PtokaX forum

Lua 5.3/5.2/5.1 Scripts (for PtokaX and newer) => Conversion Requests => Topic started by: Massi on 11 June, 2021, 10:32:07

Title: Regme Px
Post by: Massi on 11 June, 2021, 10:32:07
Please, convert in Lua 5.3.4 for Ptokax Thanks  :)

--[[ RegMe 1.0g LUA 5.11 [Strict][API 2] By Mutor 04/07/07 Self Registration / Change Password Script -Checks if user is already registered -Checks for invalid characters in nick and password -Context menus [right click] -Responds to user in PM only -Existing password required to changed password -Prompts unregisted user to reg at script start and at user connect +Changes from 1.0 04/07/07 Requested by Yahoo +Added block unregistered user file transfer/search/chat and pm to non ops +Added 'block' message to unregistered user at connect attempt +Added report new self-registered user to online ops. +Changes from 1.0b 04/13/07 +Added report Unregistered User login to OpNick Requested by Yahoo +Changes from 1.0c 10/21/07 ~Converted for the new PtokaX API +Changes from 1.0d 10/21/07 ~Bugfix in user reg, forgot all user data must be requested. Report by DarkElf +Changes from 1.0e 02/16/08 +Added RegOnly/RegChat/RegPms options. Requested by Giorgos +Added Report option ~Changed all SendToNick to SendToUser [faster call] +Changes from 1.0f 10/06/09 +Blocked invalid command syntax, Requested by alcorp. +Filtered help message per profile status. +Added option for command notification to connecting users. RegMe Command Help Command Description ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ !rmhelp RegMe Command Help !regme Register Yourself !passwd Change Your Password ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ]] --//-- -- Disable transfer and search by unregistered users? true/false local RegOnly = true -- Disable chat for unregistered users? true/false local RegChat = true -- Disable private messages for unregistered users? true/false [pm's to ops are never blocked] local RegPms = true -- Report unregistered user logins to OpNick? true/false local Report = true -- Report nick for error messages and unregistered user logins [if Report = true] local OpNick = "Mutor" -- Show command notification to new connections? true/false local Notify = true --//-- local Bot,Scp,Pfx,Menu,SubMenu = "","","","","" local BlockMsg = "\r\n\r\n\tUnregistered users may not chat, pm, search or transfer files in this hub.\r\n".. "\tYou may pm operators for assistance. You may also self-register by typing.\r\n".. "\t!regme  or use context menu commands [right click].\r\n\r\n" OnStartup = function() Bot,Scp,Pfxs = SetMan.GetString(21),"RegMe 1.0g by Mutor",SetMan.GetString(29) Menu,SubMenu,Pfx =SetMan.GetString(0),"Self Registration",Pfxs:sub(1,1) for _,user in ipairs(Core.GetOnlineUsers(-1)) do Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg..RegCmds["rmhelp"](user,data,cmd)) end end UserConnected = function(user) if user.iProfile == -1 then SendCmds(user) if Report then OnError("The Unregistered User: "..user.sNick.." has logged in to "..SetMan.GetString(0)) end if RegOnly then Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg..RegCmds["rmhelp"](user,data,cmd)) end end end OpConnected,RegConnected = UserConnected,UserConnected ChatArrival = function(user,data) local _,_,pfx,cmd = data:find("%b<> (["..Pfxs.."])(%a+)") if pfx and cmd then cmd = cmd:lower() local i = user.iProfile local p = "Unregistered User",user.iProfile if i ~= -1 then p = ProfMan.GetProfile(i).sProfileName end local msg = "Sorry "..user.sNick..", "..p.."'s may not use the "..pfx..cmd.." command." if RegCmds[cmd] then if i == -1 and cmd == "regme" or i ~= -1 and cmd == "passwd" or cmd == "rmhelp" then return Core.SendPmToUser(user,Bot,RegCmds[cmd](user,data,cmd)), true else return Core.SendPmToUser(user,Bot,msg), true end else return Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..msg), Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg),true end else local _,_,to,from = string.find(data,"^$To: (%S+) From: (%S+)") if to and from then if RegPms and user.iProfile == -1 then local prof = Core.GetUser(to) if prof then if not Core.GetUserValue(prof,11) then return Core.SendPmToUser(user,to,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg),true end else return true end end else if RegChat and user.iProfile == -1 then return Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg),true end end end end ToArrival = ChatArrival ConnectToMeArrival = function(user, data) if RegOnly and user.iProfile == -1 then local CtmMsg = "\t*Please remove this transfer from your download queue.*" return Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg.. CtmMsg:gsub(" ",string.char(160)).."\r\n\r\n|"),true end end RevConnectToMeArrival = ConnectToMeArrival SearchArrival = function (user, data) if RegOnly and user.iProfile == -1 then local _,_,search = string.find(data,"([^?]