PtokaX forum

Lua 5.3/5.2/5.1 Scripts (for PtokaX and newer) => Request for scripts => Topic started by: ?StIfFLEr?? on 16 January, 2009, 18:31:44

Title: Script to record
Post by: ?StIfFLEr?? on 16 January, 2009, 18:31:44
Can anyone make a script to record the Highest number of users on hub and display them in tbl with the number of users on the particular date.
And to record the peak share of the hub and then show in the tbl with the date.

Title: Re: Script to record
Post by: ?StIfFLEr?? on 16 January, 2009, 18:59:10
Thanks mutor i will take a look into it sorry to post this if it was already present.
Title: Re: Script to record
Post by: ?StIfFLEr?? on 16 January, 2009, 19:15:40
Actually mutor i went through top hubbers but its like hubtime script that i came across.
Actually i was referring to a script made by jiten.

RecordBot 1.6 - LUA 5.0/5.1 by jiten (11/8/2006)

Based on RecordBot vKryFinal written by bonki 2003

Description: Logs and displays a hub's all time share and user record.

- Fixed: Huge users bug and some stuff (thx to T?M??r?V?ll?R)
- Fixed: Stats sending before MOTD
- Added: Top Share and Sharer Record (requested by XPMAN)
- Added: Reg Bot switch (requested by (uk)jay)
- Fixed: Nil Max Sharer (thx Cosmos)
- Added: Ignore List (requested by chettedeboeuf)
- Fixed: User Record Time (11/26/2005)
- Added: Top Sharer and Share validation delay (requested by chettedeboeuf)
- Changed: Command Parsing and profile permission structure
- Fixed: Top Sharer and Share Delay bug (thx to chettedeboeuf)
- Chaged: Some code rewritten
- Added: Time/Date to each record message (requested by Troubadour)
- Changed: Chat and ToArrival structure;
- Removed: !rb.set command;
- Merged: tSettings and Record table;
- Changed: Some code bits and variables;
- Updated: To LUA 5.1 (11/8/2006)


tSettings = {

-- Bot Name
sBot = "?GiGaByTe?",

-- Toggle automatically register Bot Name [true = on, false = off]
bRegister = true,

-- RecordBot DB
fRecord = "tRecord.tbl",

-- Ignore table
tIgnore = { ["jiten"] = 1, ["yournick"] = 1, },

-- Top Sharer and Top Share validation delay (minutes)
iDelay = 0,

-- Message settings [ true = on, false = off ]

-- Show report in Main
bMain = true,

-- Show report in PM
bPM = false,

-- Show report on Login
bLogin = false,

-- Commands
sHelp = "", sShow = "", sSetup = "rb.set", sReset = "rb.reset"


tRecord, tDelay = {}, {}

Main = function()
if (tSettings.sBot ~= frmHub:GetHubBotName() or tSettings.bRegister) then frmHub:RegBot(tSettings.sBot) end
if loadfile(tSettings.fRecord) then dofile(tSettings.fRecord) end
SetTimer(1000); StartTimer()

ChatArrival = function(user, data)
-- Define vars
local _,_, to = string.find(data, "^$To:%s(%S+)%s+From:")
local _,_, msg = string.find(data, "%b<>%s(.*)|$")
-- Message sent to Bot or in Main
if (to and to == tSettings.sBot) or not to then
-- Parse command
local _,_, cmd = string.find(msg, "^%p(%S+)")
-- Exists
if cmd and tCommands[string.lower(cmd)] then
cmd, user.SendMessage = string.lower(cmd), user.SendData
-- PM
if to == tSettings.sBot then user.SendMessage = user.SendPM end
-- If user has permission
if tCommands[cmd].tLevels[user.iProfile] and tCommands[cmd].tLevels[user.iProfile] == 1 then
return tCommands[cmd].fFunction(user), 1
return user:SendMessage(tSettings.sBot, "*** Error: You are not allowed to use this command!"), 1

