> > > [ THOR ] By: NightLitch < < < - Page 9


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> > > [ THOR ] By: NightLitch < < <

Started by NightLitch, 18 June, 2004, 11:08:02

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Hi to all  8)

I have a ask:

My hub can work with this THOR 2 ?

Or latter i have that change files or all the Thor ?

Excusme, is for know if wait or not....  ?(

A hug for all   :]


Excusme my bad english, only speak spanish  X(


Al-Andalus ,
If it is PtokaX then it will work ...
and it is better to forgett about replacing some of the files ...
it is reccomended to have a new PtokaX folder and then in there place Thor ( this is what is called a "clean install")


POSTED BY-->Al-Andalus
 Can work with THOR 2??
Hi to all 8)

I have a ask:

My hub can work with this THOR 2 ?

Or latter i have that change files or all the Thor ?

Excusme, is for know if wait or not.... ?(

A hug for all :]

Al-Andalus ,
If it is PtokaX then it will work ...
and it is better to forgett about replacing some of the files ...
it is reccomended to have a new PtokaX folder and then in there place Thor ( this is what is called a "clean install")

just to say
 i second that answer  i always find it best to build a new hub  fresh start is always the best way to go  "ok its a pain but in long run its not"

spend some time and build a new hub using thor 2 and u will be a very happy hubber when ur finnished
respect lyken
time to feed


I think Thor is really gr8

i'm still having problems with DC@fe  getting blocked by the Client Checker even though set to allowed and i havent found a solution yet
Could it be because of the @ in it's name?
PtokaxWiki ?PtokaX Mirror + latest Libs



QuoteOriginally posted by Psycho_Chihuahua
I think Thor is really gr8

i'm still having problems with DC@fe  getting blocked by the Client Checker even though set to allowed and i havent found a solution yet
Could it be because of the @ in it's name?

Could be, I don't know...

I can checl it out when I get the time...


Sure m8, no need to rush  :D  got it disabled at the moment. Just letting you know for future Versions.  8)
PtokaxWiki ?PtokaX Mirror + latest Libs



Hi friends  :]

I want tomorrow with THOR 2 Uncompiled, well....., i translate some files intro folder comands to spanish, only for work.....  ?(

Soon ist new versi?n, and my ask is ?I have change more files in the new THOR 2?

Thanks y excusme  8)

A hug to all


My english is very bad....... only speak spanish.. sorry  X(


Good afternoon NL..
got 1 question..
The profile.dat has no admin profile.. are they masters in ptokax or what staus are they get??
A cold BeeR is stunning !!


1 thing more...

Something weird is happening ,, Thor make all users
key 2 into -> to <- in Mainchatt and PM..
if i turn thor of it is normal (number 2 on button 2)..
have restart the hub and script - notihng helps..
A cold BeeR is stunning !!


QuoteOriginally posted by BeeR
1 thing more...

Something weird is happening ,, Thor make all users
key 2 into -> to <- in Mainchatt and PM..
if i turn thor of it is normal (number 2 on button 2)..
have restart the hub and script - notihng helps..

Well just go into \Lists\WordReplacer.dat or what the file is called and remove what you don't want filtered...

or just unmark Filter Main and PM in GUI.


QuoteOriginally posted by NightLitch
QuoteOriginally posted by BeeR
1 thing more...

Something weird is happening ,, Thor make all users
key 2 into -> to <- in Mainchatt and PM..
if i turn thor of it is normal (number 2 on button 2)..
have restart the hub and script - notihng helps..

Well just go into \Lists\WordReplacer.dat or what the file is called and remove what you don't want filtered...

or just unmark Filter Main and PM in GUI.

Thank you NL..
It works now :]
A cold BeeR is stunning !!


Hello NL...

Sorry to disturb you again but what is this??

Syntax error: table index is nil
stack traceback:
   1:  function <458:file `C:\Ptokax\scripts\Thor.lua'> at line 486
   2:  function `DataArrival' at line 450 [file `C:\Ptokax\scripts\Thor.lua']

it happend when my user play's Nerbos slotmachine,
not always but often
A cold BeeR is stunning !!


