converting a script from Lua 4 to 5


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converting a script from Lua 4 to 5

Started by bigcanuck, 08 November, 2006, 12:49:45

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Hi, I have a farily large script that I need to convert to LUA 5 is there anyway quick an easy to do it? also can Anyone tell me how? As I know nothing about Lua 5.  And very little about LUA 4(this script was past down from the orignal coders whom have since graded)


well it would of been done sooner if I was in charge of it, but like I said I never wrote the orignal code to begin with, and am now in charge of the hub that it runs on, and we need to upgrade to the new ptokax, keep in mind we run a very private campus hub so before there wasn't much attention paid to the public hubs and the new upgrades but now we've reached a point where we need the new ptokax so we need to upgrade our script and we'd rather not throw it out.  What editor would you use and plug ins.  There are plenty of comp sci undergrads who can do this we just need to have an idea how as none of us are familar with LUA, we do understand it a fair bit, basically we just need to know the differences needed to change. I could post it here the code but it's over muliple files etc.  and besides it'll allow us to get caught up to LUA 5 so that we can implement it whenever we need it and add functionality.

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