blocker script

blocker script

Started by Mr.T, 15 April, 2009, 13:05:07

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anybody that can convert this to new api
cmdBlock = "!block"
cmdUBlock = "!unblock"

tBlocked = {}
tCanCommand = {
	[-1] = 0,
	[0] = 1,
	[1] = 1,
	[2] = 0,
	[3] = 0,
	[4] = 0,
	[5] = 1,

NewUserConnected = function(User)
	if tCanCommand[User.iProfile] == 1 then
		User:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 Block user' Downloads$<%[mynick]> "..cmdBlock.." %[nick]&#124;|")
		User:SendData("$UserCommand 1 3 Unblock user' Downloads$<%[mynick]> "..cmdUBlock.." %[nick]&#124;|")

OpConnected = NewUserConnected

ConnectToMeArrival = function(User,Data)
	if tBlocked[User.sName] ~= nil then return 1 end
RevConnectToMeArrival = ConnectToMeArrival
MultiConnectToMeArrival = ConnectToMeArrival

ChatArrival = function(User,Data)
	local _,_,sCmd,sArgs = string.find(Data, "%b<>%s(%S+)%s+(%S+)|")
	if sCmd == cmdBlock and tCanCommand[User.iProfile] == 1 then
		tBlocked[sArgs] = 1
		SendToAll(frmHub:GetHubBotName(), "The nickname "..sArgs.." is now blocked from downloading in this hub")
		return 1
	elseif sCmd == cmdUBlock and tCanCommand[User.iProfile] == 1 then
		if tBlocked[sArgs] ~= nil then
			tBlocked[sArgs] = nil
			SendToAll(frmHub:GetHubBotName(), "The nickname "..sArgs.." is no longer blocked and can download again")
			User:SendPM(frmHub:GetHubBotName(), "That nickname ( "..sArgs.." ) wasn't blocked")
		return 1


I think this script is with similar function is already on forums...
try searching there if u really need it...

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