ToArrival = ChatArrival

OnExit = function()
SaveToFile(tRecord, "tRecord", tSettings.fRecord)

tCommands = {
[tSettings.sHelp] = {
fFunction = function(user)
-- Header
local sMsg = "\r\n\r\n\t\t\t"..string.rep("=", 80).."\r\n"..string.rep("\t", 6).."RecordBot - LUA 5.1 version by jiten "..
"\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t"..string.rep("-", 160).."\r\n\t\t\tAvailable Commands:".."\r\n\r\n"
-- Loop through table
for i,v in pairs(tCommands) do
-- If user has permission
if v.tLevels[user.iProfile] and v.tLevels[user.iProfile] == 1 then
-- Populate
sMsg = sMsg.."\t\t\t!"..i.."\t\t"..v.tDesc.."\r\n"
-- Send
user:SendMessage(tSettings.sBot, sMsg.."\t\t\t"..string.rep("-",160));
tLevels = {
[-1] = 1, [0] = 1, [1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1, [4] = 1, [5] = 1,
tDesc = "\tDisplays this help message\t\t\t!"..tSettings.sHelp.."",
[tSettings.sShow] = {
fFunction = function(user)
if next(tRecord) then
                                local msg ="\r\n\r\n\t"..string.rep ("", 50).."\r\t\t\t\?GiGaByTe ReCoRdS?\t\t\t"..
                                "\r\n\r\n\t"..string.rep ("", 50).."\r\n\tRecord\t\tValue\t\tDate - Time\n\t"..string.rep ("-", 100).."\r\n"..
"\t?ShArE?\t\t"..(DoShareUnits(tRecord.iShare) or 0).." \t\t"..(tRecord.tShare or "n/a")..
"\r\n\t?UsEr?\t\t"..(tRecord.iUsers or 0).." user(s)\t\t"..(tRecord.tUsers or "n/a")..
"\r\n\t?ToP sHaReR?\t"..(tRecord.sMaxSharer or "n/a").." ("..(DoShareUnits(tRecord.iMaxSharer) or 0)..
")\t"..(tRecord.tMaxSharer or "n/a").."\r\n\t"..string.rep ("-", 100)
user:SendMessage(tSettings.sBot, msg)
user:SendMessage(tSettings.sBot, "*** Error: No records have been saved.")
tLevels = {
[-1] = 1, [0] = 1, [1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1, [4] = 1, [5] = 1,
tDesc = "\tShows this hub's all time share and user record\t!"..tSettings.sShow,
[tSettings.sReset] = {
fFunction = function(user)
tRecord = {}; SendToAll(tSettings.sBot, "*** Hub records have been reset!");
tLevels = {
[-1] = 0, [0] = 1, [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0, [4] = 0, [5] = 1,
tDesc = "\tResets all records\t\t\t\t!"..tSettings.sReset,

NewUserConnected = function(user)
if not tSettings.tIgnore[user.sName] then
local iUserCount = frmHub:GetUsersCount()
tRecord.iUsers, tRecord.tUsers = (tRecord.iUsers or 0), (tRecord.tUsers or "n/a")
if (iUserCount > tRecord.iUsers) then
tRecord.iUsers, tRecord.tUsers = iUserCount,
if tSettings.bPM then
SendPmToNick(user.sName, "*** Thanks, buddie. You've just raised the all-time share record!");
if tSettings.bMain then
SendToAll(tSettings.sBot, "*** "..user.sName.." has just raised the all-time user record to: "..
tRecord.iUsers.." users at "" :)");
tDelay[user] = {}
tDelay[user]["iTime"] = tSettings.iDelay*60

