PtokaX forum

Lua 5.3/5.2/5.1 Scripts (for PtokaX and newer) => Finished Scripts => Topic started by: Creative on 15 January, 2007, 12:36:03

Title: socks5
Post by: Creative on 15 January, 2007, 12:36:03
This is the script for socks5....... it works fine....... wen users use socks5, it shows all socks5 users........ but it doesnt gets refresh........ i mean the data remains same....... after restarting this script, it resets n thn again it shows new socks5 users...... so plz some1 edit this so tht it will refresh automatically....
tTable = {}
function MyINFOArrival(user,data)
    if user.sMode == "5" or user.sMode == "S" then
tTable[user.sName] = user.sIP

function doList(user)
sList = ""
for sName in pairs(tTable) do
sList = sList.."\r\n\t"..sName.." (IP: "..tTable[sName]..")"

SendToAll("\r\n\t"..string.rep(" = ", 17).."NYPD"..string.rep(" = ", 17).."\r\n\t"..sList)

function ChatArrival( user , data )
if (user.iShareSize/1024/1024/1024) > 5 then
if string.sub(data, 1,1) == "<" then
s,e,cmd = string.find(data,"%b<>%s+(%S+)")
if (cmd == "+socks5") then
SendToAll("<"..user.sName.."> +socks5")
return 1
SendToAll("<"..user.sName.."> +socks5")
SendToAll("ur share should be greater than 5 gb to use this command")
return 1
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: Yahoo on 09 March, 2007, 11:17:54
hi guys, i think no scripter want to work on this script. it was posted long back but no one has replied to it yet.... can someone work on it plzz.
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: Yahoo on 09 March, 2007, 12:49:58
the script is not working
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: bastya_elvtars on 10 March, 2007, 00:25:11
Code (lua) Select
local tbl,tbl2={["S"],["5"]},{}; for _,user in ipairs(frmHub:GetOnlineUsers()) do if tbl[user.sMode] then table.insert(tbl2, user.sNick) end; curUser:SendData(Bot,("-"):rep(33)..table.concat(tbl2,"\r\n")..("-"):rep(33))

or wtf
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: Yahoo on 10 March, 2007, 05:53:18
the script is working great. but the person who is hosting the socks5 does go from the socks5 list even if he stop the hosting of the socks5 server (until he reconnect)
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: speedX on 13 March, 2007, 15:57:38
Hey Mutor,
I would like if the command is seen by all and not the output, is it possible? plzz
I tried this thing but thn the command comes after the output, I would like tht the command comes b4 the output only...please
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: speedX on 14 March, 2007, 12:01:55
Quote from: speedX on 13 March, 2007, 15:57:38
I tried this thing but thn the command comes after the output, I would like tht the command comes b4 the output only...please
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: speedX on 15 March, 2007, 05:58:24
no use :(
The output still comes b4 the command.
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: bastya_elvtars on 15 March, 2007, 23:49:47
Put a loop before the SendToNick() line. local c=os.clock(); repeat c=os.clock()-c until c==1 or something like that.
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: bastya_elvtars on 16 March, 2007, 00:13:54
coroutine yielding/resuming OnTimer() would be the best, although this looks like a PX flaw to me.
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: achiever on 20 March, 2007, 17:54:24

is it possile to make the changes in script such that, if there r no users using socks then, it should report that no socks user connected and not show the blank reply as in the present script?

thks for th gr8 script

Title: Re: socks5
Post by: achiever on 21 March, 2007, 17:42:05
thank you mutor
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: Toast on 26 December, 2007, 10:53:22
Smarter idea for Socks 5 is if someone is up to the challage to make a lua script that checks open proxy sites for ip adresses then blocks em this can be done it has been done in clientside scripting but i think it could be better in serverside then clientside
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: bastya_elvtars on 26 December, 2007, 13:12:23
Can you provide us the clientside script?
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: Toast on 26 December, 2007, 21:13:40
Ask FlipFlop for it i dont wanna give it away without his permision
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: bastya_elvtars on 27 December, 2007, 19:42:14
Sorry, did not mean to intrude into the 'secret script world'.
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: Toast on 27 December, 2007, 20:06:54
shit that sounded corny hhahaha secret scriping world devicing plans of doom for the world of DC :P
Title: Re: socks5
Post by: ArtificialInsanety on 10 February, 2008, 12:18:05
Can this script be modified so it blocks socks5 ?.. or kicks them automatically?