Trivia Ex V 0.68 by chill converted to LUA 5


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Trivia Ex V 0.68 by chill converted to LUA 5

Started by BlueMoon, 17 November, 2005, 11:09:12

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I wonder if anyone can help me. I am using Trivia Ex 0.68 converted to LUA5.
What I have been trying to do is use the last part of the script posted below. Try as I might I just cant find a way for this to work. I prefer the way it shows average time, score, rank, and how far a user is in front/behind another player. I am not good at scripting, so I am struggling a bit ok, maybe a girlie thing ! :( I would be glad of any help. Thanks in advance



-- Timers
TrivTimers = {}
TrivTimers.timebreak = 0
TrivTimers.breaktime = 0
TrivTimers.showques = 0
TrivTimers.savestats = 0

UnRevealed = {}
FirstLetters = {}

-- Current TriviaGame
curTriv = {}

curTriv.unansques = 0

curTriv.totalques = 0
curTriv.pause = 0
curTriv.getques = 1

curTriv.quesnum = 0 = ""
curTriv.ques = ""
curTriv.ans = {}
curTriv.availans = 0
curTriv.points = 0
curTriv.hint = ""

curTriv.unrevealed = {}
curTriv.unrevealed.fl = {n = 0}
curTriv.unrevealed.ol = {n = 0}

curTriv.revealnum = 0

curTriv.streak = {}
curTriv.streak.nick = ""
curTriv.streak.streak = 0
curTriv.streak.write_scores = 0
-- funcs curTriv.streak
curTriv.streak.UpdStreak = function(self,curUser)

   if curUser then
      -- Write Scores by next saving
      curTriv.streak.write_scores = 1
      -- Set Unanswered Questions to zero
      curTriv.unansques = 0
      local nick = curUser.sName
      if (self.nick == nick) then
         self.streak = self.streak + 1
         if (self.streak > TrivEx._Scores[curUser.sName].Streak)  then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(nick..", you broke your current run of "..TrivEx._Scores[curUser.sName].Streak..".")
            TrivEx._Scores[curUser.sName].Streak = self.streak
         if (self.streak == 12) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(nick.." you have a big head ;), "..self.streak.." runs in a row. Amazing.")
         elseif (self.streak == 9) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(nick.." seems to be unstopable, "..self.streak.." runs in a row.")
         elseif (self.streak == 6) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("And the miracle continues, "..nick.." that makes "..self.streak.." runs in a row now.")
         elseif (self.streak == 3) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(nick..", that makes "..self.streak.." runs in a row.")
         if (self.streak >= 12) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("And "..nick.." ends "..self.nick.." miracle of "..self.streak.." runs in a row. Ole!")
         elseif (self.streak >= 9) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(nick.." *applause*, was about time to break, "..self.nick.."'s "..self.streak.." runs in a row.")
         elseif (self.streak >= 6) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("Beat it "..self.nick..", "..nick.." just set and end to your "..self.streak.." runs in a row.")
         elseif (self.streak >= 3) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("There goes "..self.nick.."'s run of "..self.streak)
         self.nick = nick
         self.streak = 1
      if (self.nick ~= "") then
         if (self.streak >= 12) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("Well that was obvious, that this questions would end "..self.nick.."'s run of "..self.streak.." ;)")
         elseif (self.streak >= 9) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(self.nick.." say 'good bye' to your run of "..self.streak)
         elseif (self.streak >= 3) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("There goes "..self.nick.."'s run of "..self.streak)
      self.nick = ""
      self.streak = 0
-- funcs curTriv
function curTriv:Pause()
   if (self.pause == 1) then
      return 1
function curTriv:SetPause(arg)
   self.pause = arg
function curTriv:GetNewQues()
   if (self.getques == 1) then
      return 1
function curTriv:GetQuestion()

   self.quesnum = TrivEx._Questions[1][4] = TrivEx._Questions[1][1]
   self.ques = TrivEx._Questions[1][2]
   self.ans = TrivEx._Questions[1][3]
   self.availans = table.getn(self.ans)
   self.points = 0
   self.hint = string.gsub(self.ans[1],"(%S)",function (w)  self.points = self.points + 1 return(TrivEx._Sets.revealchar) end)
   self.unrevealed.fl = {n = 0}
   self.unrevealed.ol = {n = 0}
   for i = 1,string.len(self.hint) do
      if (string.sub(self.hint,i,i) == TrivEx._Sets.revealchar) then
         if (TrivEx._Sets.revealques == 2) and ((i == 1) or (string.sub(self.hint,(i-1),(i-1)) == " ")) then
   if (TrivEx._Sets.trivshowhint == 2) then
      if ((self.points/TrivEx._Sets.shownhints - math.floor(self.points/TrivEx._Sets.shownhints)) >= 0.5) then
         self.revealnum = math.floor(self.points/TrivEx._Sets.shownhints) + 1
      elseif (math.floor(self.points/TrivEx._Sets.shownhints) == 0) then
         self.revealnum = 1
         self.revealnum = math.floor(self.points/TrivEx._Sets.shownhints)
      self.revealnum = TrivEx._Sets.revealedchars
   self.start = os.clock()

function curTriv:SetGetQues(arg)
   TrivTimers.showques = 0
   self.getques = arg
function curTriv:GetGetQues()
   if (self.getques == 1) then   
      return 1
function curTriv:SendQuestion()
   if (TrivEx._Sets.showquestion == 1) then
      TrivEx:SendToPlayers("QUESTION - Nr. "..self.quesnum.." from "..self.totalques.." Questions.\r\n"..


      "\t> Category: "" - Point(s): "..self.points.." - Total Answers: "..self.availans.."\r\n"..

      "\t"..self:doSplitQuestion("QUESTION: "..self.ques).."\r\n"..

      "\tHINT:  "..self.hint.."\r\n"..

   elseif (TrivEx._Sets.showquestion == 2) then
      TrivEx:SendToPlayers("QUESTION - Nr. "..self.quesnum.." from "..self.totalques.." Questions.\r\n"..


      "\t> Point(s): "..self.points.." - Total Answers: "..self.availans.."\r\n"..

      "\t"..self:doSplitQuestion("QUESTION: "..self.ques).."\r\n"..

      "\tHINT:  "..self.hint.."\r\n"..

   elseif (TrivEx._Sets.showquestion == 3) then


      "\t"..self:doSplitQuestion("QUESTION: "..self.ques).."\r\n"..

