Share Tool 1.0.dutch_En switch LUA 5.0/5.1


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Share Tool 1.0.dutch_En switch LUA 5.0/5.1

Started by [NL]Daddy-Bear?, 13 January, 2007, 15:38:57

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Hello all and special Hello to the first author Mutor,

First a ferry nice script from Mutor the Share'Tool' 1.0c LUA 5.0/5.1.
I thougt by my self it wout be nice if it comes in more then one language.
So I get started with his script and made here and there some modification.

Now it?s possible to turn the script (also remote) in English and in this version to the Dutch language .

Mutor I hope you like It also this way.     :D  ??? 
I will shortly no it if I have a Thumps Up    ;)

May I ask if you read this people and you like it to translate the Dutch lines in for example French or ?..
And than post it please let?s have fun with our hobby.    =)

little help  >>>


	Share'Tool' 1.0c LUA 5.0/5.1
	By Mutor		05/15/06
	More nonsense...
	Graphs user share at login.
	See how you hub 'measures' up
	Feel free to change the graph
	charachters I won't mind :P

	+Changes from 1.0	11/01/06
		+Added total ,average and percent of hubshare stats [DoStats]
		~Changed ShareTab a bit.
		+Added parting share message [percent of hubshare lost]
=====================	Here I am again Lets see if I get Thumps Up :))	in Quote		=====================

=====================	Hello all and special Hello to the first author Mutor   !!!			=====================

=====================	You can find Daddy in one off his hubs '  '	=====================
=====================	+Changes from [NL]Daddy-Bear?	on   13/01/07			=====================
=====================	Share Tool 1.0.dutch_En switch LUA 5.0/5.1				=====================
=====================	back = ShareToolProfiles							=====================
=====================	and translation in Dutch with switch to English version   >>  Nice	=====================

=====================	!don = Dutch / !doff =  English 							=====================

=====================	some otter little things								=====================


HubOwner = "I-am-the-Owner"						-- put here name of Hub Owner
LanguageNL = 1									-- 1 = Language in Dutch / 0 = Language in English / 0 is eq Mutor version !!
												--  remote lanuage switch Op etc in main chat >>>>>>    !don = Dutch / !doff =  English 
-- [#] = {Check Share?(0,0=no/1,1=yes),
ShareToolProfiles  = {
	[-1] = {0,0},	--Unregistered User
	[0] = {0,0},	--Master
	[1] = {1,1},	--Operator
	[2] = {1,1},	--Vip
	[3] = {1,1},	--Registered User
	[4] = {1,1},	--Moderator
	[5] = {0,0},	--NetFounder

-- Set share levels and responses here Dutch
ShareTab = {
[1] = {500,"voorzicht usr je maakt iedereen jaloers met deze share!\r\n"},
[2] = {250,"Is dat je share in je Download map, of ben echt zo blij om hier bij "..HubOwner.." te zijn?\r\n"},
[3] = {125,"Wow usr, dit laat een heftige indruk achter mooie share.\r\n"},
[3] = {75,"Kijk hier!, een sportieve share van usr !\r\n"},
[4] = {35,"Niet slecht, maar je windt nog geen prijs met je share groote.\r\n"},
[5] = {20,"Voor de groote van je share hoef jij je niet te schamen usr\r\n"},
[6] = {10,"Hallo usr , komt dat ook nog in adult grote? Dacht het wel vooral gewoon doorgaan.\r\n"},
[7] = {5,"Awwwww users, is dit niet ontzettend leuk? Dat share'tje van usr\r\n"},

-- Set share levels and responses here English
ShareTabEn = {
[1] = {500,"Careful usr you'll poke your eye out with that thing!\r\n"},
[2] = {250,"Is that your share in your pocket or are you just happy to be here usr?\r\n"},
[3] = {125,"Wow usr, thats impressive.\r\n"},
[3] = {75,"Hey Now!, usr's sporting some wood!\r\n"},
[4] = {35,"Not bad, but you won't win any prizes with that.\r\n"},
[5] = {20,"Average huh. It's nothing to be ashamed of usr    ...*snicker*\r\n"},
[6] = {10,"Hey usr , does that come in adult size?\r\n"},
[7] = {5,"Awwwww usr, isn't that cute?\r\n"},

Main = function()
	local hs,hu = DoStats()
	if hs > 0 and hu then
		local hm = string.format("%.2f Gb ",hs/hu)
	if LanguageNL == 1 then
		local stats = "\r\n\tOriginele versie geschreven door Mutor ere wie de eer toe komt !\r\n\tEr zijn "" user(s) online de totale share van hen is "..string.format(" %.2f Gb  ",hs)..
		" dit is een gemiddelde van "" per user.\r\n"
		SendToAll("daddy zegt",stats)
		local stats = "\r\n\tThe first written by Mutor !!! credits to him ;)\r\n\tDaddy's Share Tool 1.0.dutch_En switch has started. There are "" users are sharing "..
		string.format(" %.2f Gb ",hs).."of data. Mean share per user: "
		SendToAll("daddy says",stats)

