FreshStuff3 5.0 SP1

FreshStuff3 5.0 SP1

Started by bastya_elvtars, 25 May, 2008, 23:29:34

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This is a hotfix package. Just extract it to your scripts folder over an 5.0 installation and restart FreshStuff. Before downloading, read below because you might not need this!

Q: Who needs this package?
A: People who would like to use the script under PtokaX or users don't need to update.

Q: Why not release another version?
A: Because it affects only a few people. A new version will be rolled as soon as huge errors get discovered.

Q: Did someone notify you?
A: Yes, many thanks to Kwabena for trying the script under non-development versions.

Q: What are the changes?
A: Here ya go:
r124 | bastya_elvtars | 2008-05-25 22:04:51 +0200 | 4 lines

merged from trunk:'added: enable script error logging for PtokaX at startup'
merged from trunk:'fixed: many relative paths left in freshstuff.lua (reported by Kwabena)'

r126 | bastya_elvtars | 2008-05-25 22:36:06 +0200 | 3 lines

merged from trunk: 'fixed: using absolute paths FreshStuff3 works properly on (now hopefully)'

r128 | bastya_elvtars | 2008-05-25 23:20:33 +0200 | 4 lines

merged from trunk: 'fixed: made compatible with again (reported by Kwabena) -- boring details: pcall()'ing SetBool'
merged from trunk: 'fixed: the loader has been made cross-hostapp again -- boring details: adding path retrieval functions to a table that's the value of the global in the loader table'

Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


Hi Bastya,

Finally the script works like a charm under Ptokax !   :D

Thanks for the hard work!




This works quite nicely now, there are just 2 small bugs left (well, they could always be user errors, let's see):

1) When the scripts announces NEW releases, and SortStuffByName = 0,  releases are not shown in their correct order and even with gaps. Here's a copy of an automated new release list (the actual titles are replaced):

[2008-06-04 20:31] <??NewScans??>

--------- The Latest 30 Releases --------

german comics

ID: 3629   - xxx // (Added by Micha2205 at 06/03/2008)
ID: 3628   - xxx // (Added by Micha2205 at 06/03/2008)
ID: 3627   - xxx // (Added by Micha2205 at 06/03/2008)
ID: 3626   - xxx // (Added by Micha2205 at 06/03/2008)
ID: 3625   - xxx // (Added by Micha2205 at 06/03/2008)
ID: 3624   - xxx // (Added by Micha2205 at 06/03/2008)
ID: 3623   - xxx // (Added by kingpin at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3622   - xxx // (Added by binchen71 at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3621   - xxx // (Added by binchen71 at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3620   - xxx // (Added by binchen71 at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3619   - xxx // (Added by neverwhere at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3618   - xxx // (Added by neverwhere at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3617   - xxx // (Added by neverwhere at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3616   - xxx // (Added by neverwhere at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3615   - xxx // (Added by neverwhere at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3614   - xxx // (Added by neverwhere at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3613   - xxx // (Added by Micha2205 at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3612   - xxx // (Added by Micha2205 at 06/01/2008)
ID: 3611   - xxx // (Added by spammy at 05/31/2008)
ID: 3610   - xxx // (Added by muselmane at 05/30/2008)
ID: 3609   - xxx // (Added by muselmane at 05/30/2008)
ID: 3608   - xxx // (Added by muselmane at 05/30/2008)
ID: 3607   - xxx  // (Added by muselmane at 05/30/2008)
ID: 3606   - xxx // (Added by neverwhere at 05/29/2008)
ID: 3636   - xxx // (Added by muselmane at 06/04/2008)
ID: 3637   - xxx // (Added by muselmane at 06/04/2008)
ID: 3638   - xxx // (Added by muselmane at 06/04/2008)
ID: 3639   - xxx // (Added by muselmane at 06/04/2008)
ID: 3640   - xxx // (Added by muselmane at 06/04/2008)
ID: 3641   - xxx // (Added by spellboro at 06/04/2008)

2) Another small cosmetic error is that some menu entries are shown to Profiles for which the commands in those menus are actually disabled (ProfilesUsed = 0).
These are my settings:

-- Add a new release
Commands.Add = "add"
Levels.Add = 3

the ADD menu is shown to all Profiles, even unregistered users.

3) A small request: Could the REQUEST command also be Profile dependant?

Thank you very much for your hard work on this popular script!


Regarding your first report, you should check 5.0.1 since there have been database fixes. As far as 2) goes it works for me perfectly. For 3): I do not understand what you mean, the requester commands are configurable for profiles.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


Yeah 3) was silly, I forgot about requester.lua
However, I AM using 5.0.1 and I still have the out-of-order problem. Unregistered user is definitely able to see the add command in the menu (but it doesn't have any effect). If you want to do some tests in my hub, please PM me for the address. Thanks again!


I have raised the minimum level and the add command disappeared after I reconnected with an unreg nick.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


Oh, and can you send me your releases.dat file please?
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.



OK, I know what you mean. This occurs because the table containing the latest releases isn't sorted properly. I am working on a fix bu I am not hurrying since this is not a huge bug or something. I'll post a fix this evening anyway. :)
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


If there's anything I can sort with an editor, that'd be sufficient :-)


Oh sorry, totally forgot. Here you can get an updated freshstuff/kernel.lua.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


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