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Started by Kosten, 20 October, 2008, 20:53:08

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Probably I not in that subject write.... :(

Hello, people! I not local, therefore forgive my awful English =)
I liked job Hub-Link in Dev Direct Connect Hub environment... It would be desirable to understand, how the script cooperates with a boat and as he synchronizes userlists. Who can help me?

P.S.: I certainly understand, that it is not necessary to hurry those who is engaged in scripts, but can be eat any beta-version a script for PtokaX?
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I probably not so was expressed...I understand that Hub-Link is the program. Me interests as it is possible "make to friends" with PtokaX.
I understand that Hub-Link can cooperates chats are well, but I do not like that that all occurs so:
Chat 1:
<Kosten> Hi all!
Chat 2:
<DCHL> <Kosten> Hi all!

Whether it is possible though to clean nick Hub-Link before mine? ???
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With a little hubside script it's possible.. ain't tested :)

hlbot = "DCHL"

function ChatArrival(tUser, sData)
	if tUser.sNick == hlbot then
		local _,_,data = sData:find("%b<> (%b<> .*)")
		if data then 
			return true


ATAG, Cool! thanks!!! You know how possible sync userlist with Hub-Link boat? ::)
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Quote from: Kosten on 21 October, 2008, 14:35:42
ATAG, Cool! thanks!!! You know how possible sync userlist with Hub-Link boat? ::)
No way. In theory it's possible to make a better hublink plugin in Lua but it's hard (and crazy) work :)


I know...but want that this time come soon... :'(
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Peoples, and it is possible to make such script which would add to the description of the user "Prefix", depending on it IP? :)

I have in view of, for example if IP begins on "88.132" the script added "net1" and if on "77.45", then "net2"..:)
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Please, help who knows.. Such script is very necessary... At me it turns out, but "prefixes" always identical ((
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To change user's nick or description (or anything else within MyINFO) is not easy and requires a lot of resources.


I understand, but I saw job of a similar script on other hubs, and it looked beautifully, here and have reflected as though to make such to myself, but I do not know as it to make more correctly :)
Somebody can help me with this script?
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... I understand, that scripts are not written, but in LUA still understand more few and I can not write such script... Please, help who who knows. very need this script ::)
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Has already understood. peoples from RuNet have helped :D
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