QuoteOriginally posted by BeeR
Hello NL...

Sorry to disturb you again but what is this??

Syntax error: table index is nil
stack traceback:
   1:  function <458:file `C:\Ptokax\scripts\Thor.lua'> at line 486
   2:  function `DataArrival' at line 450 [file `C:\Ptokax\scripts\Thor.lua']

it happend when my user play's Nerbos slotmachine,
not always but often

It has something to do with the Away mode, by the looks of it in the script...

Going to check it out when I have more time...


Wishings about Thor:  testing Ver: 2.59

Advertising: send pm to nick alt op chat as an alternative to warn /kick
possibilty to have more then one Owner
nick taken boot - Is it or can it be included in Thor?
clean reg users list after xx weeks   (ta bort ej aktiva anv?ndare)

cant get  !links to work as it should...

message with reason why users can't connect

[14:26] texts in MOTD wich shows [VIP] is counted as [IP]

adding some more commands::  
!commandspy     show all commands used in hub
!slots           show free slots and user
!watch user        checking outgoing PM's from certain User

Bot name and tag for Op-chat has to be cleaned out in hubsoft to have it work proper (double text in Op-chat issue)
Somewhere in Cyberspace


clean reg users list after xx weeks (ta bort ej aktiva anv?ndare)

translation: clean reg users list after xx weeks (remove noon active user from RegisteredUsers.dat
Somewhere in Cyberspace



Thanks Herodes and Lyken  :]


In BadFile-Check in ThoR 2.... If I want this word to bee checked: Johnny Rebel ...... Hove do I write it to check only that vord and not word like: Rebel Rebel.mp3 ?

Do I write it like this: Johnny_Rebel ?

If I write it like that do it check the word: Johnny Rebel then?

The user that was kicked get this massage from ThoR:

- [11:26:52] [Bot]THoR: You have been kicked because: Other File:  Modern\David_Bowie_-_The_Singles_Collection\Disc 1\David Bowie - 11 - Rebel Rebel.mp3

Why do ThoR write: because: Other File ? Why not (Bad File) ?



Hi all  :))

awesome bot !!!

so I decided to translate it in french...