      "\tHINT:  "..self.hint.."\r\n"..


function curTriv:doSplitQuestion(sQues)
   for i = TrivEx._Sets.splitques,string.len(sQues) do
      if (string.sub(sQues,i,i) == " ") then
         local srest = string.sub(sQues,(i+1),string.len(sQues))
         srest = self:doSplitQuestion(srest)
         return (string.sub(sQues,1,(i-1)).."\r\n\t "..srest)
function curTriv:UpdHint()
   local thint = self:toTable(self.hint)
   if (TrivEx._Sets.revealques == 1) then
      for _ = 1,curTriv.revealnum do
         if (table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.ol) ~= 0) then
            local rannum = math.random(table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.ol))
            local strnum = curTriv.unrevealed.ol[rannum]
            thint[strnum] = string.sub(self.ans[1],strnum,strnum)
            curTriv.points = curTriv.points - 1
   elseif(TrivEx._Sets.revealques == 2) then
      for _ = 1,curTriv.revealnum do
         if (table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.fl) ~= 0) then
            local rannum = math.random(table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.fl))
            local strnum = curTriv.unrevealed.fl[rannum]
            thint[strnum] = string.sub(self.ans[1],strnum,strnum)
            curTriv.points = curTriv.points - 1
         elseif (table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.ol) ~= 0) then
            local rannum = math.random(table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.ol))
            local strnum = curTriv.unrevealed.ol[rannum]
            thint[strnum] = string.sub(self.ans[1],strnum,strnum)
            curTriv.points = curTriv.points - 1
   self.hint = self:toString(thint)
   if ((table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.fl)+table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.ol)) <= TrivEx._Sets.solveques) then
      self.hint = self.ans[1]
function curTriv:toTable(String)
   local Table = {n = 0}
   for i = 1,string.len(String) do
   return Table
function curTriv:toString(Table)
   local String = ""
   for i = 1,table.getn(Table) do
      String = String..Table
function curTriv:ShowAnswer()
   TrivEx:SendToPlayers("The answer is:  "..curTriv.ans[1])
   if curTriv.availans > 1 then
      local msg = ""
      for i = 2,curTriv.availans do
         msg = msg..curTriv.ans..", "
      msg = string.sub(msg,1,string.len(msg)-2)
      curTriv:SendToPlayers("Other answers were: "..msg..".")


BlueMoon ma ciao bella (K). Riposta il codice della parte che ti interessa, ma senza gli smile.. e inoltre prima del codice aggiungi [ CODE] e alla fine del codice metti [ /CODE].. (leva gli spazi contenuti tra le parentesi quadre). Ciau :)


I am hoping this is a help to my problem, but I cant understand... sorry... im english  ?(


hehe :) good to see people understanding
each other so well, althought hey speak different

hey in earlier versions
you only needed to set

TrivSets.showcorrectanswerer = 1

maybe this hasn't changed dunno, worth a try


okey thats the line

TrivEx._Sets.showcorrectanswer = 1 -- 1 = shows detailed stuff, 2 = only shows that it was the right answer



I have checked that and it is already set on
TrivEx._Sets.showcorrectanswer = 1            -- 1 = shows detailed stuff

It seems to be only reading the top part of the script,TRIVIA EX SETTINGS  I want it to read the functions at the bottom TRIVIA GAME  this is driving me nuts now, wouldnt surprise me to find its a simple tweak !


QuoteOriginally posted by BlueMoon
I am hoping this is a help to my problem, but I cant understand... sorry... im english  ?(

Oh sorry.. i think you're my friend BlueMoon and he's italian. We can help you but post code without smile and with [ CODE] and [ /CODE] first and after code of script (without espace). C ya


ok, the whole script in a few threads as its probably to big

-- Converted to Lua5 By Jelf 12/03/05 With thanks to kepp
-- Trivia Ex V 0.68 by chill
-- Serialisation by RabidWombat, modded to exclude functions

-- This script is opensource, that means that anybody may edit/copy this code
-- and I will not come and cry for money, if you take bits to make a even more useless script
-- then leave a note over it with my name, would be cool :).

-- Lucida Console, Courier New

function Main()


function OnExit()


function ChatArrival(curUser,data)

   if TrivEx:ParseData("main",curUser,data) == 1 then

      return 1

function ToArrival(curUser,data)

   local _,_,whoTo,mes = string.find(data,"$To:%s+(%S+)%s+From:%s+%S+%s+$(.*)$")

   if (whoTo == then




function NewUserConnected(curUser)


OpConnected = NewUserConnected


function UserDisconnected(curUser)


OpDisconnected = UserDisconnected
function OnTimer()


--            GLOBALS                       --


-- Main Table

TrivEx = {}

TrivEx._Profiles = {}

TrivEx._Profiles.Normal = {
   [0] = "Master",
   [1] = "Operator",
   [2] = "VIP",
   [3] = "Reg",
   [-1] = "Noobs",

TrivEx._Profiles.Config = {
   [0] = "Master",
   [1] = "Operator",
   [2] = "VIP",
   [3] = "Reg",

TrivEx._Profiles["Config+"] = {
   [0] = "Master",
   [1] = "Operator",



TrivEx._Sets = {}

TrivEx._Sets.Version =    0.68               -- Script Version

TrivEx._Sets.StartOnMain = 0               -- 1 = Trivia starts on Main(), 0 = Trivia doesn't start on Main() = "Triv-Bot"               -- The botname
TrivEx._Sets.regbot = 1                  -- 0 = do not reg bot, 1 = reg bot

TrivEx._Sets.questionfile = "TriviaEx.Questions-1.txt"      -- The name of the Questionfile Questiondefaultformat = category$questions$answer
TrivEx._Sets.addquestionfile = "AddQuesFile.txt"      -- The name of the file where ops can add a question

TrivEx._Sets.dividechar = "$"               -- The Divied Char whitch divides the Category,Questions and Answer, (Only one character, Questionfile specific)
TrivEx._Sets.quesmode = 1               -- 1 = Gets "Category,Question,Answer", 2 = Only Gets "Question,Answer" (Questionfile specific)

TrivEx._Sets.revealchar = "@"               -- The revealchar: 149,164,1

TrivEx._Sets.prefixes = "%+%-%!"            -- TriviaPrefix

TrivEx._Sets.savestats = 1               -- Time in minutes between each score and player saving, 0 = never save stats only OnExit()


TrivEx._Sets.folder = "TRIVIA"               -- The name of the Folder, for the Questionfile.

