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Conversion Requests / ChatBot Px
Last post by Massi - 11 June, 2021, 10:35:32
Please, convert in Lua 5.3.4 for Ptokax Thanks  :)

--[[ ChatBot 1.0g LUA 5.11 [Strict][API 2] By Mutor 11/22/07 Requested by sphinx Yet another trigger bot, this one for the new API -Allows for multiple repsonses to a common trigger -Allows for (adjustable) random delay for response -Allows for regular expression in trigger 'patterns' -Uses all repsonses before repeating a response -Provides 'debug' reporting for pattern testing +Changes from 1.0 11/23/07 +Added support for API 1 [old API] Requested by sphinx +Changes from 1.0b 03/18/08 -Removed support for API 1, now API 2 strict again :P +Added option to register bot. Requested by Annie +Changes from 1.0c 03/20/08 +Added start/stop toggle command for operators. Requested by P_pan +Added option to enable chatbot at script start +Added status message for connecting operators. +Changes from 1.0d 03/27/08 +Added random messages option, if chat idle for 'x 'mins. Requested by uffetjur +Added sample idle chat strings. +Changes from 1.0e 03/28/08 +Addded replaceable parameters in 'IdleChat' for various hub/custom strings +Added a few more IdleChat strings ~Changed idle chat functional only when there are online users +Changes from 1.0f 09/15/08 +Added responses to statements to bot +Added a few more Wds strings ~Minor code changes otherwise ]] --[[ Start Settings]]-- -- Set the name for the Bot [Hub Bot = SetMan.GetString(21)] local Bot = "[Verbosity]" -- Register the Bot? [ie show in user list] true/false local RegBot = true -- Description for bot, used if RegBot = true local Desc = "Yet another trigger bot" -- Set the min/max delay time [in seconds]for repsonse local DelayRange = {3,10} -- Your nick for debugging patterns ["" = disabled / "YourNick" = Send To You / "Ops" = Send To Ops] local DebugNick = "" --"Mutor" -- Command to turn chatbot on/off local ChatCmd = "chatbot" -- Chat responses enabled at script start? local ChatOn = true -- Add your trigger words/repsonses. Maintain table format [(user) will be replaced with user's nick] local Wds = { ["^h[i^.]$"] = {"Hello (user)","Hey There","Welcome back (user)","Wow look what the cat dragged in...."}, [" *who[%?| |^%a]+"] = {"I don't know who (user)","Who? Beats me (user)?"}, [" *hello "] = {"Hi (user)!","Greetings","When did you get out (user)?"}, ["cya.*"] = {"See you later (user)","So long"}, ["g[o|d]- *morning *.*$"] = {"Morning (user)","Did you sleep well (user)?"}, ["g[o|d]- *bye *.*$"] = {"Later (user)","Goodbye","Peace out playa","Bye for now (user)"}, ["g[o|d]- *night *.*$"] = {"Sleep well (user)","Goodnight (user)","G'night then"}, ["g[o|d]- *evening *.*$"] = {"Evening (user)","Is it evening (user)?"}, ["^back$"] = {"Welcome back (user)","(user), while you were afk your parole officer stopped by."}, ["later"] = {"Later (user)","Goodbye","Cya","peace out playa","You outtie (user)? ...Ahhiiite"}, ["%a+%?[ %|^%a]*"] = {"I dunno (user)","Good question (user)...","Are you asking me?","Sorry (user), I don't know.","I have no idea (user)"}, ["b[b|r][b|s|l]"] = {"See you (user)","See you in a while (user)","Ok hamma, later."}, ["wb"] = {"Welcome back","You have returned, now we can start the party"}, ["peace -"] = {"Peace to you (user)","Be well (user)","Give my regards to your parole officer (user)"}, ["^l[o]+l.*"] = {"haha",":D",":D","That's funny (user)"}, ["rofl"] = {"OK (user), you can get off the floor now.","It wasnt that funny :D"}, ["lmao"] = {"Great (user), now what will you use for an ass?.","hehe :D","I don't get it"}, ["lag[g|y|]*[i|n|g]*"] = {"Sorry, (user), the ISP sucks.","What|do|you|mean|lag|(user)?|There's no |...lag."}, ["%:[d|)]$"] = {"What are you smiling about (user)?","Smile (user), everyone loves a moron."}, ["%:[p|b]$"] = {"You are one cheeky fucker (user)","If you stick out your tongue (user), be prepared to use it!","Nyaaahhh :P"}, ["%;[d|p|b]$"] = {"Got someting in your eye (user)?","(user), are you coming on to me?"}, ["anyone [g|o|t]-%s*[h|a|v|e]*"] = {"Although it becomes you, don't beg (user)","Try searching (user)"}, ["got slot"] = {"No slot begging (user)","Just queue it up (user)"}, ["need sleep"] = {"Ahh to sleep, per chance to dream","Get some rest (user) you look like shit.","Sleep well"}, ["typo"] = {"Nice typing skills (user)","Care to type that again?"}, ["y[n]*hub"] = {"Oooh YnHub, do they make that for adults now?","I like PtokaX much better!"}, ["[.]lua[.]*"] = {"Luaistheshit (user)","mmmmmmm ....looahh"}, ["regme"] = {"Yooohoo operators, (user) wants to register!","Sorry (user), I'm just a bot!"