How to use one lua script in another


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How to use one lua script in another

Started by Pedja, 04 March, 2011, 08:42:20

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I guess this is a newbee question, but I am newbie.

I want to make s cript that will contain library of functions. Then I want to load that library in other scripts to use them. I searched through lua documentation, but got no clue how to achive this.

Any help?


This can be achieved via the modules system.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


Im a bit rusty on this so im not too sure but, something like dofile("script.lua") used to work.
Ignorance is Bliss.


I found out this topic that seems to be explaining it, although not up to the point.

LUA is not as fine script language as I expected it to be.


That thread is very old. I gave you a hint, if you want me (or anyone else) to be more specific, please ask more specific questions.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.

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