File CmdLang.dat

CmdLine1 = "Liste des commandes disponibles"
CmdLine2 = "Liste des commandes OP disponibles"
CmdLine3 = "Kick le user, la raison est optionelle"
CmdLine4 = "Bannit le user, la raison est optionelle"
CmdLine5 = "Avertit  le user, la raison est optionelle"
CmdLine6 = "Timeban le user avec un motif. valeurs: ( m/h/d, pour minutes/heures/jours )"
CmdLine7 = "Kill le user, la raison est optionelle"
CmdLine8 = "Se d?clarer absent"
CmdLine9 = "Se d?clarer de retour"
CmdLine10 = "Affiche tous les messages d'absence. pseudo optionnel"
CmdLine11 = "Envoit un PM du bot ? tous les users"
CmdLine12 = "Envoit un PM du bot ? tous les Ops"
CmdLine13 = "Envoit un PM du bot ? tous les Vip"
CmdLine14 = "Envoit un PM du bot ? tous les Logo"
CmdLine15 = "Affiche tous les users Logo"
CmdLine16 = "Affiche tous les users vip "
CmdLine17 = "Affiche tous les operateurs"
CmdLine18 = "Affiche les users pr?sents"
CmdLine19 = "Enregistre un user. ( reg, vip, opr, mod, adm )"
CmdLine20 = "D?senregistre un user."
CmdLine21 = "Trouve un banni dans la liste"
CmdLine22 = "Obtient le mot de pass d'un user"
CmdLine23 = "efface la liste des bans temporaires"
CmdLine24 = "v?rifie pseudo/ip dans la base de RIPE.NET"
CmdLine25 = "Infos sur user/ip"
CmdLine26 = "Affiche tes r?glages de client"
CmdLine27 = "Affiche ton IP"
CmdLine28 = "Affiche les infos du hub"
CmdLine29 = "Envoit un PM ? un user"
CmdLine30 = "Envoit une banni?re de pub"
CmdLine31 = "Affiche le r?gles du hub"
CmdLine32 = "Affiche les r?gles pour les Ops"
CmdLine33 = "Affiche le r?seau des Hubs"
CmdLine34 = "Parle ? la 3?me personne"
CmdLine35 = "Affiche la liste des IPs bannies"
CmdLine36 = "Ban Permanent d'une IP"
CmdLine37 = "Ban d'un pseudo (s'il est connect?, il sera kick?)"
CmdLine38 = "D?-bannit un pseudo ou une IP"
CmdLine39 = "Le user peut poster dans le Chat Central"
CmdLine40 = "Le user ne peut plus poster dans le Chat Central"
CmdLine41 = "OP un user pour 1 session"
CmdLine42 = "Relance le Hub"
CmdLine43 = "Relance les bots"
CmdLine44 = "Affiche l'?tat du serveur"
CmdLine45 = "Compte les kicks d'un user"
CmdLine46 = "Compte les bans d'un user"
CmdLine47 = "Compte les timebans d'un user"
CmdLine48 = "Compte les avertissements d'un user"
CmdLine49 = "Voir les stats du Hub"
CmdLine50 = "Nettoie la database des users"
CmdLine51 = "Affiche les Infos de profil ( slots, share etc )"
CmdLine52 = "Retire un Bot de la liste des users"
CmdLine53 = "Vide la m?moire"
CmdLine54 = "S'enregistrer soi meme avec un mot de passe"
CmdLine55 = "Change ton mot de passe"
CmdLine56 = "Change ton message d'intro, [USER] ? la place de ton pseudo & [HUB] pour le nom du hub"
CmdLine57 = "Change ton message de sortie, [USER] ? la place de ton pseudo & [HUB] pour le nom du hub"
CmdLine58 = "Efface les messages d'intro des users"
CmdLine59 = "Efface les messages de sortie des users"
CmdLine60 = "Affiche la liste des messages d'intro des users"
CmdLine61 = "Affiche la liste des messages de sortie des users"
CmdLine62 = "Affiche le cr?ateur du script"
CmdLine63 = "Sauve les Infos Users"
CmdLine64 = "Ajoute un lien ? une cat?gorie ( index )"
CmdLine65 = "Efface un lien d'une cat?gorie ( index )"
CmdLine66 = "Affiche la liste des liens, l'index est optionnel"
CmdLine67 = "Ajoute une cat?gorie de liens"
CmdLine68 = "Efface une cat?gorie de liens (index )"
CmdLine69 = "Ajoute une adresse de redirection"
CmdLine70 = "Efface une adresse de redirection"
CmdLine71 = "Affiche la liste des redirections"
CmdLine72 = "R?gle les slots minimum pour un profil ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine73 = "R?gle les slots maximum pour un profil  ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine74 = "R?gle le ratio slots/hub pour un profil ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine75 = "R?gle les hubs maximum pour un profil ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine76 = "R?gle le share minimum pour un profil ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin ) unit ( b, mb, gb, tb )"
CmdLine77 = "R?gle le share maximum pour un profil ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin ) unit ( b, mb, gb, tb )"
CmdLine78 = "R?gle le limiteur de bande passante pour un profil ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine79 = "Active le blocage des limiteurs de bp profil ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine80 = "Active le contr?le de client pour un profil ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine81 = "Active le contr?le du myinfo/tag pour un profil ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine82 = "Active le controle de share pour un profil ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin )"
CmdLine83 = "Affiche les param?tres de profil ( user, reg, vip, opr, mod, admin ) "

next following soon  ;)


I tried to, but it seems that I may not attach files to my posts...

anyway, here is a link to Commands/Functions.lua (french version)