}, ["kk"] = {"Agreed (user)","Ahhiiite"}, ["shut up"] = {"Bite me (user)","I can't shut up (user), I'm female"}, --[""] = {"",""} } -- Enable random messages after x minutes of idle main chat [0 = disable] -- ***Note: This feature only functions if there are online users. local Idle = 30 -- If 'Idle' above is enabled, set messages below. -- *** Certain strings will be replaced as follows: -- [Desc] = Hub Description,[Admin] = Admins Nick, [Hub] = Hub Name, [List] = Hub list, -- [Bot] = Hub Bot, [OpChat] = OpChat name, [Lang] Hub language, [Addr] = Hub address, -- [Email] = Owner Email, [Topic] = current hub topic, [User] = random online user nick -- Don't use any such tags [-- comment lines] unless they are set in the PtokaX GUI local IdleChat = { "Dammit! [User] killed the chat again.","Roll over [User], you're snoring again.", "Yawn...","ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz.......","Shut up! All of you.", "Where did everyone go?","Parlez-vous Anglais?","Okay the bar is now open, who needs a drink?", "Okay [User], I'm here now, you can start the party!","Help I've fallen and I... ...hey nice carpet.", "[User] isn't around? Thank God!","Has anyone seen [User]", "Welcome to [Hub] where you can get a good snooze.", "Hehe, it's dead in here, the real party is in [OpChat]", "Is this [Hub] or the city morgue?","One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, ...floor.", "Man alive [Admin], this is boring.","Next mood swing......six minutes", "Welcome to [Hub], where the dead come to sleep.", "With a description like [Desc], I expected more chatter.", "You're right [User], [Admin] IS dead sexy...", "ECHO! ECho! Echo' echo ....", "...Changing hub topic from '[Topic]' to 'Snoozefest ""%Y").."'", "Hello!? This IS an [Lang] speaking hub isn't it?", "Uh-oh am I alone here again?", "Wow, you can here a pin drop in here. Well at least [User] is quiet for a change.", "It's true [User], I DO like the sound of my own voice", "Does anyone mind if I eat this last cookie?", "I'll tell ya [User], it's lonely at the top ....of the user list :P", "Don't worry about me, I'll just sit here and look beautiful in contrast to [User].", "Ok fine [User], I'll just take these naked women and all this beer someplace else!", "[User] are you ignoring me?", "[Bot]'s mom was a Commodore 64", "I have seen more activity watching the grass grow.", "ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz........", } local BotStrings = { {{"shut the fuck","shut up","stfu"},{"I can't shut up (user), I'm female","Wait (user) I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.","you shut up (user)","I will speak if I want","You're not the boss of me (user)"}}, {{"fuck[^%a]","go fuck"},{"No fuck you (user)","Talk to the hand (user)","500,000 sperm and you were the fastest (user)?"}}, {{"dick","tool","penis"},{"Then suck me","bite me (user)","Don't piss me off (user) I'm running out of places to hide the bodies.",}}, {{"stupid","dumb","retard"},{"I'm damn smarter than you (user)","If I throw a stick, will you leave (user)?","I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.","Sorry (user), I can be no smater than my author"}}, {{"bot","robot","script"},{"Bot? I am as real as you are (user)","The village called for ya (user), ...they want their idiot back."}}, {{" *script *"},{"I am what happens when letters have sex","I am, therefore I Lua"}}, {{"hate","suck","fag","jerk","gay"},{"Don't hate the playa (user), hate the game","Don't be a hater (user)","Okay, okay! I take it back. Unfuck you!!!","I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.",}}, } --[[ End Settings]]-- ChkBotStr = function(str) local bot,s = Bot:gsub("%p%c",""),"" for wrd in str:lower():gmatch("([^%p ]+)") do if bot:lower():find(wrd:gsub("%p%c","%%%1")) then for i,v in ipairs(BotStrings) do for a,b in ipairs(v[1]) do if str:lower():find(b:lower()) then local reply = v[2][math.random(#v[2])] return reply end end end end end end local Trigs,Used,Tmr,IdleTime,IdleUsed,Clean,LastNick = {},{},0,os.time(),{},os.time() + 30000,"" OnStartup = function() local HubChat = {} if Bot == "" then Bot = SetMan.GetString(21) end if RegBot and Bot ~= SetMan.GetString(21) then Core.RegBot(Bot,Desc,"",true) end if not SetMan.GetString(34) then SetMan.SetString(34,"English") SetMan.Save() end Tmr = TmrMan.AddTimer(1000) for i,v in pairs(Wds) do Used[i] = {"",#v} end collectgarbage("collect") end OnTimer = function(Id) if Id == Tmr then if next(Trigs) then local i,r = ChkTrigs() if i and r then Core.SendToAll("<"..Bot.."> "..r.."|") table.remove(Trigs,i) end end if Idle > 0 and next(IdleChat) and ((os.time() - IdleTime)/60) > Idle then IdleTime = os.time()-1 if #IdleUsed >= #IdleChat then IdleUsed = {} end local Chk = function(int) for i,v in ipairs(IdleUsed) do if int == v then return true end end end math.randomseed(os.time()) local x = math.random(#IdleChat) while Chk(x) do x = math.random(#IdleChat) end table.insert(IdleUsed,x) local chat,nick = IdleChat[x] local t = Core.GetOnlineUsers() if next(t) then nick = t[math.random(#t)].sNick while nick:lower() == LastNick:lower() do nick = t[math.random(#t)].sNick end LastNick = nick local tab = { {"%[Hub%]",0},{"%[Admin%]",1},{"%[Addr%]",2},{"%[Desc%]",5},{"%[Redir%]",6}, {"%[List%]",7},{"%[Topic%]",10},{"%[Bot%]",21},{"%[OpChat%]",24},{"%[Email%]",30}, {"%[Lang%]",34},{"%[User%]",nick}, } for i,v in ipairs(tab) do if type(v[2]) == "number" then chat = chat:gsub(v[1],SetMan.GetString(v[2]) or "%1: Not Set In GUI!") else chat = chat:gsub(v[1],v[2]) end end Core.SendToAll("<"..Bot.."> ""|") end end if os.time() > Clean then Clean = os.time() + 30000 collectgarbage("collect") end end end ChkTrigs = function(t) local n = os.time() for i,v in ipairs(Trigs) do if n > v[1] then return i,v[2] end end end OpConnected = function(user) local x,t,p = ChatOn,{["true"]= "enabled",["false"] = "disabled"},SetMan.GetString(29):sub(1,1) Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> ChatBot is currently "..t[tostring(x)].. ", type "..p..ChatCmd:lower().." to change it's status.