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Archive => HOW-TO's => Archived 5.1 boards => Old HOW-TO's => Topic started by: bastya_elvtars on 22 March, 2006, 22:25:05

Title: Long strings
Post by: bastya_elvtars on 22 March, 2006, 22:25:05
This script is a tutorial script: it shows the possible caveats of the 'non-long' declaration and hopefully teaches coders to play safe when needed. I used dofile on files, cause string.find returns strings as if they were long ones.

I hope you can benefit from it.

By the way, this is a result of a discussion on the luahub between GeceBekcisi, Mutor and me.

str=[[\tight]] -- This is a long string, \t would become a tab char if used between "

_,_,str2=string.find(str,"(.+)") -- let's get all of the string. Looks stupid, but shows that string.find returns it as a long string.

local file=os.tmpname() -- Let's generate a tempfile.,"w+")
f:write("str3=\""..str2.."\"") -- We write it out: str3="\tight"

dofile(file) -- We load it.

print(str3) -- We print it.,"w+")
f:write("str3="..string.format("%q",str2)) -- Formatting this way will result in: str3="\\tight"



os.remove(file) -- Let's delete the tempfile.