PtokaX forum

Lua 5.3/5.2/5.1 Scripts (for PtokaX and newer) => Terminator 2nd Generatation => AllInOne Scripts => Support => Topic started by: Madman on 13 May, 2009, 15:39:44

Title: Trivia Test Thread
Post by: Madman on 13 May, 2009, 15:39:44
Yes, Trivia is here!
well, not exactly here, is running on the test hub.
So login and check it out, if you register youself, you will have full access to it
Witch means you start,stop clear scores and so on.

If anyone has any request, bugreports or anything else, conecrning the Trivia.
Post it in this thread.

And YES, the Questions running in test hub are STUPID.
They are only meant to show you how the final product will look like.

The Trivia files has a new format, so i'm still editing questions...