TrivEx._Sets.showcorrectanswer =1            -- 1 = shows detailed stuff, 2 = only shows that it was the right answer
TrivEx._Sets.showquestion = 1               -- 1 = Shows "Question Number,Category,Question,Answer", 2 = Shows "Question Number,Question,Answer", 3 = Shows "Question,Answer"
TrivEx._Sets.revealques = 2               -- 1 = Random displaying of hints, 2 = Displays the first letters of the hint first (Grands Trivia).
TrivEx._Sets.trivshowhint = 1               -- 1 = reveal by number of chars 2 = reveal by number of hints

TrivEx._Sets.autostop = nil               -- nil when no autostop, 1 - endless, when you want the script to stop after a certain number of unanswered questions

TrivEx._Sets.splitques = 90               -- After how many chars the question is splitted

TrivEx._Sets.memques = 5000000               -- How many questions are loaded into Memory

TrivEx._Sets.breaktime = 10               -- Trivia Break Time in minutes
TrivEx._Sets.timebreak = 30               -- Time in minutes till Trivia Break

TrivEx._Sets.dobreak = 0            -- 1 = do a triviabreak between 'TrivEx._Sets.timebreak' Minutes, 0 = no triviabreak

TrivEx._Sets.showques = 15               -- Time between each hint in seconds

TrivEx._Sets.displscorers = 100               -- The number of trivia scorers shown
TrivEx._Sets.displtoptrivs = 10               -- Number of top trivias shown

TrivEx._Sets.revealedchars = 2               -- Stands for how many chars are revealed per hint.
TrivEx._Sets.shownhints = 4               -- Stands for how many Hints are displayed (May not be totally accurate)
TrivEx._Sets.solveques = 1               -- The Question will be solved when there are only 'TrivEx._Sets.solveques' unrevealed chars left


TrivEx._Sets.botmyinfo = "$MyINFO $ALL "" TrivHelp: +trivhelp, -trivhelp, !trivhelp$ $TRIVIA$$0$"

--//         MAIN SCRIPT





--   Adjust Timers to seconds

TrivEx._Sets.breaktime = TrivEx._Sets.breaktime * 60
TrivEx._Sets.timebreak = TrivEx._Sets.timebreak * 60

TrivEx._Sets.TrivConfigFile = "TriviaExConfig.txt"

TrivEx._Sets.ScoresFile = "TriviaExScores.txt"
TrivEx._Sets.PMPlayersFile = "TriviaExPMPlayers.txt"

TrivEx._datamode = ""

TrivEx._Questions = {n=0}

-- Scores
TrivEx._Scores = {}

local f,e ="/"..TrivEx._Sets.ScoresFile, "a+" ) --//Error handle.. makes sure save file and dir exist...
f,e ="/"..TrivEx._Sets.ScoresFile, "a+" )
if f then
   f:write("" )
   f:close() --// file and path did not exist.. now they do.

-- PM Players
TrivEx._PMPlayers = {}

local f,e ="/"..TrivEx._Sets.PMPlayersFile, "a+" ) --//Error handle.. makes sure save file and dir exist...
f,e ="/"..TrivEx._Sets.PMPlayersFile, "a+" )
if f then
   f:write("" )
   f:close() --// file and path did not exist.. now they do.



TrivEx._Config = {}

TrivEx._Config.mode =       "main"            -- "main" = Trivia is played in MainChat, "pm" = Trivia is played in PM
TrivEx._Config.showquesmode =    1            -- Questions Mode 1 = Random, 2 = Sequential (e.g. 1,2,3)

TrivEx._Config.trivskip =    0            -- 1 = trivskip enabled, 0 = disabled

TrivEx._Config.trivhint =    0            -- 1 = trivhint enabled, 0 = disabled
TrivEx._Config.sequentialnum =    0

local f,e ="/"..TrivEx._Sets.TrivConfigFile, "a+" ) --//Error handle.. makes sure save file and dir exist...
f,e ="/"..TrivEx._Sets.TrivConfigFile, "a+" )
if f then
   f:write("" )
   f:close() --// file and path did not exist.. now they do.



--   TRIVIA Data

TrivEx.Data = {}

TrivEx.Data.HelpNormal = "-- Trivia Ex V."..TrivEx._Sets.Version.." by chill --\r\n\r\n\tPrefixes: ! + -\r\n"..
   "\ttrivhelp   - This Text\r\n"..
   "\ttrivscore   - Shows the top "..TrivEx._Sets.displscorers.." scorers\r\n"..
   "\ttrivmyscore   - Shows your score\r\n"..
   "\ttrivstats   - Shows the top "..TrivEx._Sets.displtoptrivs.." player stats\r\n"..
   "\ttrivplayers   - Shows you the Trivia Players, if played in PM\r\n"..
   "\ttrivskip   - Lets you skipp the current question, if enabled\r\n"..
   "\ttrivhint   - Gives you a hint, if enabled\r\n"..
   "\tlogin   - Logs you in\r\n"..
   "\tlogout   - Log you out\r\n"..

TrivEx.Data.HelpConfig = TrivEx.Data.HelpNormal..
   "\ttrivstart  - Start the Trivia\r\n"..
   "\ttrivstop   - Stop the Trivia\r\n"..
   "\ttrivquestion   - Starts with questionNr.\r\n"
   if (TrivEx._Sets.quesmode == 1) then
      TrivEx.Data.HelpConfig = TrivEx.Data.HelpConfig.."\ttrivaddquestion   - Lets you add a question\r\n"
   elseif (TrivEx._Sets.quesmode == 2) then
      TrivEx.Data.HelpConfig = TrivEx.Data.HelpConfig.."\ttrivaddquestion   - Lets you add a question\r\n"
   TrivEx.Data.HelpConfig = TrivEx.Data.HelpConfig.."\t------------------------\r\n"

TrivEx.Data["HelpConfig+"] = TrivEx.Data.HelpConfig..
   "\ttriviaskip   - Enables/Disables TriviaSkip\r\n"..
   "\ttriviahint   - Enables/Disables TrivHint\r\n"..
   "\ttriviamain   - Plays Trivia in Main Chat\r\n"..
   "\ttriviapm   - Plays Trivia in PM to the bot\r\n"..
   "\ttriviascorereset   - Lets you reset all scores\r\n"..
   "\ttriviachangemode   - Changes the Questionmode\r\n"..





