***Ideas for the next version,, - Page 2


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***Ideas for the next version,,

Started by Guibs, 31 October, 2003, 03:32:55

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QuoteOriginally posted by GaMeFaNaTiC
hmm.. how bout something like +albums +singles to show the hub users what is new... it wud be very good to add that.. most hubs like to have this aswel. and instead of editing a txt file to add new listings.. make commands such as +addalbum +addsingle... +delsingle +delalbum freshstuff does a bit on this but their are faults in places.. hope this aint a hard thing to do lol... but it wud be very helpful  :))  :))  :))

and ops or a higher profile can use it... :D otherwise users will flood the listings :|


QuoteOriginally posted by GaMeFaNaTiC
QuoteOriginally posted by GaMeFaNaTiC
hmm.. how bout something like +albums +singles to show the hub users what is new... it wud be very good to add that.. most hubs like to have this aswel. and instead of editing a txt file to add new listings.. make commands such as +addalbum +addsingle... +delsingle +delalbum freshstuff does a bit on this but their are faults in places.. hope this aint a hard thing to do lol... but it wud be very helpful  :))  :))  :))

and ops or a higher profile can use it... :D otherwise users will flood the listings :|


Hi there,,

It's a nice idea,,
Message on connect, for each level < is on the way,... :)

a kind of 'addblock' has been added, yep,... see the next language lines to translate... :)

Event_Horizon,, :)
Nice idea too,,
!gag command < done, ;)
And '!me' is now blocked, if they're gaged,,...

Hubris, :)
I like it,,
I will do that, yep,... and add some other more things, for the op chat too, (!invite/!unvite, etc...)

!post, !req, !new & !opnew commands < are enough for me, i think,... ;)
I've also added a '!search' command,... user can now search for keywords in the database, and results are sorted by articles-Id... :)

I keep you inform,,

l8tr,, ;o)
-- Please,... don\'t ask help in Pm,...Forums are made for that, to help everyone & my Inbox pm will be safe,... Thks,,  :))  --
CB forum     /     CB Home page


Thanks Guibs :) Its good to hear from you again, my friend... take care, I hope you're still living your life while dealing with all of this scripting

As Ever,


I need a automatically message post in x minutes.

You can create a new .lst file with messages that will automaticaly post. This list will have the type of message (req, post, news), the number of the message and the time cycle. When the message is deleted with !delpost, !delreq or !delnew comand, the message will be deleted from this .lst file.

Is it possible?


I wouls like more settings

1. I can't stand a Lot of report in PM about user fail on ISP check

2. User can't connect withouot Isp
                  {For example User [HUN] or [PC]..
                                         VIP  [VIP] or ...
                       OPerator can.}

3. Triger bot..... the trigg save in a lua or ther file..

4. And the !info doesn't work properly because.. You don't have rights <(I think zhis is the english message)

Good scripting  :))


I don't think it is in the Chanel Bot

A function what see the IP and Host.

And If the Speed = Modem but the really Speed is Dsl, The Bot ask tre user to change it and kick.


I need enter a reason in !redir command. Is There a possibility to put reason as a new parameter of this command in the new version (5.0)?


timestamps in historic would be nice that u see when the last word was written - with local and/or hub time & a setting like the language

hope it's possible
Greez ????_H???z??

??/v\\ \'?\' ?@?? ???? is Secured by RoboCop? Created by Optimus?


well first i'd like to thank Guibs & all others that created the CB
$To:  Channel_Bot.v4.3c_fix.lua From: %[mynick]  $<%[mynick]>
.. i have seen many others .. but you are my  only "true love "  ... my  darling ;0)
| !love&praise Channel_Bot.v4.3c_fix.lua

looking at some other scripts i did see one or two very nice things that i wish CB would have too  so ..