+)|$") if search then local t = "TTH:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"--hash(t) in lieu of hub(h) local n,h,b,i,u = user.sNick,SetMan.GetString(0),SetMan.GetString(21), SetMan.GetString(3):gsub(";.*",""),SetMan.GetString(4) local res = "Unknown Path"..string.char(92)..n..", search is ".. "disabled for you :P "..string.rep("\t",15) return Core.SendToUser(user,"$SR "..b.." "..res.." 0 1/2"..t.." ("..i..":"..u..")|".. "<"..Bot.."> "..n..", search is disabled for you. Please close the ".. string.format("%q",search:gsub("%$"," ")).." search window. Thank you.|"),true end end end OnError = function(msg) local user = Core.GetUser(OpNick) if user then Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..msg) end end SendCmds = function(user) local n,b = user.iProfile for i,v in pairs(RegCmds) do local c = i:lower() if n == -1 and c == "regme" or n ~= -1 and c == "passwd" or c == "rmhelp" then local desc,arg1,arg2 = RegCmds[i]() Core.SendToUser(user,"$UserCommand 1 1 "..Menu.."\\"..SubMenu.."\\".. desc.."$<%[mynick]> "..Pfx..i..arg1.."|") Core.SendToUser(user,"$UserCommand 1 2 "..Menu.."\\"..SubMenu.."\\".. desc.."$<%[mynick]> "..Pfx..i..arg2.."|") if not b then b = true end end end if b and Notify then local Prof = "Unregistered User" if user.iProfile > -1 then Prof = ProfMan.GetProfile(user.iProfile).sProfileName end Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..Prof.."'s "..Scp.." commands ".. "enabled. See hub tab or user list for a menu.") end end FormatSize = function(int) local i,u,x = tonumber(int) or 0,{"","K","M","G","T","P"},1 while i > 1024 do i,x = i/1024,x+1 end return string.format("%.2f %sB.",i,u[x]) end RegCmds = { regme = function(user,data,cmd) if user then local nick = user.sNick if user.iProfile ~= -1 then return "Don't be silly "..nick.." you're already registered here." elseif Core.GetUserAllData(user) then local _,_,pwd = data:find("%b<> %p%w+ (%S+)|$") if pwd then if nick:find("[%c\$\|\<\>\:\?\*\"\/\\]") then return "Your nickname contains invalid characters. ".. "Please choose a new one." end if pwd:find("[%c\$\|\<\>\:\?\*\"\/\\]") then return "Your password contains invalid characters. ".. "Please choose a new one." end local hub = SetMan.GetString(0) local addy = SetMan.GetString(2)..":"..SetMan.GetString(3) local share,ip = FormatSize(user.iShareSize),user.sIP local slots = user.iSlots or 0 local mode = "Passive" if user.bActive then mode = "Active" end if user.sMode and user.sMode == "5" then mode = "Socks5" end local opmsg = "\r\n\r\n\tA user has self-registered\r\n".. "\twith the the following details:\r\n".. "\t"..string.rep("¯",22).."\r\n".. "\tNick:\t"..nick.."\r\n".. "\tPass:\t"..pwd:gsub(".","x").."\r\n".. "\tShare:\t"..share.."\r\n".. "\tI.P.:\t"..ip.."\r\n".. "\tMode:\t"..mode.."\r\n".. "\tSlots:\t"..slots.."\r\n" RegMan.AddReg(nick, pwd, 3) Core.SendToOps("<"..Bot.."> "..opmsg) return "\r\n\r\n\tWelcome. You have successfully ".. "registered yourself.\r\n\t"..string.rep("¯",40).."\r\n".. "\tHub Name:\t"..hub.."\r\n".. "\tHub Address:\t"..addy.."\r\n".. "\tUser Name:\t"..nick.."\r\n".. "\tPassword:\t"..pwd.."\r\n\r\n".. "\t"..string.rep("¯",40).."\r\n".. "\tPlease make a note of this information.\r\n".. "\tPlease reconnect to activate your status.\r\n" else return "Error! Usage: "..Pfx..cmd.." " end end else return "Register Yourself "," %[line:Password]"," %[line:Password]"," >" end end, passwd = function(user,data,cmd) if user then if user.iProfile == -1 then return "Don't be silly "..user.sNick.." you're not registered here." elseif Core.GetUserAllData(user) then local _,_,oldpass,newpass = data:find("%b<> %p%w+ (%S+) (.+)|$") if oldpass and newpass then local pwd,prof = RegMan.GetReg(user.sNick).sPassword,user.iProfile if pwd and prof then if oldpass:lower() ~= pwd:lower() then return "That is not your correct password. ".. "Please try again. [case insensitive]" end if newpass:find("[%c\$\|\<\>\:\?\*\"\/\\]") then return "Your new password contains invalid characters. ".. "Please choose a new one." end if newpass:lower() == oldpass:lower() then return "Your cannot change to the same password. ".. "Please choose a new one." end RegMan.ChangeReg(user.sNick, newpass, prof) return "You have successfully changed your password from ".. oldpass.." to "..newpass end else return "Error! Usage: ."..Pfx..cmd.." " end end else return "Change Your Password"," %[line:Old Password] %[line:New Password]", " %[line:Old Password] %[line:New Password]"," " end end, rmhelp = function(user,data,cmd,reg) if user then local n,b = user.iProfile local reply = "\r\n\r\n\t"..Scp.." Help\r\n\r\n\tCommand\t\tDescription\r\n".. "\t"..string.rep("¯",40).."\r\n" for i,v in pairs(RegCmds) do local c = i:lower() if n == -1 and c == "regme" or n ~= -1 and c == "passwd" or c == "rmhelp" then local desc = RegCmds[i]() reply = reply.."\t"..Pfx..string.format("%-15s",i).."\t"..desc.."\r\n" end end return reply.."\n\t"..string.rep("¯",40).."\r\n\r\n" else return "RegMe Help","","" end end, } ]