|") end ChatArrival = function(user, data) if Core.GetUserValue(user,11) then local _,_,cmd = data:lower():find("^%b<> ["..SetMan.GetString(29).."]("..ChatCmd:lower()..")|$") if cmd then local x,t = ChatOn,{["true"]= "enabled",["false"] = "disabled"} if x then x = false else x = true end ChatOn = x return Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> ChatBot is now "..t[tostring(x)].."|"),true end end if ChatOn and not data:lower():find("^%b<> ["..SetMan.GetString(29).."][%a]+") then IdleTime = os.time()-1 local dat = data:sub(1,-2):gsub("^%b<> ","") local ret = ChkBotStr(dat) if ret then local delay = os.time() + math.random(math.max(2,DelayRange[1]),math.min(15,DelayRange[2])) table.insert(Trigs,{delay,ret:gsub("%(user%)",user.sNick)}) else for i,v in pairs(Wds) do if dat:lower():find(i:lower()) then if DebugNick ~= "" then local x,r = i:gsub("|","|"),"\t" r = r:rep(12).." is kicking because:" local msg = "<"..Bot.."> Trigger: '"..x.."' found in: " if DebugNick:lower() == "ops" then Core.SendToOps("|"..msg..r) else local op = Core.GetUser(DebugNick) if op then Core.SendToUser(op,"|"..msg..r) end end end if Used[i][2] <= 0 then Used[i] = {"",#v} end local x = math.random(#v) while Used[i][1]:find(x) do x = math.random(#v) end Used[i][1] = Used[i][1]..tostring(x) Used[i][2] = Used[i][2] - 1 local reply = v[x] math.randomseed(os.time()) local delay = os.time() + math.random(math.max(2,DelayRange[1]),math.min(15,DelayRange[2])) table.insert(Trigs,{delay,reply:gsub("%(user%)",user.sNick)}) break end end end end end

Best Regards,
Conversion Requests / Regme Px
Last post by Massi - 11 June, 2021, 10:32:07
Please, convert in Lua 5.3.4 for Ptokax Thanks  :)

--[[ RegMe 1.0g LUA 5.11 [Strict][API 2] By Mutor 04/07/07 Self Registration / Change Password Script -Checks if user is already registered -Checks for invalid characters in nick and password -Context menus [right click] -Responds to user in PM only -Existing password required to changed password -Prompts unregisted user to reg at script start and at user connect +Changes from 1.0 04/07/07 Requested by Yahoo +Added block unregistered user file transfer/search/chat and pm to non ops +Added 'block' message to unregistered user at connect attempt +Added report new self-registered user to online ops. +Changes from 1.0b 04/13/07 +Added report Unregistered User login to OpNick Requested by Yahoo +Changes from 1.0c 10/21/07 ~Converted for the new PtokaX API +Changes from 1.0d 10/21/07 ~Bugfix in user reg, forgot all user data must be requested. Report by DarkElf +Changes from 1.0e 02/16/08 +Added RegOnly/RegChat/RegPms options. Requested by Giorgos +Added Report option ~Changed all SendToNick to SendToUser [faster call] +Changes from 1.0f 10/06/09 +Blocked invalid command syntax, Requested by alcorp. +Filtered help message per profile status. +Added option for command notification to connecting users. RegMe Command Help Command Description ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ !rmhelp RegMe Command Help !regme Register Yourself !passwd Change Your Password ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ]] --//-- -- Disable transfer and search by unregistered users? true/false local RegOnly = true -- Disable chat for unregistered users? true/false local RegChat = true -- Disable private messages for unregistered users? true/false [pm's to ops are never blocked] local RegPms = true -- Report unregistered user logins to OpNick? true/false local Report = true -- Report nick for error messages and unregistered user logins [if Report = true] local OpNick = "Mutor" -- Show command notification to new connections? true/false local Notify = true --//-- local Bot,Scp,Pfx,Menu,SubMenu = "","","","","" local BlockMsg = "\r\n\r\n\tUnregistered users may not chat, pm, search or transfer files in this hub.\r\n".. "\tYou may pm operators for assistance. You may also self-register by typing.\r\n".. "\t!regme  or use context menu commands [right click].\r\n\r\n" OnStartup = function() Bot,Scp,Pfxs = SetMan.GetString(21),"RegMe 1.0g by Mutor",SetMan.GetString(29) Menu,SubMenu,Pfx =SetMan.GetString(0),"Self Registration",Pfxs:sub(1,1) for _,user in ipairs(Core.GetOnlineUsers(-1)) do Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg..RegCmds["rmhelp"](user,data,cmd)) end end UserConnected = function(user) if user.iProfile == -1 then SendCmds(user) if Report then OnError("The Unregistered User: "..user.sNick.." has logged in to "..SetMan.GetString(0)) end if RegOnly then Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg..RegCmds["rmhelp"](user,data,cmd)) end end end OpConnected,RegConnected = UserConnected,UserConnected ChatArrival = function(user,data) local _,_,pfx,cmd = data:find("%b<> (["..Pfxs.."])