***CB v5: about !add / !del & !show commands


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***CB v5: about !add / !del & !show commands

Started by Guibs, 17 March, 2004, 18:57:24

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Those 3 general commands are mostly working together.
Parameters availables may depending of some script settings.
Also, parameters have their levels, like the commands, & some have their own shortcuts too.

Parameters are:
*** shortcut:
parameter: shortcut > level: VSHORTCUT > shorcut: !shortcut
!add shortcut !shortcut (or: !shortcut !shortcut) < to add the command '!shortcut' into your shortcuts
!del shortcut !shortcut < to remove the '!shortcut' command from your shortcuts
!show shortcut < to show your shortcuts (or: ?shortcut)

*** block:
parameter: block > level: VBLOCK > shorcut: !block
!add block Guibs (or: !block Guibs) & Guibs won't be able to download on you)
!add block 10 gb (or: !block 10 gb) & all users who don't have at least 10 gb shared won't be to download on you
(rem: you can't block users who have a egal or higher level then you.)
!del block Guibs < to remove Guibs from your black list
!block 0 gb < to remove your upload share limit
!show block (or: ?block ) < to show your current black list
!show block Guibs (or: ?block Guibs) < to check if Guibs has a black list
(rem: you can't see the black list of a user who have a higher level then you)

*** immune:
parameter: immune > level: VIMMUNE
!add immune Guibs < to add Guibs immune by his nick
!del immune Guibs < to remove Guibs from the immune list

*** freeslot:
parameter: freeslot > level: VIMMUNE
!add freeslot Guibs < to add Guibs immune on the freeslot & slot-locker check
!del freeslot Guibs < to remove Guibs from the immune list on the freeslot & slot-locker check

*** passive:
parameter: passive > level: VIMMUNE
!add passive Guibs < to add Guibs immune on the passive check
!del passive Guibs < to remove Guibs from the immune list on the passive check

*** mac:
parameter: mac > level: VIMMUNE
!add mac Guibs < to add Guibs immune on the DcMac client check
!del mac Guibs < to remove Guibs from the immune list on the DcMac client check

*** nonedelogon:
parameter: nonedelogon > level: VIMMUNE
!add nonedelogon Guibs < & Guibs won't be checked anymore about the automatic clean log function
!del nonedelogon Guibs < to remove Guibs from the nonedelogon list

*** noneunregon:
parameter: noneunregon > level: VIMMUNE
!add noneunregon Guibs < & Guibs won't be checked anymore about the automatic delreg function
!del noneunregon Guibs < to remove Guibs from the noneunregon list

(rem: to show all immune users, use: ?immune)

*** profile:
parameter: profile > level: VADDTABLE
!add profile < doesn't work,... too hard to do,... :p (see the ' !changeprofile ' command)
!del profile 1 < to delete the profile number 1
!show profile < to show all the profiles known
!show profile 1 < to show the profile number 1

*** iversion:
parameter: iversion > level: VADDTABLE
!add iversion 1,0091 < will add ' 1,0091 ' as a new iversion known by the profile system
!del iversion 1,0091 < to remove the ' 1,0091' iversion
!show iversion < to show all the iversions known

*** badiversion:
parameter: badiversion > level: VADDTABLE
!add badiversion MyiVersion < will add ' MyiVersion ' as a new bad iversion known by the profile system. If you really think that the user has changed the iversion from his client, use that syntax,... Client with bad iversion won't be able to connect & will get the message:
Please, don't change the version under your client settings. Go under the menu 'Settings' / 'Advanced' & leave blank the field: 'Client Version'. Thanks.
!del badiversion MyiVersion < to remove the ' MyiVersion' from the bad iversion list
!show badiversion < to show all the bad iversions known

*** version:
parameter: version > level: VADDTABLE
!add version V:(%d+), < will add ' V:(%d+), ' as a new key version known by the profile system
!del version V:(%d+), < to remove the ' V:(%d+), ' key version
!show version < to show all the keys version known

*** tag:
parameter: tag > level: VADDTABLE
!add tag !del tag !show tag < to show all the keys tag known

*** mode:
parameter: mode > level: VADDTABLE
!add mode M:(%a+), < will add ' M:(%a+), ' as a new key mode known by the profile system
!del mode M:(%a+), < to remove the ' M:(%a+), ' key mode
!show mode < to show all the keys mode known

*** slot:
parameter: slot > level: VADDTABLE
!add slot S:(%d+), < will add ' S:(%d+), ' as a new key slot known by the profile system
!del slot S:(%d+), < to remove the ' S:(%d+), ' key slot
!show slot < to show all the keys slot known

*** hub:
parameter: hub > level: VADDTABLE
!add hub H:(%d+), < will add ' H:(%d+), ' as a new key hub known by the profile system
!del hub H:(%d+), < to remove the ' H:(%d+), ' key hub
!show hub < to show all the keys hub known

*** bandwidth:
parameter: bandwidth > level: VADDTABLE
!add bandwidth B:(%d+) < will add ' B:(%d+) ' as a new key bandwidth known by the profile system
!del bandwidth B:(%d+) < to remove the ' B:(%d+) ' key bandwidth
!show bandwidth < to show all the keys bandwidth known

*** extraslot:
parameter: extraslot > level: VADDTABLE
!add extraslot O:(%d+),< will add ' O:(%d+), ' as a new key extraslot known by the profile system
!del extraslot O:(%d+), < to remove the ' O:(%d+), ' key extraslot
!show extraslot < to show all the keys extraslot known

