OP client does not warn/kick anymore since changing from Ynhub to PtoKax

OP client does not warn/kick anymore since changing from Ynhub to PtoKax

Started by Natas, 11 January, 2009, 19:34:32

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Hi there,

untill 2 days ago I was running Ynhub and zk++ 0.666 OP client for warning/kicking users when they had bad files in their share.
Everything worked fine.

Now I'm running PtokaX hub soft and the OP client doesn't work anymore. Instead of warning/kicking, the commands from the op client are shown in mainchat visible to everybody :( like this example:

[2009-01-09 19:41] <Griesgram> !kick Katleta - Client Hack: Hacked XML Generator - Fake Client: Hacked XML Generator;0 points in 1 forbidden files including: ???!!!????? ?????2_child_kiddy_kinder_kids_lolita_preteenz_pedo_porno_sex_fuck_movie_video_film_adult_11[1].mpg -

I tried several raw command examples found in zk++ forum, but nothing seemed to work. Asking for help in the forum gave as result, it seems to be a hubconfig problem. So i ask here.

Is there anybody who can help configuring ptokax so the so the Kick bot works?

Thank you for listening


Hi again,

messing around with this I got curios results.

The obsolete OP client was not the problem, the new RSX++ gave me same results.
The new variable names weren't the problem either. They gave me same results.

But now 3 days later, just before thinking that I'm totally stupid, I found the reason for my problems.

Being logged in as OP and accidentally typing !help I found out what is wrong. OPs are not able to use the kick command. It isn't shown in the list of available commands. In profile manager the kick command is checked, so why does it not work?

And please tell me how to fix it. As I told before I'm talking about PtokaX


PtokaX doesn't have !kick command. Use !drop from the hub or the raw $Kick command ( kick user(s) ) from the right click menu.

$Kick only available when you're operator (you have key/you are in the $OpList).


Quote from: Natas on 15 January, 2009, 10:52:01
But now 3 days later, just before thinking that I'm totally stupid, I found the reason for my problems.

Being logged in as OP and accidentally typing !help I found out what is wrong. OPs are not able to use the kick command. It isn't shown in the list of available commands. In profile manager the kick command is checked, so why does it not work?

The kick command mentioned in the profile manager is not the !kick command as implemented in YnHub.
!kick is a command in YnHub that, when you write that in main (!kick <nick> [<optional reason>]), YnHub knows you want to remove the user from the hub. The equivalent command in PtokaX is !drop (!drop <nick> [<optional reason]).

The DC Protocol itself also has a 2 ways of removing a user from the hub; $Close <nick>|  and $Kick <nick>| both not supporting an optional reason.
It is this protocol command that is mentioned in the profile manager of PtokaX.
Most clients have the DC protocol command $Kick inbuild in the UserCommands. It becomes active when a user is found on the $OpList (send from the hub to the user on login indicating who the operators are)
In the client, the text would be "Kick user(s)" and the code behind the text is
$Kick %[nick]|

It should however not be confused with UserCommands from the hub or those that are manually added to the client by hand.
In YnHub you'd probably used the following UserCommand
$UserCommand 1 3 Kick User$<%[mynick]> !kick %[nick] %[line:reason]&124;|

To make that work, use !drop in PtokaX instead
$UserCommand 1 3 Kick User$<%[mynick]> !drop %[nick] %[line:reason]&124;|

So... $Kick is not !kick
!kick is a YnHub command, in PtokaX use !drop for the same functionality


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