function TrivEx:Main()

   if (self:GetPlayMode() == "pm") then
         if not GetItemByName(nick) then
            self._PMPlayers[nick] = nil

   elseif (self._Sets.regbot == 1) then
   elseif (self._Sets.regbot == 0) then


   curTriv.totalques = TrivEx:GetTotalQues()

   if (self._Sets.StartOnMain == 1) then

function TrivEx:GetTotalQues()
   local handle ="/"..self._Sets.questionfile,"r")
   local count = 0
   if handle then
      local line = handle:read()
      while line do
         count = count + 1
         line = handle:read()
function TrivEx:OnExit()
   if (self:GetPlayMode() == "pm") then

function TrivEx:ParseData(mode,curUser,data)

   self._datamode = mode
   data = string.sub(data,1,string.len(data)-1)
   local _,_,sdata = string.find( data, "^%b<>%s(.*)$")
   local _,_,cmd = string.find( data, "^%b<>%s["..self._Sets.prefixes.."](%w+)")
   if cmd then
      cmd = string.lower(cmd)
      if self._Cmds[cmd] then
         return 1
   elseif sdata then
      local corrans = table.foreachi(curTriv.ans, function(_,v)
         if string.lower(sdata) == string.lower(v) then
            return (v)
      if corrans and (not curTriv:GetGetQues()) then
         -- SetGetQues
         local ansTime = string.format("%.2f",(os.clock()-curTriv.start)) -- Get Answering Time in sec.
         if (TrivEx._Sets.showcorrectanswer == 1) then
            -- Show right answer
            self:SendToPlayers("Correct "..curUser.sName.." the answer was \""..corrans.."\", You get "..curTriv.points.." Point(s). Answer solved in "..ansTime.." sec.")
         elseif (TrivEx._Sets.showcorrectanswer == 2) then
            -- Show right answer
            self:SendToPlayers("Correct "..curUser.sName.." the answer was \""..corrans.."\", You get "..curTriv.points.." Point(s).")
         -- Show other answeres if present
         if curTriv.availans > 1 then
         -- Update Scores
         if self._Scores[curUser.sName] then
            self._Scores[curUser.sName].Score = self._Scores[curUser.sName].Score + curTriv.points
            self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[1] = self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[1] + ansTime
            self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[2] = self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[2] + 1
            self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[3] = tonumber(string.format("%.2f",self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[1]/self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[2]))
            self._Scores[curUser.sName] = {}
            self._Scores[curUser.sName].Score = curTriv.points
            self._Scores[curUser.sName].Streak = 1
            self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime = { tonumber(ansTime),1,tonumber(ansTime) }
         if (self._Sets.showcorrectanswer == 1) then
            SendDataPlayers(curUser.sName.."'s Stats, Score: "..self._Scores[curUser.sName].Score.." Point(s), Answerd Questions: "..self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[2]..", Average Answering Time: "..string.format("%.2f",self._Scores[curUser.sName].AvTime[3]).." sec.")
         -- Check for Streak
      elseif (self:GetPlayMode() == "pm") then




function TrivEx:NewUserConnected(curUser)
   if (self:GetPlayMode() == "pm") or (self._Sets.regbot == 1) then


function TrivEx:UserDisconnected(curUser)
   if (self:GetPlayMode() == "pm") and self._PMPlayers[curUser.sName] then
      self._PMPlayers[curUser.sName] = nil

function TrivEx:OnTimer()

   -- Load Questions if needed
   if (table.getn(self._Questions) == 0) then
   -- Check if Trivia should be paused
   if (self._Sets.dobreak == 1) then
      if (not curTriv:Pause()) then
         -- Update TimeBreak
         TrivTimers.timebreak = TrivTimers.timebreak + 1
         if (TrivTimers.timebreak >= self._Sets.timebreak) and curTriv:GetGetQues() then
            TrivTimers.timebreak = 0
            TrivTimers.breaktime = 0
            self:SendToPlayers(" Trivia break for "..(self._Sets.breaktime/60).." min.")
      if curTriv:Pause() then
         -- Update BreakTime
         TrivTimers.breaktime = TrivTimers.breaktime + 1
         if (TrivTimers.breaktime >= self._Sets.breaktime) then
            TrivTimers.timebreak = 0
            TrivTimers.breaktime = 0
            TrivTimers.showques = 0
   -- Check if Trivia should be Autostoped
   if curTriv:GetGetQues() then
      if self._Sets.autostop and (curTriv.unansques == self._Sets.autostop) then

         self:SendToPlayers("Trivia stopped due to Autostop, "..self._Sets.autostop.." questions weren't answered in a row.")
   if (not curTriv:Pause()) then
      --Update ShowQuestion Time
      TrivTimers.showques = TrivTimers.showques + 1
      if (TrivTimers.showques == self._Sets.showques) then
         TrivTimers.showques = 0
         -- Check if to get new question
         if curTriv:GetNewQues() then
            -- Count unsanswered questions one up
            curTriv.unansques = curTriv.unansques + 1
            if curTriv:GetGetQues() then
               -- Show the Answer
               -- Check for Streak
   if (self._Sets.savestats ~= 0) then
      TrivTimers.savestats = TrivTimers.savestats + 1

      if TrivTimers.savestats >= self._Sets.savestats then

         TrivTimers.savestats = 0
         if (curTriv.streak.write_scores == 1) then
            curTriv.streak.write_scores = 0


function TrivEx:SendToUser(curUser,data)
   if (self._datamode == "main") then
function TrivEx:SendToPlayers(data,curUser)
   if (self:GetPlayMode() == "main") then
      local snick = ""
      if curUser then
         snick = curUser.sName
         data = "<""> "
      for i,_ in self._PMPlayers do
         local user = GetItemByName(i)

         if user then
            if (i ~= snick) then
               user:SendData("$To: "..i.." From: "" $"

            self._PMPlayers = nil


function TrivEx:AllowedProf(status,curUser)
   if self._Profiles[status] and self._Profiles[status][curUser.iProfile] then
      return 1
function TrivEx:SetPlayMode(mode)
   if (mode == "main") then
      self._PMPlayers = {}
      if (self._Sets.regbot == 0) then
      self._Config.mode = mode
   elseif (mode == "pm") then
      self._PMPlayers = {}

      self._Config.mode = mode
function TrivEx:GetPlayMode()
   return self._Config.mode
function TrivEx:LoadQuestions(getques)
   self._Questions = {n = 0}
   local howmany = self._Sets.memques
   if (self._Config.showquesmode == 1) and (not getques) then
      local getlines = {}
      for _ = 1,howmany do
         getlines[math.random(curTriv.totalques)] = 1
      local handle ="/"..self._Sets.questionfile,"r")