(%a+)") if pfx and cmd then cmd = cmd:lower() local i = user.iProfile local p = "Unregistered User",user.iProfile if i ~= -1 then p = ProfMan.GetProfile(i).sProfileName end local msg = "Sorry "..user.sNick..", "..p.."'s may not use the "..pfx..cmd.." command." if RegCmds[cmd] then if i == -1 and cmd == "regme" or i ~= -1 and cmd == "passwd" or cmd == "rmhelp" then return Core.SendPmToUser(user,Bot,RegCmds[cmd](user,data,cmd)), true else return Core.SendPmToUser(user,Bot,msg), true end else return Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..msg), Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg),true end else local _,_,to,from = string.find(data,"^$To: (%S+) From: (%S+)") if to and from then if RegPms and user.iProfile == -1 then local prof = Core.GetUser(to) if prof then if not Core.GetUserValue(prof,11) then return Core.SendPmToUser(user,to,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg),true end else return true end end else if RegChat and user.iProfile == -1 then return Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg),true end end end end ToArrival = ChatArrival ConnectToMeArrival = function(user, data) if RegOnly and user.iProfile == -1 then local CtmMsg = "\t*Please remove this transfer from your download queue.*" return Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg.. CtmMsg:gsub(" ",string.char(160)).."\r\n\r\n|"),true end end RevConnectToMeArrival = ConnectToMeArrival SearchArrival = function (user, data) if RegOnly and user.iProfile == -1 then local _,_,search = string.find(data,"([^?]+)|$") if search then local t = "TTH:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"--hash(t) in lieu of hub(h) local n,h,b,i,u = user.sNick,SetMan.GetString(0),SetMan.GetString(21), SetMan.GetString(3):gsub(";.*",""),SetMan.GetString(4) local res = "Unknown Path"..string.char(92)..n..", search is ".. "disabled for you :P "..string.rep("\t",15) return Core.SendToUser(user,"$SR "..b.." "..res.." 0 1/2"..t.." ("..i..":"..u..")|".. "<"..Bot.."> "..n..", search is disabled for you. Please close the ".. string.format("%q",search:gsub("%$"," ")).." search window. Thank you.|"),true end end end OnError = function(msg) local user = Core.GetUser(OpNick) if user then Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..msg) end end SendCmds = function(user) local n,b = user.iProfile for i,v in pairs(RegCmds) do local c = i:lower() if n == -1 and c == "regme" or n ~= -1 and c == "passwd" or c == "rmhelp" then local desc,arg1,arg2 = RegCmds[i]() Core.SendToUser(user,"$UserCommand 1 1 "..Menu.."\\"..SubMenu.."\\".. desc.."$<%[mynick]> "..Pfx..i..arg1.."|") Core.SendToUser(user,"$UserCommand 1 2 "..Menu.."\\"..SubMenu.."\\".. desc.."$<%[mynick]> "..Pfx..i..arg2.."|") if not b then b = true end end end if b and Notify then local Prof = "Unregistered User" if user.iProfile > -1 then Prof = ProfMan.GetProfile(user.iProfile).sProfileName end Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..Prof.."'s "..Scp.." commands ".. "enabled. See hub tab or user list for a menu.") end end FormatSize = function(int) local i,u,x = tonumber(int) or 0,{"","K","M","G","T","P"},1 while i > 1024 do i,x = i/1024,x+1 end return string.format("%.2f %sB.",i,u[x]) end RegCmds = { regme = function(user,data,cmd) if user then local nick = user.sNick if user.iProfile ~= -1 then return "Don't be silly "..nick.." you're already registered here." elseif Core.GetUserAllData(user) then local _,_,pwd = data:find("%b<> %p%w+ (%S+)|$") if pwd then if nick:find("[%c\$\|\<\>\:\?\*\"\/\\]") then return "Your nickname contains invalid characters. ".. "Please choose a new one." end if pwd:find("[%c\$\|\<\>\:\?\*\"\/\\]") then return "Your password contains invalid characters. ".. "Please choose a new one." end local hub = SetMan.GetString(0) local addy = SetMan.GetString(2)..":"..SetMan.GetString(3) local share,ip = FormatSize(user.iShareSize),user.sIP local slots = user.iSlots or 0 local mode = "Passive" if user.bActive then mode = "Active" end if user.sMode and user.sMode == "5" then mode = "Socks5" end local opmsg = "\r\n\r\n\tA user has self-registered\r\n".. "\twith the the following details:\r\n".. "\t"..string.rep("¯",22).."\r\n".. "\tNick:\t"..nick.."\r\n".. "\tPass:\t"..pwd:gsub(".","x").."\r\n".. "\tShare:\t"..share.."\r\n".. "\tI.P.:\t"..ip.."\r\n".. "\tMode:\t"..mode.."\r\n".. "\tSlots:\t"..slots.."\r\n" RegMan.AddReg(nick, pwd, 3) Core.SendToOps("<"..Bot.."> "..opmsg) return "\r\n\r\n\tWelcome. You have successfully ".. "registered yourself.\r\n\t"..string.rep("¯",40).."\r\n".. "\tHub Name:\t"..hub.."\r\n".. "\tHub Address:\t"..addy.."\r\n".. "\tUser Name:\t"..nick.."\r\n".. "\tPassword:\t"..pwd.."\r\n\r\n".. "\t"..string.rep("¯",40).."\r\n".. "\tPlease make a note of this information.\r\n".. "\tPlease reconnect to activate your status.\r\n" else return "Error! Usage: "..Pfx..cmd.." " end end else return "Register Yourself "," %[line:Password]"," %[line:Password]"," >" end end, passwd = function(user,data,cmd) if user then if user.iProfile == -1 then return "Don't be silly "..user.sNick.." you're not registered here." elseif Core.GetUserAllData(user) then local _,_,oldpass,newpass = data:find("%b<> %p%w+ (%S+) (.+)|$") if oldpass and newpass then local pwd,prof = RegMan.GetReg(user.sNick).sPassword,user.iProfile if pwd and prof then if oldpass:lower() ~= pwd:lower() then return "That is not your correct password. ".. "Please try again. [case insensitive]" end if newpass:find("[%c\$\|\<\>\:\?\*\"\/\\]") then return "Your new password contains invalid characters. ".. "Please choose a new one." end if newpass:lower() == oldpass:lower() then return "Your cannot change to the same password. ".. "Please choose a new one." end RegMan.ChangeReg(user.sNick, newpass, prof) return "You have successfully changed your password from ".. oldpass.." to "..newpass end else return "Error! Usage: ."..Pfx..cmd.." " end end else return "Change Your Password"," %[line:Old Password] %[line:New Password]", " %[line:Old Password] %[line:New Password]"," " end end, rmhelp = function(user,data,cmd,reg) if user then local n,b = user.iProfile local reply = "\r\n\r\n\t"..Scp.." Help\r\n\r\n\tCommand\t\tDescription\r\n".. "\t"..string.rep("¯",40).."\r\n" for i,v in pairs(RegCmds) do local c = i:lower() if n == -1 and c == "regme" or n ~= -1 and c == "passwd" or c == "rmhelp" then local desc = RegCmds[i]() reply = reply.."\t"..Pfx..string.format("%-15s",i).."\t"..desc.."\r\n" end end return reply.."\n\t"..string.rep("¯",40).."\r\n\r\n" else return "RegMe Help","","" end end, } ]

