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Started by atonal, 20 August, 2010, 00:18:30

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When a user requests get this record ok

Error! - You need to add '?.K.K.??' infront of your Nick to register. (Ex: ?.K.K.??Jhons

because i have this  reg prefix set ,  ?.K.K.??   so, When this user is logged so when the user make his !regme  is like this ejemp:

Please welcome our latest Registered User, ?.K.K.??jhons!
   Hubname:   blablabla
   Username:   ?.K.K.??jhons
   Password:   123456
   Userlevel:                   Reg
   HubAddress:   blaBLABLA:414

             But when I record from !Reg reg ,  is like this 
   hub b?lablabla
   Username:   jhons
   Password:   123344
   Userlevel:                   Reg

         why not get the prefix when using the !reg reg
             if I have it in force reg prefix  ?.K.K.??
          I think it should also see automatic prefix  when I use the command  !reg reg
              could give an explanation  thanks
  my suggestion is if there is any option for the command prefix is in  when a !reg reg ?


Hi atonal,

The command !regme is from the Userfunc module and !reg is from Opfunc, so their settings has nothing to do with each other. !reg is made for the operators+ accounts, and one must assume the Operators in your hub knows how to register a new user :-)

That said, I'd be happy to look at using the settings from Userfunc when regging via Opfunc.


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