      if handle then
         local curTrivQuestions = {}
         local slinecount = 0
         local line = handle:read()
         while line do
            slinecount = slinecount + 1
            if getlines[slinecount] then
               local cat,ques,ans = self:SplitLine(line)
               if (cat and ques and ans) then


            line = handle:read()


         for _ = 1,table.getn(curTrivQuestions) do
            local num = math.random(table.getn(curTrivQuestions))

   elseif (self._Config.showquesmode == 2) or (getques) then
      self._Config.sequentialnum = self._Config.sequentialnum or 0
      local getlines = {}
      for _ = 1,howmany do
         self._Config.sequentialnum = self._Config.sequentialnum + 1
         if (self._Config.sequentialnum <= curTriv.totalques) then
            getlines[self._Config.sequentialnum] = 1
            if getques then
            self._Config.sequentialnum = 0
      local handle ="/"..self._Sets.questionfile,"r")
      if handle then
         local slinecount = 0
         local line = handle:read()
         while line do
            slinecount = slinecount + 1
            if getlines[slinecount] then
               local cat,ques,ans = self:SplitLine(line)
               if (cat and ques and ans) then


            line = handle:read()


      if (not getques) then



function TrivEx:SplitLine(line,dividechar)

   local dividechar = dividechar or self._Sets.dividechar
   local set,cat,ques,ans = {0,1},"","",{n=0}
   for i = 1,string.len(line) do
      if (string.sub(line,i,i) == dividechar) then
         if (self._Sets.quesmode == 1) then
            if (set[1] == 0) then
               cat = string.sub(line,set[2],(i-1))
               set = { 1,(i+1) }
            elseif (set[1] == 1) then
               ques = string.sub(line,set[2],(i-1))
               ans = string.sub(line,(i+1),string.len(line))
               ans = self:SplitAnswer(ans,dividechar)
               return cat,ques,ans
         elseif (self._Sets.quesmode == 2) then
            ques = string.sub(line,1,(i-1))
            ans = string.sub(line,(i+1),string.len(line))
            ans = self:SplitAnswer(ans,dividechar)
            return cat,ques,ans
function TrivEx:SplitAnswer(ans,dividechar)
   local set1,anst = 1,{n=0}
   for i = 1,string.len(ans) do
      if (string.sub(ans,i,i) == dividechar) then
         set1 = (i+1)
      elseif i == string.len(ans) then
   return anst
function TrivEx:WriteTable(table,tablename,file)
   local hFile =,"w+")
function TrivEx:Serialize(tTable,sTableName,hFile,sTab)
   sTab = sTab or "";
   hFile:write(sTab..sTableName.." = {\n");
   for key,value in tTable do
      if (type(value) ~= "function") then
         local sKey = (type(key) == "string") and string.format("[%q]",key) or string.format("[%d]",key);
         if(type(value) == "table") then
            local sValue = (type(value) == "string") and string.format("%q",value) or tostring(value);
            hFile:write(sTab.."\t"..sKey.." = "..sValue);
function TrivEx:TrivHelp(curUser)
   if (self:AllowedProf("Config+",curUser)) then
   elseif self:AllowedProf("Config",curUser) then
   elseif self:AllowedProf("Normal",curUser) then
function TrivEx:TrivScore(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Normal",curUser) then
      local TCopy = {}

      table.foreach(self._Scores, function(i,v) table.insert(TCopy, {i,v}) end)

      table.sort(TCopy,function(a,b) return(a[2].Score>b[2].Score) end)

      local msg = " -- Top "..self._Sets.displscorers.." Trivia Scorers --\r\n\r\n"

      for i = 1,TrivEx._Sets.displscorers do

         if TCopy then

            msg = msg.."\t# "..i.."  -  "..TCopy[1]..",  Points: "..TCopy[2].Score.."\r\n"



function TrivEx:TrivMyScore(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Normal",curUser) then
      if self._Scores[curUser.sName] then
         local TCopy = {}
         table.foreach(self._Scores, function(i,v) table.insert(TCopy, {i,v}) end)
         table.sort(TCopy,function(a,b) return(a[2].Score>b[2].Score) end)
         for i = 1,table.getn(TCopy) do
            if TCopy[1] == curUser.sName then
               local msg = ""
               if TCopy[(i+1)] and TCopy[(i-1)] then
                  msg = "\r\n\r\n\t\t# "..(i-1).." - "..TCopy[(i-1)][1]..",  Points: "..TCopy[(i-1)][2].Score..".  Diff = "..(TCopy[(i-1)][2].Score-TCopy[2].Score).." Point(s)."..
                  "\r\n\t---->\t# "..i.." - "..TCopy[1]..",  Points: "..TCopy[2].Score.."."..
                  "\r\n\t\t# "..(i+1).." - "..TCopy[(i+1)][1]..",  Points: "..TCopy[(i+1)][2].Score..".  Diff = "..(TCopy[(i+1)][2].Score-TCopy[2].Score).." Point(s)."
               elseif TCopy[(i-1)] then
                  msg = "\r\n\r\n\t\t# "..(i-1).." - "..TCopy[(i-1)][1]..",  Points: "..TCopy[(i-1)][2].Score..".  Diff = "..(TCopy[(i-1)][2].Score-TCopy[2].Score).." Point(s)."..
                  "\r\n\t--->\t# "..i.." - "..TCopy[1]..",  Points: "..TCopy[2].Score.."."
               elseif TCopy[(i+1)] then
                  msg = "\r\n\r\n\t--->\t# "..i.." - "..TCopy[1]..",  Points: "..TCopy[2].Score.."."..
                  "\r\n\t\t# "..(i+1).." - "..TCopy[(i+1)][1]..",  Points: "..TCopy[(i+1)][2].Score..".  Diff = "..(TCopy[(i+1)][2].Score-TCopy[2].Score).." Point(s)."
               self:SendToUser(curUser,"------ "..curUser.sName.."'s Player Stats. Total Players = "..table.getn(TCopy).." ------"..msg.."\r\n\r\n"..
               "\t\t"..curUser.sName.."'s longest run = "..TCopy[2].Streak..".\r\n")
         self:SendToUser(curUser,"Your current score is : 0 Point(s).")
function TrivEx:TrivStats(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Normal",curUser) then
      local TCopy = {}