Best Regards,
Conversion Requests / Command Px
Last post by Massi - 11 June, 2021, 10:30:03
Please, convert in Lua 5.3.4 for Ptokax thanks  :)

--[[ PxCommands 1.1f Lite Ed. LUA 5.1 [Strict] [API 2] By Mutor 03/07/06 40% less calories than the standard edition :P -Sends inbuilt PtokaX user commands (per profile permissions) -Allows for default custom / commands -Allows for raw commands for ops +Changes from 1.1 Standard Edition 08/08/07 -Removed LUA version checking, converted for LUA 5.1 only. -Removed PxUtilities dependency and associated functions. +Profile commands sent in specific [editable] order. +Added profiles 4 - 6 for use with AIO scripts ~Changed timer function, garbage collection. ~Changed status message format and method ~Moved config table to a local variable. +Changes from 1.1 Lite Ed. 08/08/07 -Removed Bot registration & related info. -Removed most anything not required for basic function +All commands written to external files, one per profile. +File read and sent to user at connect +Command functions Default, Raw & Prof nil after 1st run +This method offers a savings of ~20Kb memory usage +Changes from 1.1b Lite Ed.. 09/14/07 ~Rewritten for the new PtokaX API [0.3.06d +] +Changes from 1.1c Lite Ed.. 11/17/07 -Removed Core.GetUserAllData in UserConnected, no longer req'd. +Added user message to data string *Optimizations suggestions by PPK: ~Changed SendToNick to SendToUser, all data sent together +Changes from 1.1d Lite Ed.. 04/26/08 +Added custom user commands. +Changes from 1.1f Lite Ed.. 01/11/09 ~Update for profile permission changes in PxLua API [version and later] ]]-- local CmdCfg = { --Command Menu Name ["" = Hub Name] Menu = "", --Bot Name ["" = Hub Bot] Bot = "", -- Clear the Hub/User menu first, before new commands set is sent at login? true/false -- Avoids duplicate menus. ***If enabled, load this script before other command scripts ClearMenu = true, --Send raw commands to operators? true/false SendRaw = true, } -- Custom profile level for Custom Commands local CustomLevel = {[-1] = 1,[0] = 5,[1] = 4,[2] = 3,[3] = 2,} -- Add your own custom commands -- Set first value as minimum profile level from CustomLevel table, second as typical User Command, ending in || CustomCmds = { --{#,"$UserCommand 1 1 Menu\\SubMenu\\Command Description$<%[mynick]> +command %[line:arg]||"} {1,"$UserCommand 1 3 Menu\\SubMenu\\Common Knowledge$<%[mynick]> Mutor is dead sexy!||"}, } OnStartup = function() Set=function(a,v,h)--(arg,val,hub) if a == "" then if h then return SetMan.GetString(v) else return v end else return a end end CmdCfg.Bot = Set(CmdCfg.Bot,21,true) CmdCfg.Menu = Set(CmdCfg.Menu,0,true) CmdCfg.Path = Core.GetPtokaXPath().."scripts/" local t,x = ProfMan.GetProfiles(),DefaultCmds(-1) for i,v in ipairs(t) do local p = i-1 local Commands = DefaultCmds(p) if CmdCfg.SendRaw and ProfMan.GetProfile(p).tProfilePermissions.bIsOP then local Raw = RawCmds(p) if Raw then Commands = Commands..Raw end end Commands = Commands..ProfCmds(p) local f,e =".uc","wb") f:write("return "..string.format("%q",Commands)) f:flush() f:close() end local f,e ="-1.uc","wb") f:write("return "..string.format("%q",x)) f:flush() f:close() DefaultCmds,RawCmds,ProfCmds = nil,nil,nil end UserConnected = function(user) if loadfile(CmdCfg.Path..tostring(user.iProfile)..".uc") then local x,count = dofile(CmdCfg.Path..tostring(user.iProfile)..".uc") if x then _,count = x:gsub("||","%1") end if x then _,count = x:gsub("UserCommand","%1") end if count and count > 0 then if CmdCfg.ClearMenu then x = "$UserCommand 255 3 "..CmdCfg.Menu.."||"..x end local HubApp,HubVer,Prof = "PtokaX", Core.Version,"Unregistered User" if user.iProfile ~= -1 then Prof = ProfMan.GetProfile(user.iProfile).sProfileName end x = x.."<"..CmdCfg.Bot.."> Welcome "..user.sNick..", [ ".. tostring(count).." ] "..Prof.."'s "..HubApp.." "..HubVer.." commands enabled. Right ".. "click hub tab or user list for menu.|" local lvl = CustomLevel[user.iProfile] for i,v in ipairs(CustomCmds) do if lvl and lvl >= v[1] then x = x..v[2] end end Core.SendToUser(user,x) end end end RegConnected,OpConnected = UserConnected,UserConnected DefaultCmds = function(idx) local str,pfx,menu = "",SetMan.GetString(29):sub(1,1) or "+",CmdCfg.Menu --//-- Add your custom/default commands here --//-- Index = { --//-- [0] = {[-1]=1,[0]=1,[1]=1,[2]=1,[3]=1}, --//-- [#] = {"command", "args", "Command Description", "Submenu", *Context}, --//-- }, --//-- --//-- Key [0] contains idx profiles, use =1 to enable that profile, =0 to disable --//-- *Context --//-- 1=Hub Menu 2=User Menu 3=Hub/User Menu 4 = File[Search] 5 = Hub/File 6 = User/File 7 = Hub/User/File local Default = { [1] = { [0] = {[-1]=true,[0]=true,[1]=true,[2]=true,[3]=1}, [1] = {"help", "", "Get Command Help", "General",3,}, }, [2] = { [0] = {[-1]=false,[0]=true,[1]=true,[2]=true,[3]=true,}, [1] = {"passwd", " %[line:New Password]", "Change Your Password", "General",3}, }, [3] = { [0] = {[-1]=true,[0]=true,[1]=true,[2]=true,[3]=true,}, [1] = {"myip", "", "Display Your IP Address", "General",3}, }, [4] = { [0] = {[-1]=false,[0]=true,[1]=true,[2]=true,[3]=true,}, [1] = {"me", " %[line:Say What?]", "Speak In The Third Person", "General",3}, }, [5] = { [0] = {[-1]=true,[0]=true,[1]=true,[2]=true,[3]=true,}, [1] = {"stats", "", "Get Hub Statistics", "General",3}, }, [6] = { [0] = {[-1]=true,[0]=true,[1]=true,[2]=true,[3]=true,}, [1] = {"memstats", "", "Get Hub Memory Statistics", "General",3}, }, } for i,v in ipairs(Default) do if v[0][idx]then for a,b in ipairs(v) do if a > 0 then str = str.."