Useless ValidateNickArrival/SupportsArrival events


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Useless ValidateNickArrival/SupportsArrival events

Started by WAJIM, 06 November, 2009, 09:56:03

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Event ValidateNickArrival should arise after arrival of a command $ValidateNick, but it arises after processing by a hub of this command.

Event SupportsArrival should arise after arrival of a command $Supports, but it for some reason arises right after occurrence ValidateNickArrival.

I need to receive a name (nick) the user from a command $ValidateNick before its processing by a hub, I cannot make it. There are offers under the decision of a problem?


Quote from: Mutor on 06 November, 2009, 19:46:23
Certainly you can capture a nick in ValidateNickArrival

Really events occur in the following order:
$Supports ...
$Key ...
$ValidateNick ...
#1 SupportsArrival
#2 ValidateNickArrival

$MyPass ...
#3 PasswordArrival
$Version ...
#4 VersionArrival
#5 GetNickListArrival
$MyINFO ...
#6 MyINFOArrival

KeyArrival - Never arises. What for in general necessary this function?

ValidateNickArrival arises after processing by a hub of a nick and in the function it is possible to use user.sNick. I need to catch nick before its processing by a hub.
With existing API I cannot make it.

QuoteIf you study PtokaX\\scripting-interface.txt,
you can see which arrivals are NOT blockable by script.
I know it. The cancelling of a command is not necessary to me, data BEFORE its execution are necessary to me.

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