      table.foreach(self._Scores, function(i,v) table.insert(TCopy, {i,v}) end)

      table.sort(TCopy,function(a,b) return(a[2].Score>b[2].Score) end)
      local msg = "----- Top "..self._Sets.displtoptrivs.." Player Stats -----\r\n\r\n\tTop "..self._Sets.displtoptrivs.." Scorers.\r\n\r\n"
      for i = 1,self._Sets.displtoptrivs do
         if TCopy then
            msg = msg.."\t# "..i.."  -  "..TCopy[1]..",  Points: "..TCopy[2].Score.."\r\n"

      table.sort(TCopy,function(a,b) return(a[2].Streak>b[2].Streak) end)
      local msg = msg.."\r\n\tTop "..self._Sets.displtoptrivs.." Runners.\r\n\r\n"
      for i = 1,self._Sets.displtoptrivs do
         if TCopy then
            msg = msg.."\t# "..i.."  -  "..TCopy[1]..",  Run: "..TCopy[2].Streak.."\r\n"

      table.sort(TCopy,function(a,b) return(a[2].AvTime[3]      local msg = msg.."\r\n\tTop "..self._Sets.displtoptrivs.." Typos.\r\n\r\n"
      for i = 1,self._Sets.displtoptrivs do
         if TCopy then
            msg = msg.."\t# "..i.."  -  "..TCopy[1]..", Average Answering Time: "..TCopy[2].AvTime[3].." sec.\r\n"

      table.sort(TCopy,function(a,b) return(a[2].AvTime[2]>b[2].AvTime[2]) end)
      local msg = msg.."\r\n\tTop "..self._Sets.displtoptrivs.." Wizos.\r\n\r\n"
      for i = 1,self._Sets.displtoptrivs do
         if TCopy then
            msg = msg.."\t# "..i.."  -  "..TCopy[1]..", Answered Questions: "..TCopy[2].AvTime[2].."\r\n"
function TrivEx:Login(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Normal",curUser) then
      if (self:GetPlayMode() == "pm") then
         if not self._PMPlayers[curUser.sName] then
            self._PMPlayers[curUser.sName] = 1

            self:SendToPlayers("\""..curUser.sName.."\" has joined the Trivia.")
            self:SendToUser(curUser,"You are already loged into Trivia.")

         self:SendToUser(curUser,"Trivia is played in Main Chat. You don't need to login.")

function TrivEx:Logout(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Normal",curUser) then
      if (self:GetPlayMode() == "pm") then
         if self._PMPlayers[curUser.sName] then
            self:SendToPlayers("\""..curUser.sName.."\" has parted the trivia..")
            self._PMPlayers[curUser.sName] = nil
            self:SendToUser(curUser,mode,"You are not loged into Trivia.")

         self:SendToUser(curUser,"Trivia is played in Main Chat. You don't need to logout.")

function TrivEx:ShowTrivPlayers(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Normal",curUser) then
      if (self:GetPlayMode() == "pm") then
         local players = ""

         for i,_ in self._PMPlayers do

            players = players.."\r\n\t-  "..i

         self:SendToUser(curUser,"Currently Loged In:\r\n"..players.."\r\n")
         self:SendToUser(curUser,"Trivia is played in Main Chat. Everybody is a player.")

function TrivEx:DoTrivSkip(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Normal",curUser) then
      if (self._Config.trivskip == 1) then
         if not curTriv:GetGetQues() then
            self:SendToPlayers("\""..curUser.sName.."\" has skipped this question.")

            self:SendToUser(curUser,"No question to skip")

         self:SendToUser(curUser,"TriviaSkip is currently disabled.")
function TrivEx:DoTrivHint(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Normal",curUser) then
      if (self._Config.trivhint == 1) then
         if not curTriv:GetGetQues() then

            self:SendToPlayers("\""..curUser.sName.."\" needs a hint.")

            if curTriv:GetGetQues() then

            self:SendToUser(curUser,"No question given")


         self:SendToUser(curUser,"TriviaHint is currently disabled.")

function TrivEx:TrivStart(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Config",curUser) then
      curTriv.unansques = 0

      self:SendToUser(curUser,"Trivia is started.")
      self:SendToPlayers("Trivia was started by "..curUser.sName)


function TrivEx:TrivStop(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Config",curUser) then

      self:SendToUser(curUser,"Trivia is stoped.")
      self:SendToPlayers("Trivia was stoped by "..curUser.sName)

function TrivEx:LoadQuestion(curUser,data)
   if self:AllowedProf("Config",curUser) then
      local _,_,arg1 = string.find(data,"^%b<>%s+%S+%s+(%d+)")
      local num = tonumber(arg1) or 1
      self._Config.sequentialnum = num-1
      self:SendToUser(curUser,"Trying to load QuestionNr. "..num)
function TrivEx:AddQuestion(curUser,data)
   if self:AllowedProf("Config",curUser) then
      local _,_,newquestion = string.find(data,"^%b<>%s+%S+%s+(.*)")
      if newquestion then
         local Cat,Ques,tAns = self:SplitLine(newquestion,"/")
         if Ques and Ques ~= "" then
            local handle ="/"..self._Sets.addquestionfile,"a")
            if (self._Sets.quesmode == 1) then
               local msg = ""
               msg = msg.."Category: "..Cat..", Question: "..Ques..", Answers: "
               for i = 1,table.getn(tAns) do
                  msg = msg..tAns..", "
               self:SendToUser(curUser,"Added Question: "..msg)
            elseif (self._Sets.quesmode == 2) then
               local msg = ""
               local handle ="/"..self._Sets.addquestionfile,"a")
               msg = msg.."Question: "..Ques..", Answers: "
               for i = 1,table.getn(tAns) do
                  msg = msg..tAns..", "
               self:SendToUser(curUser,"Added Question: "..msg)
            self:SendToUser(curUser,"Couldn't parse Question: "..newquestion)
         self:SendToUser(curUser,"No Question given!")


function TrivEx:ConfTrivSkip(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Config+",curUser) then
      if (self._Config.trivskip == 1) then
         self._Config.trivskip = 0
         self:SendToUser(curUser,"TriviaSkip is now disabled.")
      elseif (self._Config.trivskip == 0) then
         self._Config.trivskip = 1
         self:SendToUser(curUser,"TriviaSkip is now enabled.")
function TrivEx:ConfTrivHint(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Config+",curUser) then
      if (self._Config.trivhint == 1) then
         self._Config.trivhint = 0
         self:SendToUser(curUser,"TriviaHint is now disabled.")
      elseif (self._Config.trivhint == 0) then
         self._Config.trivhint = 1
         self:SendToUser(curUser,"TriviaHint is now enabled.")
function TrivEx:PlayTrivMain(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Config+",curUser) then
      self:SendToUser(curUser,"Trivia is now played in MainChat.")