function ChatArrival(user, data)
  if user.bOperator then
    local data=string.sub(data,1,string.len(data)-1)
    local _,_,cmd = string.find(data,"%b<>%s+(%S+)")
    if cmd=="!don" then
	LanguageNL = 1
--	SendPmToOps(bot,"\r\n\tDaddy's Share Tool 1.0.dutch_En switch staat nu op de Nederlandse taal ingesteld.")	
	SendToAll("daddy zegt","\r\n\tOriginele versie geschreven door Mutor ere wie de eer toe komt !\r\n\tDaddy's Share Tool 1.0.dutch_En switch staat nu op de Nederlandse taal ingesteld.")
			return 1
    elseif cmd=="!doff" then
	LanguageNL = 0
      SendToAll("daddy says","\r\n\tThe first written by Mutor !!! credits to him ;)\r\n\tDaddy's Share Tool 1.0.dutch_En switch is stands now on the English language.")
			return 1
NewUserConnected = function(user)
	if ShareToolProfiles[user.iProfile] and ShareToolProfiles[user.iProfile][1] == 1 then
	local hs,hu,us = DoStats(user)
	if hs > 0 and hu and us > 0 then
		local hm = string.format("%.2f Gb ",hs/hu)
		local pct = string.format("%.2f %% ",(us/hs) * 100)
	if LanguageNL == 1 then
		local stats = "\r\n\tWelkom "..user.sName.." er zijn "" user(s) online de totale share van hen is "..string.format(" %.2f Gb  ",hs)..
		" dit is een gemiddelde van "" per user."
		local prof = GetProfileName(user.iProfile) -- or "Unregistered User"
		local reply = "\r\n\t"..
		prof.."  "..user.sName.." voegt "..pct.." aan de totale hubshare toe, Zijn/Haar share is "
		local sharesize = ((tonumber(user.iShareSize)) / (1024^3)) or 0
		local output = ""..string.format(" %.2f Gb  ", sharesize)..
		"\r\n\t\t Je Hoort bij de kleintjes "..user.sName.." zeggen ze hier ;)\r\n"
		for a,b in ipairs(ShareTab) do
			if sharesize > b[1] then
				local goof = string.gsub(b[2],"usr",user.sName)
				output = " "..string.format(" %.2f Gb ", sharesize)..
				"groot.\r\n\r\n\t "..goof.."\r\n"
		SendToAll("daddy zegt",reply..output)
		user:SendData("daddy zegt",stats)
		user:SendData("daddy zegt",reply..output)
		local stats = "\r\n\tWelcome "..user.sName.." there are "" user(s) are sharing "..string.format(" %.2f Gb ",hs)..
		" of data. Thats an average of "" per user."
		local prof = GetProfileName(user.iProfile) -- or "Unregistered User"
		local reply = "\r\n\tBoasting "..pct.." of the total hubshare, lets see how the "..
		prof.." "..user.sName.."'s share measures up... \r\n"
		local sharesize = ((tonumber(user.iShareSize)) / (1024^3)) or 0
		local output = "\r\n"..string.format(" %.2f Gb  ", sharesize)..
		"\r\n\r\n\t\t Hey Shorty...\r\n\r\n"
		for a,b in ipairs(ShareTabEn) do
			if sharesize > b[1] then
				local goof = string.gsub(b[2],"usr",user.sName)
				output = "\r\n"..string.format(" %.2f Gb ", sharesize)..
				"\r\n\r\n\t "..goof.."\r\n"
		SendToAll("daddy says",reply..output)
		user:SendData("daddy says",stats)
		user:SendData("daddy says",reply..output)
OpConnected = NewUserConnected

UserDisconnected = function(user)
	if ShareToolProfiles[user.iProfile] and ShareToolProfiles[user.iProfile][1] == 1 then
	local hs = frmHub:GetCurrentShareAmount() / (1024^3) or 0
	local us = user.iShareSize / (1024^3) or 0
	if LanguageNL == 1 then
	local msg = "\r\n\t Bye bye "..user.sName..", er is geen verlies in hubshare als je gaat.\r\n"
	if us > 0 then
		local pct = string.format("%.2f %% ",(us/hs) * 100)
		msg = "\r\n\t Bye bye "..user.sName..", uh oh, daar gaat "..pct.." van de hub's share.\r\n"
	SendToAll("daddy zegt",msg)
--		end
	local msg = "See ya "..user.sName..", there is no loss to  hubshare when you leave."
	if us > 0 then
		local pct = string.format("%.2f %% ",(us/hs) * 100)
		msg = "Goodbye "..user.sName..", uh oh, there goes "..pct.." of the hub's share."
	SendToAll("daddy says",msg)

OpDisconnected = UserDisconnected

DoStats = function(user)
	local hs,hu = frmHub:GetCurrentShareAmount() / (1024^3),table.getn(frmHub:GetOnlineUsers())
	if user then
		local us = user.iShareSize / (1024^3) or 0
		hs,hu = us+hs, hu+1
		return hs,hu,us
	return hs,hu



You can find Daddy in one off his hubs '  '
I like my Users so veel free to ???   join.
???????????? Lets enjoy our Hobby ??????????


take a peek you are welcome :D

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