Clean main chat


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Clean main chat

Started by malhi, 12 January, 2015, 14:58:00

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im using one Cleanmain chat script but it only clean at my end not the all users end, i want when i use command it should clear main chat for all users also not only at my end, how i can do that ? and which script i need to clean main chat ?

please help


Ptokax script? post it, see what we can do.
keep on sharing :)


   For new API
   HillyBilly   26 sept 07
   Took some bits and parts from
    CrazyGuy and American Idiot Lua 5.1.x and credits to them.
   28 sept 07   
   added Cleaners table who may or may not clean.   -   speedX

cmdClean = "cleanmain"
soapwater = 100 -- For more or less soap and water

tCleaners = {
      [-1] = 0,   -- Unreg Users
  • = 1,   -- Masters
          [1] = 1,   -- Operators
          [2] = 0,   -- VIPs
          [3] = 0,   -- Regs
    ChatArrival = function(User,Data)
       if tCleaners[User.iProfile] == 1 then
          local _,_,cmd = string.find(Data, "%b<>%s%p(%S+)|")
          if cmd and (cmd == cmdClean) then
             local str = "\n\n"..string.rep("\t",3).." "..
                User.sNick.." is clearing Main Chat...  ???"..
                string.rep("\n",soapwater)..string.rep("\t",3).."Main Chat Has "..
                "Been Cleared By: "..User.sNick.."   ???\n\n"
                return true
                return "Clear Main Chat","",""


script is running fine, try less soapwater, perhaps your flooding clients  :(
keep on sharing :)


Only issue I found was a missing Bot.. some clients send those messages to kickbar, try this:
   For new API 
   HillyBilly   26 sept 07
   Added Botname By The-Master 13 jan 2015
   Took some bits and parts from
    CrazyGuy and American Idiot Lua 5.1.x and credits to them. 
   28 sept 07   
   added Cleaners table who may or may not clean.   -   speedX
Bot = "Whiper"
cmdClean = "cleanmain"
soapwater = 100 -- For more or less soap and water

tCleaners = {
      [-1] = 0,   -- Unreg Users
      [0] = 1,   -- Masters
	  [1] = 1,   -- Operators
      [2] = 0,   -- VIPs
      [3] = 0,   -- Regs
ChatArrival = function(User,Data)
   if tCleaners[User.iProfile] == 1 then
      local _,_,cmd = string.find(Data, "%b<>%s%p(%S+)|")
      if cmd and (cmd == cmdClean) then
         local str = "<"..Bot..">\n\n"..string.rep("\t",3).." "..
            User.sNick.." is clearing Main Chat...  ???"..
            string.rep("\n",soapwater)..string.rep("\t",3).."Main Chat Has "..
            "Been Cleared By: "..User.sNick.."   ???\n\n"
            return true
            return "Clear Main Chat","",""
keep on sharing :)



Couldnt resist to touch it little :P  here is my version  :yes:

Code: lua
   For new API 
   HillyBilly   26 sept 07
   Added Botname By The-Master 13 jan 2015
   Took some bits and parts from
    CrazyGuy and American Idiot Lua 5.1.x and credits to them. 
   28 sept 07   
   added Cleaners table who may or may not clean.   -   speedX
  Removed Cleaners table and made it work only for users with key.
  Cleaned code little - Cêñoßy†ê
Bot = "Whiper"
cmdClean = "cleanmain"
soapwater = 1000 -- For more or less soap and water
function ChatArrival(user,data)
	if Core.GetUserData(user,11) then
		local _,_,cmd = data:find("%b<>%s%p(%S+)|")
		if cmd and cmd == cmdClean then
			local str = "<"..Bot..">\n\n"..string.rep("\t",3).." "..
			user.sNick.." is clearing Main Chat..."..
			string.rep("\n",soapwater)..string.rep("\t",3).."Main Chat Has "..
			"Been Cleaned By: "..user.sNick.."\n\n"
			return Core.SendToAll(str),true
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