$UserCommand 1 "..b[5].." ""\\"..b[4].."\\".. b[3].." $<%[mynick]> "..pfx..b[1]..b[2].."||" end end end end return str end --There is not a whole lot of need for this but I was bored --Note: Badly formed raw commands will disconnect your from hub --These commands offered as examples, check your hub settings before use RawCmds = function(idx) local str,menu,rda,srda = "",CmdCfg.Menu, SetMan.GetString(6) or " %[line:Redirect To? (Address:Port)]", SetMan.GetString(12) or " %[line:Redirect Bad Share To? (Address:Port)]" local RawCommands = { [1] = { [1] = {"$$To:"," %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> %[line:Message (Select Nicks First)]", "Selective Private Message","Messages",2}, }, [2] = { [1] = {"$$OpForceMove", " $Who:%[line:Victim Nick]$Where:"..rda.. "$Msg:%[line:Reason]", "Redirect To Default", "User Admin",1}, [2] = {"$$OpForceMove", " $Who:%[nick]$Where:"..rda.. "$Msg:%[line:Reason]", "Redirect To Default", "User Admin",2}, [3] = {"$$OpForceMove", " $Who:%[line:Victim Nick]$Where:"..srda.. "$Msg:%[line:Reason]", "Redirect Bad Share", "User Admin",1}, [4] = {"$$OpForceMove", " $Who:%[nick]$Where:"..srda.. "$Msg:%[line:Reason]", "Redirect Bad Share", "User Admin",2}, }, [3] = { [1] = {"$$Quit"," %[mynick]","Disconnect From Hub","Hub Admin",2}, }, [4] = { [1] = {"$$Close"," %[line:Close Who?]","Close User","User Admin",1}, [2] = {"$$Close"," %[nick]","Close User","User Admin",2}, }, [5] = { [1] = {"$$To:"," %[line:Nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being kicked.||<%[mynick]> is kicking %[line:Nick]||$Kick %[line:Nick]","Kick User","Raw Cmds",1}, [2] = {"$$To:"," %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being kicked.||<%[mynick]> is kicking %[nick]||$Kick %[nick]","Kick User","Raw Cmds",2}, }, } for i,v in ipairs(RawCommands) do for a,b in ipairs(v) do str = str.."$UserCommand 1 "..b[5].." ""\\".. b[4].."\\"..b[3]..b[1]..b[2].."||" end end return str end ProfCmds = function(idx) local str,pfx,menu,perms = "",SetMan.GetString(29):sub(1,1) or "+",CmdCfg.Menu,ProfMan.GetProfile(idx).tProfilePermissions --Format change here, don't edit the first [1] key/value pair of each command or script will fail -- You may however, edit entries after [1] if you'd like local Commands = { [1] = { [1] = {bTempUnban = 0}, [2] = {"tempunban", " %[line:Nick Or IP To unban]", "Temp Unban Nick/IP", "Ban Admin",3}, }, [2] = { [1] = {bGetInfo = 0}, [2] = {"getinfo", " %[nick]", "Get User Info", "User Info",2}, }, [3] = { [1] = {bGag = 0}, [2] = {"gag", " %[line:Nick To Gag]", "The User Can't Post To Mainchat Anymore", "User Admin",1}, [3] = {"gag", " %[nick]", "The User Can't Post To Mainchat Anymore", "User Admin",2}, [4] = {"ungag", " %[line:Nick To Ungag]", "The User Can Post To Mainchat Again", "User Admin",1}, [5] = {"ungag", " %[nick]", "The User Can Post To Mainchat Again", "User Admin",2} }, [4] = { [1] = {bGetBans = 0}, [2] = {"getbans", "", "Display Bans", "Ban Admin",3}, [3] = {"getpermbans", "", "Display Permanent Bans", "Ban Admin",3}, [4] = {"gettempbans", "", "Display Temporary Bans", "Ban Admin",3}, [5] = {"checknickban", " %[line:Check This Nick]", "Check Nick For Ban", "Ban Admin",3}, [6] = {"checkipban", " %[line:Check This IP]", "Check IP For Ban", "Ban Admin",3}, }, [5] = { [1] = {bMassMsg = 0}, [2] = {"massmsg", " %[line:Mass Message For Users]", "Send A Private Message To All Users", "Messages",3}, [3] = {"opmassmsg", " %[line:Mass Message For Ops]", "Send A Private Message To All Ops", "Messages",3}, }, [6] = { [1] = {bClearRangeTempBans = 0}, [2] = {"clrrangetempbans", "", "Clear Temporary Range Bans", "Range Ban Admin",3}, }, [7] = { [1] = {bRangeUnban = 0}, [2] = {"rangeunban", " %[line:Start Of IP Range] %[line:End Of IP Range]", "Unban An IP Range", "Range Ban Admin",3}, }, [8] = { [1] = {bTopic = 0}, [2] = {"topic", " %[line:Topic (off = Clear Topic)]", "Set/Change/Clear Hub Topic", "Hub Admin",3}, }, [9] = {--m=Mins, h=Hours, d=Days, w=Weeks, M=Months, Y=Years. [1] = {bTempBan = 0}, [2] = {"tempban", " %[nick] %[line:Time To Ban] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Temp Ban User", "Ban Admin",2}, [3] = {"nicktempban", " %[nick] %[line:Time To Ban] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Temp Ban Nick", "Ban Admin",2}, [4] = {"tempbanip", " %[ip] %[line:Time To Ban] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Temp Ban IP", "Ban Admin",2}, [5] = {"fulltempban", " %[nick] %[line:Time To Ban] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Full Temp Ban Nick", "Ban Admin",2}, [6] = {"fulltempbanip", " %[ip] %[line:Time