Word Replacement


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Word Replacement

Started by Woody, 09 January, 2004, 12:45:13

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Just recently i found a program called BCDC++ - within the folder was a startup.lua. From what i can see it is a word replacement script, whether it will work or not is another question??

When being used in BCDC++ it replaces the word "slots" or words within "slots" with "dont ask..."

I thought id give it to you guys to play with :) :)

if dcpp == nill then dcpp = { } end
if clients == nil then clients = { } end

function OnCommandEnter(mess)
   -- macros and such can be used here, but not practically until I remove next comment :p
   -- returning true here will at some point prevent DC++ from further processing it.

function OnTimer()
   -- Set this up by calling Timer():SetTimer(seconds), Timer():StartTimer(),
   -- and Timer():StopTimer()

function OnDownloadComplete(targetname, targetsize)
   frmClient():PrintDebug("Download complete: \"" .. targetname .. "\" is " ..
      targetsize .. " bytes")

dcpp.search = function(aClient, search_string)
   -- frmClient():PrintDebug("Search received: " .. search_string)
   return false;

dcpp.myinfo = function(aClient, myinfo_nick)
   AddUser(aClient, myinfo_nick)

   return false;

dcpp.quit = function(aClient, nick)
   frmClient():PrintDebug("User removed: \"" .. nick .. "\"")
   clients[aClient].ops[nick] = nil
   clients[aClient].users[nick] = nil

   return false;

dcpp.hubName = function(aClient, hub_name)
   clients[aClient].name = hub_name
   frmClient():PrintDebug("Received hubname: " .. clients[aClient].name)

dcpp.hello = function(aClient, hello_nick)
   -- find out own nick
   if clients[aClient].my_nick == nil then
      -- the first hello send by the server is the nick it accepts from us.
      clients[aClient].my_nick = hello_nick
      frmClient():PrintDebug("Own nick on " .. clients[aClient].name .. " is " .. hello_nick)

   AddUser(aClient, hello_nick)

   return false;

dcpp.privateMessage = function(aClient, sender, message)
   frmClient():PrintDebug("PM received from " .. sender .. ": \"" .. message .. "\"")
   if string.find(message, "slot") ~= nil then
      frmClient():SendClientMessage(aClient, "$To: " .. sender .. " From: " ..
         clients[aClient].my_nick .. " $<" .. clients[aClient].my_nick ..
         "> don't ask...|")

   return false;

function DataArrival(client, mess)
   -- returning true here will at some point prevent DC++ from further processing it.

   if string.find(mess, "$Search ") == 1 then
      return dcpp.search(client, mess)
   elseif string.find(mess, "$MyINFO $ALL ") == 1 then
      return dcpp.myinfo(client, string.sub(mess, 14, string.find(mess, " ", 14) - 1))
   elseif string.find(mess, "$Quit ") == 1 then
      return dcpp.quit(client, string.sub(mess, 7, -1))
   elseif string.find(mess, "$HubName ") then
      return dcpp.hubName(client, string.sub(mess, 10, -1))
   elseif string.find(mess, "$Hello ") == 1 then
      return dcpp.hello(client, string.sub(mess, 8, -1))
   elseif string.find(mess, "$OpList ") == 1 then
      for op in string.gfind(string.sub(mess, 9, -1), "[^$]+") do AddOp(client, op) end
   elseif string.find(mess, "$To: ") == 1 then
      local fromNick = string.sub(mess, string.find(mess, "From: ") + 6, -1)
      local sepPos = string.find(fromNick, " %$")
      local message = string.sub(fromNick, sepPos + 2, -1)
      fromNick = string.sub(fromNick, 1, sepPos - 1)
      return dcpp.privateMessage(client, fromNick, message)

function SendActiveSearchResult(aClient, IP_port, search_nick, filename, filesize, open_slots, total_slots)
   frmClient():SendUDP(IP_port, "$SR " .. search_nick .. " " .. filename ..
      "\005" .. filesize .. " " .. open_slots .. "/" .. total_slots ..
      "\005" .. clients[aClient].name .. " (" .. clients[aClient].ipPort .. ")|")

function AddUser(aClient, nick)
   -- this function exists because I want to be able to add disjunct users & ops if desired.
   clients[aClient].users[nick] = 1
   frmClient():PrintDebug("User added: " .. nick)

function AddOp(aClient, nick)
   -- this function exists because I want to be able to add disjunct users & ops if desired.
   clients[aClient].ops[nick] = 1
   frmClient():PrintDebug("Operator added: " .. nick)

function OnClientAdded(aClient, clientIpPort)
   clients[aClient] = {}
   clients[aClient].ipPort = clientIpPort
   clients[aClient].ops = {}
   clients[aClient].users = {}
   frmClient():PrintDebug("Client added on " .. clientIpPort)

function OnClientRemoved(aClient)
   frmClient():PrintDebug("Client removed: " .. clients[aClient].name)
   clients[aClient] = nil

Have Fun

c h i l l a

also playing around withit.. but i don't know if you als have this problem..  i don't know how to send a message to myself..

i use


but I just can't get it to work any ideas, what I must do?


Same problem, when using it, it only shows the Other person what you said, you are unable to see what was written???

sorry still not worked it out


view >> debug messages


QuoteOriginally posted by Woody
Same problem, when using it, it only shows the Other person what you said, you are unable to see what was written???

sorry still not worked it out
that piece of script you mean is not replacing text it's a trigger bot.
if you wanne see it yourself you gotta alter "message".
becarefull with what you do with that thing btw.
some of the op's from the vikings hub changed it in a bad way.
they had the word "slot" in there response, ended up in a flood in the opchat. lol
i know added a filter 2 a.i. 2 change the word "slot" 2 "Slot" in the op/vipchat so bcdc++ doesn't respond anymore.

http://www.plop.nl lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


1. Is there a possibility to start the script after changing it without closing bcdc?

something like   !restart    :D

2. Is there a possibility to see the "slot"-message in the PM from the user who asked for it?

I've made a pm from my own nick with the nick of the user and the message, but this is a 2nd pm.

Can someone help?

thx Robin

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