OpConnected = NewUserConnected

OnTimer = function()
for nick,v in pairs(tDelay) do
tDelay[nick]["iTime"] = tDelay[nick]["iTime"] - 1
if tDelay[nick]["iTime"] <= 0 then
if GetItemByName(nick.sName) then
local iTotalShare, iShare, sNick = frmHub:GetCurrentShareAmount(), nick.iShareSize, nick.sName
tRecord.iShare = (tRecord.iShare or 0)
if (iTotalShare > tRecord.iShare) then
tRecord.iShare, tRecord.tShare = iTotalShare,
if tSettings.bPM then SendPmToNick(nick.sName, tSettings.sBot, "*** Thanks, buddie. You have just raised the all-time share record to "..DoShareUnits(iTotalShare).." :)"); end;
if tSettings.bMain then SendToAll(tSettings.sBot, "*** "..nick.sName.." has just raised the all-time share record to: "..DoShareUnits(iTotalShare).." on ""%x")); end;

tRecord.iMaxSharer = (tRecord.iMaxSharer or 0)
if (iShare > tRecord.iMaxSharer) then
tRecord.iMaxSharer, tRecord.sMaxSharer, tRecord.tMaxSharer = iShare, nick.sName,
if tSettings.bPM then SendPmToNick(nick.sName, "*** Thanks, buddie. You are our highest sharer with: "..DoShareUnits(iShare).."."); end;
if tSettings.bMain then SendToAll(tSettings.sBot, "*** "..nick.sName.." is our all-time biggest sharer with: "..DoShareUnits((iShare)).." since ""%x").." :)"); end;

if tSettings.bLogin then
local sMsg = "\r\n\r\n\t"..string.rep("?", 75).."\r\n\t\t\tStats\r\n\t"..
string.rep("-", 100).."\r\n\r\n\t?ShArE rEcOrD?: "..(DoShareUnits(tonumber(tRecord.iShare)) or 0).." [ "..
(tRecord.tShare or "n/a").." ]\r\n\t?UsEr rEcOrD?: "..(tRecord.iUsers or 0).." users [ "..
(tRecord.tUsers or "n/a").." ]\r\n\t?ToP sHaReR?: "..(tRecord.sMaxSharer or "n/a")..
" ("..(DoShareUnits(tRecord.iMaxSharer) or 0)..") [ "..(tRecord.tMaxSharer or "n/a").." ]\r\n"
nick:SendData(tSettings.sBot, sMsg)
tDelay[nick] = nil

-- By kepp and NotRambitWombat
DoShareUnits = function(intSize)
if intSize and intSize ~= 0 then
local tUnits, intSize, sUnits = { "Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" }, tonumber(intSize)
for index in ipairs(tUnits) do
if(intSize < 1024) then sUnits = tUnits[index];  break;  else   intSize = intSize / 1024;  end
return string.format("%0.1f %s",intSize, sUnits);

Serialize = function(tTable,sTableName,hFile,sTab)
sTab = sTab or "";
hFile:write(sTab..sTableName.." = {\n");
for key,value in pairs(tTable) do
if (type(value) ~= "function") then
local sKey = (type(key) == "string") and string.format("[%q]",key) or string.format("[%d]",key);
if(type(value) == "table") then
local sValue = (type(value) == "string") and string.format("%q",value) or tostring(value);
hFile:write(sTab.."\t"..sKey.." = "..sValue);

SaveToFile = function(table,tablename,file)
local hFile =,"w+") Serialize(table,tablename,hFile); hFile:close()

can it be made into new api with similar functions.
Title: Re: Script to record
Post by: ?StIfFLEr?? on 16 January, 2009, 19:24:38
Thanks mutor for your help.
Mutor actually am not against any of the scriptor but so far i came across with all the scripts i have been loving and been more keen in your works.Please if u can can u make a similar script from your side.If its possible. There is no issues if i have to wait for the author to see the post.
Sorry for my english.
Thanks mutor
Title: Re: Script to record
Post by: ?StIfFLEr?? on 17 January, 2009, 06:00:29
Thanks mutor for your help.
TOP TEN has the same function which much variety to choose Thanks for suggesting them.
Its working great.
Thanks once again.