function TrivEx:PlayTrivPM(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Config+",curUser) then

      self:SendToUser(curUser,"Trivia is now played in PM.")

function TrivEx:ResetScore(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Config+",curUser) then
      self._Scores = {}


      self:SendToUser(curUser,"The scores have been reset.")

function TrivEx:ChangeQuesMode(curUser)
   if self:AllowedProf("Config+",curUser) then
      if (self._Config.showquesmode == 1) then
         self._Config.showquesmode = 2
         self:SendToUser(curUser,"Questionmode is set to Sequential.")
      elseif (self._Config.showquesmode == 2) then
         self._Config.showquesmode = 1
         self:SendToUser(curUser,"Questionmode is set to Random.")





TrivEx._Cmds = {}

-- Normal Commands

TrivEx._Cmds.trivhelp = TrivEx.TrivHelp         -- Trivia Help

TrivEx._Cmds.trivscore = TrivEx.TrivScore      -- Shows the Ranking of the best Trivias
TrivEx._Cmds.trivmyscore = TrivEx.TrivMyScore      -- Shows only your score
TrivEx._Cmds.trivstats = TrivEx.TrivStats      -- Shows the top "TrivEx._Sets.displtoptrivs" player stats.

TrivEx._Cmds.login = TrivEx.Login         -- Allows you to login to Trivia

TrivEx._Cmds.logout = TrivEx.Logout         -- Allows you to logout of Trivia

TrivEx._Cmds.trivplayers = TrivEx.ShowTrivPlayers   -- Show's the Trivia Players
TrivEx._Cmds.trivskip =   TrivEx.DoTrivSkip      -- Lets you skip a question, trivskip
TrivEx._Cmds.trivhint =   TrivEx.DoTrivHint      -- Gives you a Hint

-- Configure Commands

TrivEx._Cmds.trivstart = TrivEx.TrivStart      -- Strats Trivia

TrivEx._Cmds.trivstop =   TrivEx.TrivStop         -- Stops Trivia

TrivEx._Cmds.trivquestion = TrivEx.LoadQuestion      -- Expects a number as argument, e.g. +trivquestion 111
TrivEx._Cmds.trivaddquestion = TrivEx.AddQuestion   -- Lets you add a question to a file

-- Configure+ Commands

TrivEx._Cmds.triviaskip = TrivEx.ConfTrivSkip      -- Enables/Disables triviaskip

TrivEx._Cmds.triviahint = TrivEx.ConfTrivHint      -- Enables/Disables triviahint
TrivEx._Cmds.triviamain = TrivEx.PlayTrivMain      -- Allows you to play in Main
TrivEx._Cmds.triviapm = TrivEx.PlayTrivPM      -- Allows you to play in PM, implements the regging of a bot
TrivEx._Cmds.triviascorereset =   TrivEx.ResetScore   -- Resets the Trivia Score
TrivEx._Cmds.triviachangemode = TrivEx.ChangeQuesMode   -- Chages the Question Mode


phewww   this last bit, being the part of the script i want to activate




-- Timers
TrivTimers = {}
TrivTimers.timebreak = 0
TrivTimers.breaktime = 0
TrivTimers.showques = 0
TrivTimers.savestats = 0

UnRevealed = {}
FirstLetters = {}

-- Current TriviaGame
curTriv = {}

curTriv.unansques = 0

curTriv.totalques = 0
curTriv.pause = 0
curTriv.getques = 1

curTriv.quesnum = 0 = ""
curTriv.ques = ""
curTriv.ans = {}
curTriv.availans = 0
curTriv.points = 0
curTriv.hint = ""

curTriv.unrevealed = {}
curTriv.unrevealed.fl = {n = 0}
curTriv.unrevealed.ol = {n = 0}

curTriv.revealnum = 0

curTriv.streak = {}
curTriv.streak.nick = ""
curTriv.streak.streak = 0
curTriv.streak.write_scores = 0
-- funcs curTriv.streak
curTriv.streak.UpdStreak = function(self,curUser)

   if curUser then
      -- Write Scores by next saving
      curTriv.streak.write_scores = 1
      -- Set Unanswered Questions to zero
      curTriv.unansques = 0
      local nick = curUser.sName
      if (self.nick == nick) then
         self.streak = self.streak + 1
         if (self.streak > TrivEx._Scores[curUser.sName].Streak)  then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(nick..", you broke your current run of "..TrivEx._Scores[curUser.sName].Streak..".")
            TrivEx._Scores[curUser.sName].Streak = self.streak
         if (self.streak == 12) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(nick.." you have a big head ;), "..self.streak.." runs in a row. Amazing.")
         elseif (self.streak == 9) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(nick.." seems to be unstopable, "..self.streak.." runs in a row.")
         elseif (self.streak == 6) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("And the miracle continues, "..nick.." that makes "..self.streak.." runs in a row now.")
         elseif (self.streak == 3) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(nick..", that makes "..self.streak.." runs in a row.")
         if (self.streak >= 12) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("And "..nick.." ends "..self.nick.." miracle of "..self.streak.." runs in a row. Ole!")
         elseif (self.streak >= 9) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(nick.." *applause*, was about time to break, "..self.nick.."'s "..self.streak.." runs in a row.")
         elseif (self.streak >= 6) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("Beat it "..self.nick..", "..nick.." just set and end to your "..self.streak.." runs in a row.")
         elseif (self.streak >= 3) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("There goes "..self.nick.."'s run of "..self.streak)
         self.nick = nick
         self.streak = 1
      if (self.nick ~= "") then
         if (self.streak >= 12) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("Well that was obvious, that this questions would end "..self.nick.."'s run of "..self.streak.." ;)")
         elseif (self.streak >= 9) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers(self.nick.." say 'good bye' to your run of "..self.streak)
         elseif (self.streak >= 3) then
            TrivEx:SendToPlayers("There goes "..self.nick.."'s run of "..self.streak)
      self.nick = ""
      self.streak = 0
-- funcs curTriv
function curTriv:Pause()
   if (self.pause == 1) then
      return 1
function curTriv:SetPause(arg)
   self.pause = arg
function curTriv:GetNewQues()
   if (self.getques == 1) then
      return 1
function curTriv:GetQuestion()