To Ban] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Full Temp Ban IP", "Ban Admin",2}, }, [10] = { [1] = {bKick = 0}, [2] = {"$$Kick", " %[line:Nick To Kick]", "Kick User", "User Admin",1}, [3] = {"$$Kick", " %[nick]", "Kick User", "User Admin",2}, }, [11] = { [1] = {bRestartScripts = 0}, [2] = {"getscripts", "", "Display Current Script & Status", "Hub Admin",3}, [3] = {"restartscripts", "", "Restart All Scripts", "Hub Admin",3}, [4] = {"startscript", " %[line:Script Filename]", "Start Specified Script", "Hub Admin",3}, [5] = {"stopscript", " %[line:Script Filename]", "Stop Specified Script", "Hub Admin",3}, [6] = {"restartscript", " %[line:Script Filename]", "Restart Specified Script", "Hub Admin",3}, }, [12] = { [1] = {bRangeTempBan = 0}, [2] = {"rangetempban", " %[line:Start Of IP Range] %[line:End Of IP Range] %[line:Time For Ban] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Temporary Ban An IP Range", "Range Ban Admin",3}, [3] = {"fullrangetempban", " %[line:Start Of IP Range] %[line:End Of IP Range] %[line:Time For Ban] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Full Temporary Ban An IP Range", "Range Ban Admin",3}, }, [13] = { [1] = {bTempOP = 0}, [2] = {"op", " %[line:Nick]", "Grant Temporary Op Status To User For One Session", "Registration",1}, [3] = {"op", " %[nick]", "Give Temporary Op Status To User For One Session", "Registration",2}, }, [14] = { [1] = {bAddRegUser = 0}, [2] = {"addreguser", " %[line: Nick To Register] %[line:Password For Nick] %[line:Profile (Reg/VIP/Operator/Master)]", "Register A User", "Registration",1}, [3] = {"addreguser", " %[nick] %[line:Password For Nick] %[line:Profile (Reg/VIP/Operator/Master)]", "Register A User", "Registration",2}, }, [15] = { [1] = {bUnban = 0}, [2] = {"unban", " %[line:Nick or IP to Unban]", "Unban Nick/IP", "Ban Admin",3}, [3] = {"permunban", " %[line:Nick or IP to Unban]", "Perm Unban Nick/IP", "Ban Admin",3}, }, [16] = { [1] = {bClrPermBan = 0}, [2] = {"clrpermbans", "", "Clear Permanent Bans", "Ban Admin",3}, }, [17] = { [1] = {bRangeTempUnban = 0}, [2] = {"rangetempunban", " %[line:Start Of IP Range] %[line:End Of IP Range] %[line:Time For Ban] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Unban Temporary IP Range Ban", "Range Ban Admin",3}, }, [18] = { [1] = {bDelRegUser = 0}, [2] = {"delreguser", " %[line:Nick To Delete]", "Delete A User From Registry", "Registration",1}, [3] = {"delreguser", " %[nick]", "Delete A User From Registry", "Registration",2}, }, [19] = { [1] = {bClearRangePermBans = 0}, [2] = {"clrrangepermbans", "", "Clear Permanent Range Bans", "Range Ban Admin",3}, }, [20] = { [1] = {bRefreshTxt = 0}, [2] = {"reloadtxt", "", "Reload Textfiles", "Hub Admin",3}, }, [21] = { [1] = {bRangeBan = 0}, [2] = {"rangeban", " %[line:Start Of IP Range] %[line:End Of IP Range] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Permanently Ban An IP Range", "Range Ban Admin",3}, [3] = {"fullrangeban", " %[line:Start Of IP Range] %[line:End Of IP Range] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Permanently Ban An IP Range", "Range Ban Admin",3}, }, [22] = { [1] = {bGetRangeBans = 0}, [2] = {"getrangebans", "", "Display Banned IP Ranges", "Range Ban Admin",3}, [3] = {"getrangepermbans", "", "Display Permanently Banned IP Ranges", "Range Ban Admin",3}, [4] = {"getrangetempbans", "", "Display Temporarily Banned IP Ranges", "Range Ban Admin",3}, [5] = {"checkrangeban", " %[line:Start Of IP Range] %[line:End Of IP Range]", "Check Bans For This IP Range", "Range Ban Admin",3}, }, [23] = { [1] = {bDrop = 0}, [2] = {"drop", " %[line:Nick To Drop] %[line:Reason For Drop]", "Silent Kick With Tempban", "User Admin",1}, [3] = {"drop", " %[nick] %[line:Reason For Drop]", "Silent Kick With Tempban", "User Admin",2}, }, [24] = { [1] = {bBan = 0}, [2] = {"ban", " %[nick] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Ban By Nickname", "User Admin",1}, [3] = {"ban", " %[line:Nick To Ban] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Ban By Nickname", "User Admin",2}, [4] = {"nickban", " %[line:Nick To Ban] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Ban Nickname", "User Admin",1}, [5] = {"nickban", " %[nick] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Ban Nickname", "User Admin",2}, [6] = {"banip", " %[line:Ban This IP] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Ban IP Address", "User Admin",1}, [7] = {"banip", " %[ip] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "Ban IP Address", "User Admin",2}, [8] = {"fullbanip"," %[line:Ban This IP] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "FullBan IP Address", "User Admin",1}, [9] = {"fullbanip"," %[ip] %[line:Reason For Ban]", "FullBan IP Address", "User Admin",2}, }, [25] = { [1] = {bRestartHub = 0}, [2] = {"restart", "", "Restart The Hub", "Hub Admin",3}, }, [26] = { [1] = {bClrTempBan = 0}, [2] = {"clrtempbans", "", "Clear Temporary Bans", "Ban Admin",3}, }, } for i,v in ipairs(Commands) do local t = {} for key,val in pairs(v[1]) do if perms[key] then t = v end end if next(t) then for a,b in ipairs(t) do if a > 1 then local uc,pre,p = "$UserCommand 1 "," $<%[mynick]> "..pfx,"||" if i == 10 then pre = "" end str = str..uc..b[5].." ""\\"..b[4].."\\"..b[3]..pre..b[1]..b[2]..p end end end end return str end

Best Regards,
Support / Problem installing PtokaX on W...
