"database script"


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"database script"

Started by texas71, 16 March, 2004, 00:23:04

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first part !!!!

-- Database script - Originally Created by Guibs Feb, 2003 --
-- Latest Version  - v1.3 written by Guibs 12th Apr 2003   --

-- Version History --

-- v1.3 Post/Req/News titles & contains can be now 'very long', by Guibs Apr-12, 2003
-- v1.3 Added !news ?new !new !delnew, by Guibs Apr-11, 2003
-- v1.3 Changed !help to !helpd, by Guibs Apr-12, 2003
-- v1.3 Script re-written, by Guibs Apr-11, 2003
-- v1.2 Major Bug fixed : the '?post NoId' and '?req NoId' commands, by Guibs Feb, 2003
-- v1.1 Added !req ?req ?reqs !delreq, by Guibs Feb, 2003
-- v1.0 First version, by Guibs Feb, 2003

-- Sourcecode is below this point --

-- Main function --

function Main()



-- Data Arrival --
function DataArrival(user, data)

   returndata = 0

   if(strsub(data, 1, 4) == "$To:") then
      s,e,whoTo = strfind(data,"$To:%s+(%S+)")
      s,e,To,from,cmd = strfind(data,"$To:%s+(%S+)%s+From:%s+(%S+)%s+$%b<>%s+(.*)")
      if (whoTo == Bot) then
         s,e,whoTo,from,cmd = strfind(data,"$To:%s+(%S+)%s+From:%s+(%S+)%s+$%b<>%s+(%S+)")

         if (cmd=="!helpd")then
            user:SendPM(Bot,"\r\n\?news\t\t\t- Show all the news\r\n?new \t\t- Read a news, by the NewsId\r\n!new subject#article#\t- Write a news - send it to all users in pm\r\n!delnew \t\t- Delete a news, by the NewsId\r\n\?posts\t\t\t- Show all the posts\r\n?post \t\t- Read the post, by the PostId\r\n!post subject#article#\t- Write a new post - send it to all users in pm\r\n!delpost \t\t- Delete a post, by the PostId\r\n\?reqs\t\t\t- Show all the requests\r\n?req \t\t- Read the request, by the ReqId\r\n!req subject#article#\t- Write a new request - send it to all users in pm\r\n!delreq \t\t- Delete a request, by the ReqId\r\n!helpd\t\t\t- This help again\r\n")

         elseif (cmd=="?posts") then

         elseif (cmd=="?post") then

         elseif (cmd=="!post") then

         elseif (cmd=="!delpost") then
            if user.bOperator then

         elseif (cmd=="?reqs") then

         elseif (cmd=="?req") then

         elseif (cmd=="!req") then

         elseif (cmd=="!delreq") then
            if user.bOperator then

         elseif (cmd=="?news") then

         elseif (cmd=="?new") then

         elseif (cmd=="!new") then
            if user.bOperator then

         elseif (cmd=="!delnew") then
            if user.bOperator then

-- New News --

function New(user,data)
   arg = GetLongArgPM(data)
   if arg ~= nil then
      arg2 = GetLongArgRemnantsPM(user,data)
      if arg2 ~= nil then
         user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: !new subject#article#")
      user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: !new subject#article#")

function DoNew(user,arg,arg2)
   Date = GetTime()
   entry = d..s..h..user.sName..newnb.."|"..arg.."|"..Date.."|"..user.sName.."|"..newnb
   local temp={}

   local handle=openfile("database/news/"..d..s..h..user.sName..newnb..".txt","a")

   SendPmToAll("[News?]","\r\nFrom: "..user.sName.."\r\nDate: ["..Date.."]\r\nSubject: "..arg.."\r\nNew:\r\n"..arg2.."\r\n"..newnb)
   user:SendPM(Bot,"News Written :o)")

-- Show New By NewId --

function ShowNew(user,data)
   arg = GetSingleNumPM(data)
   if arg ~= nil then
      if list ~= nil then
         user:SendPM(Bot,"No output for news No: "..arg)
      user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: ?new ")

function DoShowNew(number)
   local temp={}

      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,newname,title,newdate,sender,newid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if (number==newid) then

   if (r==0) then

      while 1 do
         local line = read()
         if (line == nil) then
            new = new..line.."\r\n"

      list=list.."\r\nTitle: "..title.."\r\nBy: "..sender.."\r\nDate: "..newdate.."\r\nContains:\r\n\r\n"..new.."\r\nNewid: "..newid

   return list

-- Show All The News --

function DoShowAllNews(user)
   local temp={}
      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,newname,title,newdate,sender,newid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
      if (r==0) then
         list="No output."
         list=list.."\t"..gr.."\r\n\tNews Record count: "..r.."\r\n"