   self.quesnum = TrivEx._Questions[1][4] = TrivEx._Questions[1][1]
   self.ques = TrivEx._Questions[1][2]
   self.ans = TrivEx._Questions[1][3]
   self.availans = table.getn(self.ans)
   self.points = 0
   self.hint = string.gsub(self.ans[1],"(%S)",function (w)  self.points = self.points + 1 return(TrivEx._Sets.revealchar) end)
   self.unrevealed.fl = {n = 0}
   self.unrevealed.ol = {n = 0}
   for i = 1,string.len(self.hint) do
      if (string.sub(self.hint,i,i) == TrivEx._Sets.revealchar) then
         if (TrivEx._Sets.revealques == 2) and ((i == 1) or (string.sub(self.hint,(i-1),(i-1)) == " ")) then
   if (TrivEx._Sets.trivshowhint == 2) then
      if ((self.points/TrivEx._Sets.shownhints - math.floor(self.points/TrivEx._Sets.shownhints)) >= 0.5) then
         self.revealnum = math.floor(self.points/TrivEx._Sets.shownhints) + 1
      elseif (math.floor(self.points/TrivEx._Sets.shownhints) == 0) then
         self.revealnum = 1
         self.revealnum = math.floor(self.points/TrivEx._Sets.shownhints)
      self.revealnum = TrivEx._Sets.revealedchars
   self.start = os.clock()

function curTriv:SetGetQues(arg)
   TrivTimers.showques = 0
   self.getques = arg
function curTriv:GetGetQues()
   if (self.getques == 1) then   
      return 1
function curTriv:SendQuestion()
   if (TrivEx._Sets.showquestion == 1) then
      TrivEx:SendToPlayers("QUESTION - Nr. "..self.quesnum.." from "..self.totalques.." Questions.\r\n"..


      "\t> Category: "" - Point(s): "..self.points.." - Total Answers: "..self.availans.."\r\n"..

      "\t"..self:doSplitQuestion("QUESTION: "..self.ques).."\r\n"..

      "\tHINT:  "..self.hint.."\r\n"..

   elseif (TrivEx._Sets.showquestion == 2) then
      TrivEx:SendToPlayers("QUESTION - Nr. "..self.quesnum.." from "..self.totalques.." Questions.\r\n"..


      "\t> Point(s): "..self.points.." - Total Answers: "..self.availans.."\r\n"..

      "\t"..self:doSplitQuestion("QUESTION: "..self.ques).."\r\n"..

      "\tHINT:  "..self.hint.."\r\n"..

   elseif (TrivEx._Sets.showquestion == 3) then


      "\t"..self:doSplitQuestion("QUESTION: "..self.ques).."\r\n"..

      "\tHINT:  "..self.hint.."\r\n"..


function curTriv:doSplitQuestion(sQues)
   for i = TrivEx._Sets.splitques,string.len(sQues) do
      if (string.sub(sQues,i,i) == " ") then
         local srest = string.sub(sQues,(i+1),string.len(sQues))
         srest = self:doSplitQuestion(srest)
         return (string.sub(sQues,1,(i-1)).."\r\n\t "..srest)
function curTriv:UpdHint()
   local thint = self:toTable(self.hint)
   if (TrivEx._Sets.revealques == 1) then
      for _ = 1,curTriv.revealnum do
         if (table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.ol) ~= 0) then
            local rannum = math.random(table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.ol))
            local strnum = curTriv.unrevealed.ol[rannum]
            thint[strnum] = string.sub(self.ans[1],strnum,strnum)
            curTriv.points = curTriv.points - 1
   elseif(TrivEx._Sets.revealques == 2) then
      for _ = 1,curTriv.revealnum do
         if (table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.fl) ~= 0) then
            local rannum = math.random(table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.fl))
            local strnum = curTriv.unrevealed.fl[rannum]
            thint[strnum] = string.sub(self.ans[1],strnum,strnum)
            curTriv.points = curTriv.points - 1
         elseif (table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.ol) ~= 0) then
            local rannum = math.random(table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.ol))
            local strnum = curTriv.unrevealed.ol[rannum]
            thint[strnum] = string.sub(self.ans[1],strnum,strnum)
            curTriv.points = curTriv.points - 1
   self.hint = self:toString(thint)
   if ((table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.fl)+table.getn(curTriv.unrevealed.ol)) <= TrivEx._Sets.solveques) then
      self.hint = self.ans[1]
function curTriv:toTable(String)
   local Table = {n = 0}
   for i = 1,string.len(String) do
   return Table
function curTriv:toString(Table)
   local String = ""
   for i = 1,table.getn(Table) do
      String = String..Table
function curTriv:ShowAnswer()
   TrivEx:SendToPlayers("The answer is:  "..curTriv.ans[1])
   if curTriv.availans > 1 then
      local msg = ""
      for i = 2,curTriv.availans do
         msg = msg..curTriv.ans..", "
      msg = string.sub(msg,1,string.len(msg)-2)
      curTriv:SendToPlayers("Other answers were: "..msg..".")


oh I think that part of the script was removed :S sorry,
but I could add this part again, but it would need some
time since Jelf would need to do his part as well,
so if you really want it its possible :).
What do you think?


That would be great, I can wait, I have been searching and searching for just over a month, I little bit more time wont do any harm. Thankyou very much  :]


This is what I want it to do, this is a working script from another hub, I have asked for help, but as per normal in hubs no one wants to help you with a script for another hub   ;(
Not that I would ever have a problem with it.

 > Category: Misc - Point(s): 7 - Total Answers: 1
   QUESTION: Whats another name for tetanus
   HINT:  @@@@@@@


Correct BlueMoon the answer was "lockjaw", You get 7 Point(s). Answer solved in 14.75 sec.

BlueMoon's Stats, Score: 9579 Point(s), Longest Run: 17
 - Rank: ( 4 / 114 ), 132 Point(s) behind Peter
 - Answerd Questions: 1242, Average Answering Time: 33.73 sec.

I can see this version at the bottom of the script, but blowed if I know how to activate it.


well but then its not that script for sure, so no worries
we'll help you, I'd say everything is in progress :),
plus there are some new features coming to the new version, that where added to triviaex clientside, and
and haven't been added to the ptokax trivia,
plus a much easier questionfile support and some other stuff, you'll see be patient :)


A BIG thankyou, from a damsel in distress  ;(


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