Last post by HerzeleidMeister - 27 May, 2021, 12:37:20
Hello, I just recently downloaded the software to install and run on my Windows 10 desktop. I downloaded the with Lua 5.3.4 and SQLite Win64 GUI package. I got the following error when trying to install it:

'ptokax' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Finished Scripts / Re: Timed hub time/date
Last post by Cêñoßy†ê - 10 May, 2021, 07:30:49
Code  above updated with small fix

v2.1.1 by Cêñoßy†ê 10.05.2021
   -- fixed function check(what) to detect correct dates
Finished Scripts / Timed hub time/date
Last post by Cêñoßy†ê - 09 May, 2021, 16:14:39
				Just a simple one  
			Gives local date and time info in main, on a settable interval.
			Name: Date_Time lua 5.1.3 for Px 0.4.0 and up.
			Made by [NL]Daddy-Bear™ April 2-2008.
			v2 by Cêñoßy†ê 28.07.2020
				-- removed bot registration (uses now main bot name)
				-- updated timer
				-- small cosmetic changes
			v2.1 by Cêñoßy†ê 09.05.2021
				-- added option to choose how month is shown (txt/number)
				-- added option to choose 24h or 12h clock
				-- changed message to easyer to modify
				more info about -->
			v2.1.1 by Cêñoßy†ê 10.05.2021
				-- fixed function check(what) to detect correct dates
			v2.1.2 by Cêñoßy†ê 28.06.2021
				-- fixed correct date and time (got stucked to script start time)
				¨˜"°º•¨˜"°º• Lets enjoy our Hobby •º°"˜•º°"˜

clock_type = 24												-- Do we use 24h or 12h clock
show_month = "txt"											-- How we show month (txt/number)
interval = 60												-- Interval Date and Time info is giffen in main in Min
main = "\n\t\t\t\t\tø¤*°'°*¤ø Date and Time ø¤*°'°*¤ø\n\n"	-- Topic string
borders = "ø¤*°'°*¤ø"										-- String as up/down borders
times = 13													-- How often we repeat the string borders


function check(what)-- we add data to month/date if number used
	if what == (01 or 21 or 31) then
		x = " st."
	elseif what == (02 or 22) then
		x = " nd."
	elseif what == (03 or 23) then
		x = " rd."
		x = " th."
	return x

function check_time()-- we check the time for 12/24 hour clock
	if clock_type == 24 then
		curtime ="%X")
		curtime ="%I:%M:%S").." ""%p")
	return curtime

function check_month()-- we check the month if number/txt used
	if show_month == "txt" then
		curmonth ="%B")
		curmonth ="%m")..check("%m"))
	return curmonth

function OnStartup()
	tmr = TmrMan.AddTimer(interval*60000)

function OnTimer(tmr)	
	local msg = main
	msg = msg.."\t"..string.rep(borders,times).."\n"
	msg = msg.."\t\tThe Local Date and Time here: ""%A").." the ""%d")..check("%d")).." of "..check_month().." on the Year ""%Y").." Time is: "..check_time().."\n"
	msg = msg.."\t"..string.rep(borders,times).."\n"
	Core.SendToAll("<"..SetMan.GetString(SetMan.tStrings.HubBotNick).."> "..msg.."")
News / PtokaX websites were restored ...
Last post by PPK - 18 April, 2021, 20:50:13
On 10 march 2021 OVH datacentre located in Strasbourg France burned. Everything was destroyed including server with PtokaX websites and servers with backups. It took more than month on OVH side to restore my service on new server without any data.
PtokaX websites were restored from my local backup. But looks like one piece of puzzle is broken. Recent dump with PtokaX forum database on my local machine is some way corrupted. It looks like it was not downloaded completely and i didn't noticed that.
For now is PtokaX forum restored from older backup and i will investigate possibility to restore something from latest one. If this will be not possible i will try to post atleast lost topics.
FAQ section / Re: Ptokax hub
Last post by the-master - 04 September, 2017, 15:40:51
She's Blonde  :D
FAQ section / Re: Ptokax hub
Last post by bastya_elvtars - 30 August, 2017, 17:06:25
Should run alright on Win10, if it does not, you can always try compatibility mode. By the way, why are you using such an old version?
FAQ section / Ptokax hub
Last post by Annie - 27 August, 2017, 17:44:54
I am running Ptokax dc hub  and I have updated to windows 10 on a new computer.  Can this hub run on windows 10?.
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