main, it gets added as if they typed !write, eg it dont come up in main, its gets added to !write (Hope that makes sense). =D. Just thought I would let ya know.

See ya mate



Okey this is what i have done so far, i'm nearly there...


-- Restyled RoboCop GUI
-- Added Badclients to GUI (add/remove)
-- Added BadNicks to GUI (add/remove)
-- Added Rewritten !Watcher (Looks way better now)
-- Added Reason if 3 times kicked/warned (also to logs)
-- Added Blocked !Nickban/!drop when Operators use it on Operators or Masters
-- Added Old mass-message system is set back
-- Added Hubname/Username header on !mass
-- Added small mod on Nickban
-- Added Support for oDC v5.3 (!seen command)
-- Added !write only for Vips and Above
-- Added !sminslots, !smaxslots, !smaxhubs, !sratio (can now be set on Remote command)
-- Added !sminshare, !svipshare, !smaxshare (can now be set on Remote command)
-- Added HubProtector (Only Registerd users can download/search/etc other will be blocked)
-- Added HubProtect disclaimer message (Can be set to: 1=on / 0=off)
-- Added SendProtectDisclaimer means were to send the disclaimer message (Main/PM)
-- Added VipProtect - Sets VipProtect to: 1=on / 0=off (Protect Vips against Operators so they can't Kick/Warn/Ban/etc them!)

-- Btw, i will check it Spudman

Over & Out / L8trs Opti  ;)


Okey i got it fixed the -=Release_Bot=-

Come to my Hub to get it m8

L8trs Opti


Can't wait for the new Robocop ver.  :]  And I can't wait to try out the new features that you added. *drools*  :D  Well keep up the good work......
?Hub Owner:     Ricky12
?Hub Name:      >>>??Ricky12\'s T?@M?T??? Hub??<<<
?Hub Address:   Ricky12.no-ip.info or Ricky12.dyndns.org
?Web Address:  http://teamsters.no-ip.com/tmsts/index.php


will this also run on win nt 4.0?
because when i load the script, and do check syntax i get: syntax error: unexpected line in $%lua etc......


Hi Optimus

Me again =), release bot is still having probs, after changing script last night all seemed well, but [VIP]'s we still complaining. Tested by entering hub as a VIP, but when i typed in main it was added by release bot, not even after entering on !write, but whenever I type in main as [VIP], seems [VIP] has auto !write or something, not sure if it means anything but the first word you type is not coming up in !read, poss cos it is taking that as the command?? Over to you again, see ya mate.



Opti where is Version C lol... :)

the MOB is getting nervous lol... :)


hihi lol :) Morri

Think Optimus is testing everything very well now.
He don't want to dissapoint the MOB. lol :)


WOW what alot of messages lol ive read through them all. What an awesome script this is Optimus. Cant wait for the next version, but..... haha i do have a question. I know from reading all these posts that you are not supposed to make changes in the actual script, does that include say changing the spelling of things as well, say like the top statics.... is it possible for me to change it to top stats without messing up the script ???? Once again Optimus great script.



Thx making it as good as i can get it...  It will not take that long anymore... Allmost there  :D


Morning Optimus =)

Release_Bot is now working, but I have an idea, rather that the !write command just not working for less than [VIP], why not have it so they type !write, and get ***!write is only availible to [VIP] and above, please contact them to get this added

Just an idea

See ya mate



Sure Spudman no prob, will have a look at it again now the issue is solved. Nice that it's working allright


Hey i have one more quick question for ya. I just changed over to Robo 5 beta and my hub seems to have dropped a bunch of users is there something i might have missed ? Any help would be great.
           thnx, AMediaMan


Open Robocop.exe and see what it is blocking, could be passive users or something, that would lose alot of users.



Thnx spudman, I think its just a coincidence that they are gone at the same time the change over happened because they seem to be coming and going on there own free will, lol no notice of them being kicked. which is good, i was getting nervous lol.

                           Thnx, AmediaMan


Hi optimus
Wonder if its possible to implement an autofunktion for mowing logs to history, hub hang when log files are to big, else if its possible to store logs in other format who can hold larger logs.

Looking forward to next beta release


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