-- Get NewId --

function GetnewId()
   local temp={}
      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,newname,title,newdate,sender,newid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if newid == nil then
   return newnb

-- Delete A New by NewId --

function DeleteNew(user,data)
   arg = GetSingleNumPM(data)
   if arg ~= nil then
      if list ~= nil then
         user:SendPM(Bot,"News No "..arg.." deleted :o)")
         user:SendPM(Bot,arg.." can't be find as NewsId")
      user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: !delnew ")

function DoDeleteNew(number)
   local temp={}

      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,newname,title,newdate,sender,newid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if (number==newid) then


      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,newname,title,newdate,sender,newid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if (number==newid) then
            local temp={}


   local temp={}
   for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,newname,title,newdate,sender,newid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
      local temp={}


-- New Req --

function Req(user,data)
   arg = GetLongArgPM(data)
   if arg ~= nil then
      arg2 = GetLongArgRemnantsPM(user,data)
      if arg2 ~= nil then
         user:SendPM(Bot,"arg: "..arg.."\r\narg2: "..arg2)
         user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: !req subject#article#")
      user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: !req subject#article#")

function DoReq(user,arg,arg2)
   Date = GetTime()
   entry = d..s..h..user.sName..reqnb.."|"..arg.."|"..Date.."|"..user.sName.."|"..reqnb
   local temp={}

   local handle=openfile("database/reqs/"..d..s..h..user.sName..reqnb..".txt","a")

   SendPmToAll("[Req?]","\r\nFrom: "..user.sName.."\r\nDate: ["..Date.."]\r\nSubject: "..arg.."\r\nReq:\r\n"..arg2.."\r\n"..reqnb)
   user:SendPM(Bot,"Req Written :o)")

-- Show Req By ReqId --

function ShowReq(user,data)
   arg = GetSingleNumPM(data)



second part !!!
if arg ~= nil then
      if list ~= nil then
         user:SendPM(Bot,"No output for req No: "..arg)
      user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: ?req ")

function DoShowReq(number)
   local temp={}

      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,reqname,title,reqdate,sender,reqid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if (number==reqid) then

   if (r==0) then

      while 1 do
         local line = read()
         if (line == nil) then
            req = req..line.."\r\n"

      list=list.."\r\nTitle: "..title.."\r\nBy: "..sender.."\r\nDate: "..reqdate.."\r\nContains:\r\n\r\n"..req.."\r\nReqid: "..reqid

   return list

-- Show All The Reqs --

function DoShowAllReqs(user)
   local temp={}
      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,reqname,title,reqdate,sender,reqid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
      if (r==0) then
         list="No output."
         list=list.."\t"..gr.."\r\n\tReqs Record count: "..r.."\r\n"

-- Get ReqId --

function GetreqId()
   local temp={}
      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,reqname,title,reqdate,sender,reqid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if reqid == nil then
   return reqnb

-- Delete A Req by ReqId --

function DeleteReq(user,data)
   arg = GetSingleNumPM(data)
   if arg ~= nil then
      if list ~= nil then
         user:SendPM(Bot,"Req No "..arg.." deleted :o)")
         user:SendPM(Bot,arg.." can't be find as ReqId")
      user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: !delreq ")

function DoDeleteReq(number)
   local temp={}

      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,reqname,title,reqdate,sender,reqid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if (number==reqid) then


      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,reqname,title,reqdate,sender,reqid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if (number==reqid) then
            local temp={}


   local temp={}
   for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,reqname,title,reqdate,sender,reqid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
      local temp={}


-- New Post --

function Post(user,data)
   arg = GetLongArgPM(data)
   if arg ~= nil then
      arg2 = GetLongArgRemnantsPM(user,data)
      if arg2 ~= nil then
         user:SendPM(Bot,"arg: "..arg.."\r\narg2: "..arg2)
         user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: !post subject#article#")
      user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: !post subject#article#")

function DoPost(user,arg,arg2)
   Date = GetTime()
   entry = d..s..h..user.sName..postnb.."|"..arg.."|"..Date.."|"..user.sName.."|"..postnb
   local temp={}

   local handle=openfile("database/posts/"..d..s..h..user.sName..postnb..".txt","a")

   SendPmToAll("[Post?]","\r\nFrom: "..user.sName.."\r\nDate: ["..Date.."]\r\nSubject: "..arg.."\r\nPost:\r\n"..arg2.."\r\n"..postnb)
   user:SendPM(Bot,"Post Written :o)")