I go further translating the main script, and I'll post it the same way if Modos here don't mind... ;)


file : Languages/french.lan

Ton pseudo est incorrect, merci de changer...
Ton Client n'est pas accept? ici...
You don't have the correct ISP/Tag use:
Ton pseudo a plus de [VALUE] caract?res.
Ton pseudo a moins de [VALUE] caract?res.
Tu es d?j? connect? au hub avec un autre pseudo...
Ce salon est r?serv? aux VIP ...
[USER] tient ? signaler: [MSG]
A [TIME], [USER] a laiss? ce message d'absence: [MSG]
ATTENTION!!! 2 messages de plus en quelques secondes et tu seras banni pour Spam...
[USER] tu Spam le chat central!
Ne touche plus ? ce user !!
[OP] a essay? de kicker [USER] !!
*** Tu dois ?tre enregistr? pour dl sur un Op
*** Demande ? un Op si tu veux ?tre enregistr?...
Tu as ?t? kick? car : [REASON] Fichier: [FILE]
[USER] a ?t? kick? car [REASON] Fichier: [FILE]
Aucun robot de recherche n'est autoris? ici...
Il n'est pas autoris? d'avoir [VALUE] nombres dans ton pseudo...
Tu n'as pas les permissions pour utiliser cette commande !
[USER] a ?t? banni pour une dur?e de [TIME] pour Spamm.
Tu as ?t? banni pour une dur?e de [TIME] pour Spamm
Tu utilise [CLIENT] version ( [VERSION] )
La plus ancienne version autoris?e de [CLIENT] est ( [VERSION] ), tu peux te procurer le dernier [CLIENT] ? http://www.dslreports.com/faq/6513
[CLIENT] n'est pas autoris? ici !!
Ta chaine MyInfoString est invalide ou corrompue !!
Tu n'as pas assez de slots ouverts !!! Le minimum est [SLOTS] slot(s).
Tu as trop de slots ouverts !! Le maximum est de [SLOTS] slot(s).
Tu es sur trop de hubs !!! Le maximum est [HUBS] hub(s).
Tu n'as pas assez de slots ouverts par hub !! Le minimum est de [SLOTS] slot(s) par hub.")
Tu limites ta bande passante ? [BANDWIDTH] kB/s, le minimum requis est [BANDWIDTH] kB/s.
Les Limiteurs de Bande Passante ne sont pas admis ici.
les connexions [SPEED] ne sont pas admises ici.
Tu n'as pas le Share Minimum [SHARE] [VALUE]
Tu as atteint le maximum de share [SHARE] [VALUE] !
Nettoyage de Database. Chaque User n'ayant pas ?t? sur le hub depuis [VALUE] semaines sera effac? de la base de donn?es.
[COUNT] users ont ?t? retir?s de la database
Le mode Socket n'est pas autoris? ici...
Le mode Passive n'est pas autoris? ici...
Le mode Active n'est pas autoris? ici...

I hope it will help someone  :rolleyes:


OK dont know if its pure luck but
i got this script wrking like the perfect woman
its a golden script
and ill go out on a limb here but i told n/l  i was seting a hub up  all dedicated to thor so if any one want to come in to it plse pm me its a place only 4 talking and sharing info on script  ready to put it in here
not a place to advertise
so if u want addy plse pm me and    n/l   nect time ur on line plse pm me to chat as i have some news ide like to share with u and a few thoughts

loll and respect to all and happty hubing with THOR
time to feed


So quiet in here... :)

Does that mean no bugs and no requests... ? :D

or you all have given up on THoR ?

Good to see you all like my script...

A little compare:

Where is your Choice between RoboCop and THoR:

RoboCop ................................. THoR
 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 -

:D hehe, I now it's a lame compare but wanna now if I have some good values like RoboCop have...

Cheers / NightLitch


For mee is it THoR that is the king script....!!

RoboCop ................................. THoR
- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10  -

Love your work NL my m8!!




4 me im sorry to every one out ther


THOR  is me fav script  and i find the best to wrk with and use  

respect to all
time to feed

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