    [*]1 Multi-Whois
    [/list] [/COLOR]
    e.g. :
    --This command retrievs information about the user/Ip from Ripe-Database : Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and African countries located north of the equator
    cmd11 = "whoisRI"
    --This command retrievs information about the user/Ip from Arin-Database : North America and Sub-Sahara Africa
    cmd17 = "whoisAR"
    --This command retrievs information about the user/Ip from Nic-Database : Latin America and some Caribbean Islands
    cmd18 = "whoisNI"
    --This command retrievs information about the user/Ip from Apnic-Database : Asia/Pacific Region
    cmd19 = "whoisAP"
    --This command give you the ip to a hostname and the hostname to a ip
    cmd27 = "toiphost"
    --This command shows Inactive Users.
    cmd29 = "showinactive"
    *from LIS v.0.513)

    it would be really nice if something like this would be implemented too though ...

    if  returneddataWhoisRI == KnownAdressRI  then -- (adress is Known with RIPE)
    curUser:SendData etc.etc.
     else if  returneddataWhoisRI  ~= KnownAdressRI  then -- (adress is unknown with RIPE or ripe is offline)
          then do checkWhoisAR  -- ( here we are ;0) automatic check of next database) ..  

    if  returneddataWhoisAR == KnownadressAR then -- (adress is Known with ARIN)
    curUser:SendData etc.etc.
     else if  returneddatawhoisAR  ~= KnownadressAR then  -- (adress is unknown with ripe)
           do checkWhoisNI  -- ( and the next,)

    and so on ..

      [*]2. Self-updating-Ip-Rangeblocker
      [/list] [/COLOR]
       (pretty much like the one in LIS .. but that updates once a day  from a online database, like the Peerguardian one.)
      GETHTML = "GET /d/EUR/table.html HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: //www.x-rates.com\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; LUA 4.0; LUA 4.0)\r\n"

      function GetRates()
         socket, e = connect("www.x-rates.com", 80)
         if not e then
            while not e do
               line1,e = socket:receive("*l")
               if strfind(line1,".*  (.*)  %S+") then
                  local _,_,Currency = strfind(line1,".*  (.*)  %S+")
                  for i = 1,2 do
                     local line2,e = socket:receive("*l")
                     if strfind(line2,".*/d/(%w+)/(%w+)/graph120%.html\" class=\"menu\">(%S+)%S+") then
                        local _,_,curr1,curr2,rate = strfind(line2,".*/d/(%w+)/(%w+)/graph120%.html\" class=\"menu\">(%S+)%S+")
                        if curr1 == MainCurrency then
                           curRates[curr1.."-"..curr2] = {tonumber(rate),MainCurrencyName}
                           curRates[curr1.."-"..curr2] = {tonumber(rate),Currency}
               elseif strfind(line1,"") then
            curday = tonumber(date("%d"))
            RUpdate = date("%d/%m/%y")

      *from Exchange-Convert-V.1.3


      well that's it for my first post  on this forum  ..
      (after laming ever since the forum moved .. )


      "may the light of crist-consiousness enlighten your paths"

      and last but not least

                 -= YES i agree !!! PLOP for MOD. !!! =-

      **A Scripled brain is a HandyCAP ...  
      much like ..  an everlasting erection
      so i hope you don't have a headache .. ;o)
      \NL   The knowledge and skills you have achieved are meant to be forgotten so you can float comfortably in emptiness, without obstruction.
      " Holly loves me,...  . "      ;o)

      & don't forget, the motto is :


      Hi there,,

      ok, back on the stuff,...
      let's speak again about new ideas.... ;)
      question is:
      ' what you would like to have in the next Cb,....? '
      listening you,,, :)

      -- Please,... don\'t ask help in Pm,...Forums are made for that, to help everyone & my Inbox pm will be safe,... Thks,,  :))  --
      CB forum     /     CB Home page


      i don't know what we can add - CB 5 SX contains all U need :D


      LoOoL  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
      Greez ????_H???z??

      ??/v\\ \'?\' ?@?? ???? is Secured by RoboCop? Created by Optimus?


      QuoteOriginally posted by Event_Horizon
      i don't know what we can add - CB 5 SX contains all U need :D


      LoOoL  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

      jep your richt CB 5 SX is oke now great work
      Gothic Metal City

      photoshop and 3D

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