-- Show Post By PostId --

function ShowPost(user,data)
   arg = GetSingleNumPM(data)
   if arg ~= nil then
      if list ~= nil then
         user:SendPM(Bot,"No output for post No: "..arg)
      user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: ?post ")

function DoShowPost(number)
   local temp={}

      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,postname,title,postdate,sender,postid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if (number==postid) then

   if (r==0) then

      while 1 do
         local line = read()
         if (line == nil) then
            post = post..line.."\r\n"

      list=list.."\r\nTitle: "..title.."\r\nBy: "..sender.."\r\nDate: "..postdate.."\r\nContains:\r\n\r\n"..post.."\r\nPostid: "..postid

   return list

-- Show All The Posts --

function DoShowAllPosts(user)
   local temp={}
      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,postname,title,postdate,sender,postid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
      if (r==0) then
         list="No output."
         list=list.."\t"..gr.."\r\n\tPosts Record count: "..r.."\r\n"

-- Get PostId --

function GetpostId()
   local temp={}
      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,postname,title,postdate,sender,postid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if postid == nil then
   return postnb

-- Delete A Post by PostId --

function DeletePost(user,data)
   arg = GetSingleNumPM(data)
   if arg ~= nil then
      if list ~= nil then
         user:SendPM(Bot,"Post No "..arg.." deleted :o)")
         user:SendPM(Bot,arg.." can't be find as PostId")
      user:SendPM(Bot,"Wrong synthax: !delpost ")

function DoDeletePost(number)
   local temp={}

      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,postname,title,postdate,sender,postid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if (number==postid) then


      for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,postname,title,postdate,sender,postid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
         if (number==postid) then
            local temp={}


   local temp={}
   for x=1,getn(temp) do s,e,postname,title,postdate,sender,postid=strfind(temp[x],"(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(%S+)")
      local temp={}


--------- Text Loaded ---------

function TextLoad(file,array,text) array[0]="" local x=0
   repeat if (text) then text=text..array[x].."\r\n" end x=x+1 array[x]=read() until (array[x]==nil)
   readfrom() return text

--------- Text Written ---------

function TextSave(file,array)
   for x=1,getn(array) do write(array[x].."\n") end


function GetSingleNumPM(data)
   s,e,cmd,arg = strfind(data,"$%b<>%s+(%S+)%s+(%d+)")
   return arg

function GetArgPM(data)
   s,e,cmd,arg = strfind(data,"$%b<>%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)")
   return arg

function GetLongArgPM(data)
   s,e,cmd,arg = strfind(data,"$%b<>%s+(%S+)%s+(.*)#")
   return arg

function GetLongArgRemnantsPM(user, data)
   s,e,cmd,arg,arg2 = strfind(data,"$%b<>%s+(%S+)%s+(.*)#+(.*)#")
   return arg2

--------- Get Time ---------

function GetTime()

s = date("%S")
h = date("%H")
m = date("%M")
d = date("%d")
mm = date("%m")
y = date("%y")

Date = d.."."..mm.."."..y.." Time: "..h..":"..m..":"..s
return Date

Hi all !

been trie to work this script for a wall no but I have not got this working

I have been add a txt file in every folder but no it will not work anyway ......

hope some any can help me with this problem .....


Hallo again !
I get this fr?n the database ....
Wrong synthax ???????

I would be very happy if some one can help me with this problem .......

?news         - Show all the news
?new       - Read a news, by the NewsId
!new subject#article#   - Write a news - send it to all users in pm
!delnew       - Delete a news, by the NewsId
?posts         - Show all the posts
?post       - Read the post, by the PostId
!post subject#article#   - Write a new post - send it to all users in pm
!delpost       - Delete a post, by the PostId
?reqs         - Show all the requests
?req       - Read the request, by the ReqId
!req subject#article#   - Write a new request - send it to all users in pm
!delreq       - Delete a request, by the ReqId
!helpd                                      - This help again

<[BBB]nisse> ?news
No output.
<[BBB]nisse> !post bla bla bla
Wrong synthax: !post subject#article#
<[BBB]nisse> ?post
Wrong synthax: ?post ?


my bet is that your database is still empty, so there is never something 2 be shown.
try adding something and then check a bit better how the commands work, as you mix it up a little in your example.

http://www.plop.nl lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


alright I understand but the think  I could add some thing new with out me add some think in to the text file so the user?s could do this of the own   I tought this was possible in this script .......


never used this script myself but try this.

!new test#is this working#

after that type

and it should show the test msg.

http://www.plop.nl lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<


hi again!

I tried it but only get  Wrong synthax........

The thing I want is for the user?s to add new stuff in to the database if the they get someting new in to the share so another?s user can check this  so they no what?s in the hub

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