*** otherkey:
parameter: otherkey > level: VADDTABLE
!add otherkey !del otherkey !show otherkey < to show all the keys otherkey known

*** denykey:
parameter: denykey > level: VADDTABLE
!add denykey M:?< will add ' M:? ' as a new key denykey known by the profile system (denykeys are just ignored by the profile system)
!del denykey M:? < to remove the ' M:? ' key denykey
!show denykey < to show all the keys denykey known

*** connection:
parameter: connection > level: VADDTABLE
!add connection (where '' stands for T3/T1/CABLE/DSL/ISDN/SAT/MODEM/WIRELESS/OTHER/BAD. Choose 'BAD' if you don't want to allow a specific connection & 'OTHER' for an other unknown connection type) (ex: !add connection T1 LAN < will add ' LAN ' as a new T1 connection)
!del connection LAN < to remove the ' LAN ' connection
!show connection < to show all the connections known

*** safehub:
parameter: safehub > level: VADDTABLE
!add safehub myfriendlyhub.dyndns.org < will add ' myfriendlyhub.dyndns.org ' as a new safehub (about anti-advertising functions)
!del safehub myfriendlyhub.dyndns.org < to remove the ' myfriendlyhub.dyndns.org ' from the safehub list

*** antiadvise:
parameter: antiadvise > level: VADDTABLE
!add antiadvise dyndns.org < will add ' dyndns.org ' as a new antiadvise key
!del antiadvise dyndns.org < to remove the ' dyndns.org ' key from the antiadvise list

(rem: to show antiadvertising & safe hubs settings, use: !show antiadvise)

*** redirectaddress:
parameter: redirectaddress > level: VADDTABLE
!add redirectaddress secondhub.dyndns.org < will add ' secondhub.dyndns.org ' as a new redirectaddress (for the moment, & if you have several redirect addy, the redirectaddress is changing on random about all the 3 hours)
!del redirectaddress secondhub.dyndns.org < to remove the ' secondhub.dyndns.org ' from the redirectaddress list
!show redirectaddress < to show all the redirectaddress set

*** fakeshare:
parameter: fakeshare > level: VADDTABLE
!add fakeshare 123456789 < will add ' 123456789 ' as a new fakeshare
!del fakeshare 123456789 < to remove the ' 123456789 ' from the fakeshare list
!show fakeshare < to show all the fakeshare known

*** badword:
parameter: badword > level: VADDTABLE
!add badword lol < will add ' lol ' as a new badword
!del badword lol < to remove the ' lol ' from the badword list
!show badword < to show all the badword known

*** badfile:
parameter: badfile > level: VADDTABLE
!add badfile TheBadFile.YouDon'tWant Please remove this file from your share,...< will add ' TheBadFile.YouDon'tWant ' as a new badfile, and also add the message ' Please remove this file from your share,... ' if the badfile is found by the script
!del badfile TheBadFile.YouDon'tWant < to remove the ' TheBadFile.YouDon'tWant ' from the badfile list
!show badfile < to show all the badfile known & extension exception list
***about the extension exceptions
See the file:
It gives:
*** File extension exceptions
(rem: Only the hubowner can edit it,... none command available to change them,...)
The idea is,...
If you have set ' porn ' as badfile, if the script found the file ' porn.mp3 ' then, the file won't be considered anymore as a bad file,...

*** ispvip:
parameter: ispvip > level: VADDTABLE
!add ispvip [VIP] < will add ' [VIP] ' as a new ispvip (ISP reserved to vips)
!del ispvip [VIP] < to remove the ' [VIP] ' from the ispvip list

*** ispreserved:
parameter: ispreserved > level: VADDTABLE
!add ispreserved [myhubl] < will add ' [myhub] ' as a new ispreserved (ISP reserved to registered users)
!del ispreserved [myhub] < to remove the ' [myhub] ' from the ispreserved list

*** ispuser:
parameter: ispuser > level: VADDTABLE
!add ispuser [ThksToUseThatISP] < will add ' [ThksToUseThatISP] ' as a new ispuser (to add an allowed ISP)
!del ispuser [ThksToUseThatISP] < to remove the ' [ThksToUseThatISP] ' from the ispuser list

(rem: to show all ISPs, use: !show isp or ?isp )

***Some other parameters avalaibles with the !show command:
TBAN PBAN BBAN (shortcut: ?tban/?bban/?pban)
IPSON (shortcut: ?ipson)
IPSOFF (shortcut: ?ipsoff)
FLOOD (shortcut: ?flood [user] where [user] is optional)
SNOOP (shortcut: ?snoop [user] where [user] is optional)
SUSPEND (shortcut: ?suspend [user] where [user] is optional)
AWAY (shortcut: ?away [user] where [user] is optional)
GAG (shortcut: ?gag [user] where [user] is optional)
Hoping it will help,

l8tr,, ;)
-- Please,... don\'t ask help in Pm,...Forums are made for that, to help everyone & my Inbox pm will be safe,... Thks,,  :))  --
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Can I change the permission level of each parameter?



I am a stupid :P
I read again and found the levels :P


ohh I'm late....

THX guibs missed that i found what i searched

CB 5 SX parameters <-- rightklick save target as
Greez ????_H???z??

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