Best Regards,
Title: Re: Regme Px
Post by: Cêñoßy†ê on 29 June, 2021, 16:01:15
Try this.
I wonder where you get your scripts in that format ?


RegMe 1.0g LUA 5.11 [Strict][API 2]

By Mutor 04/07/07

Self Registration / Change Password Script

-Checks if user is already registered
-Checks for invalid characters in nick and password
-Context menus [right click]
-Responds to user in PM only
-Existing password required to changed password
-Prompts unregisted user to reg at script start and at user connect

+Changes from 1.0 04/07/07 Requested by Yahoo
+Added block unregistered user file transfer/search/chat and pm to non ops
+Added 'block' message to unregistered user at connect attempt
+Added report new self-registered user to online ops.

+Changes from 1.0b 04/13/07
+Added report Unregistered User login to OpNick Requested by Yahoo

+Changes from 1.0c 10/21/07
~Converted for the new PtokaX API

+Changes from 1.0d 10/21/07
~Bugfix in user reg, forgot all user data must be requested. Report by DarkElf

+Changes from 1.0e 02/16/08
+Added RegOnly/RegChat/RegPms options. Requested by Giorgos
+Added Report option
~Changed all SendToNick to SendToUser [faster call]

+Changes from 1.0f 10/06/09
+Blocked invalid command syntax, Requested by alcorp.
+Filtered help message per profile status.
+Added option for command notification to connecting users.

RegMe Command Help

Command Description
!rmhelp RegMe Command Help
!regme Register Yourself 
!passwd Change Your Password 



-- Disable transfer and search by unregistered users? true/false
local RegOnly = true
-- Disable chat for unregistered users? true/false
local RegChat = true
-- Disable private messages for unregistered users? true/false [pm's to ops are never blocked]
local RegPms = true
-- Report unregistered user logins to OpNick? true/false
local Report = true
-- Report nick for error messages and unregistered user logins [if Report = true]
local OpNick = "Mutor"
-- Show command notification to new connections? true/false
local Notify = true

local Bot,Scp,Pfx,Menu,SubMenu = "","","","",""
local BlockMsg = "\r\n\r\n\tUnregistered users may not chat, pm, search or transfer files in this hub.\r\n"..
"\tYou may pm operators for assistance. You may also self-register by typing.\r\n"..
"\t!regme <password> or use context menu commands [right click].\r\n\r\n"

OnStartup = function()
Bot,Scp,Pfxs = SetMan.GetString(21),"RegMe 1.0g by Mutor",SetMan.GetString(29)
Menu,SubMenu,Pfx =SetMan.GetString(0),"Self Registration",Pfxs:sub(1,1)
for _,user in ipairs(Core.GetOnlineUsers(-1)) do
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg..RegCmds["rmhelp"](user,data,cmd))

UserConnected = function(user)
if user.iProfile == -1 then
if Report then
OnError("The Unregistered User: "..user.sNick.." has logged in to "..SetMan.GetString(0))
if RegOnly then
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg..RegCmds["rmhelp"](user,data,cmd))
OpConnected,RegConnected = UserConnected,UserConnected

ChatArrival = function(user,data)
local _,_,pfx,cmd = data:find("%b<> (["..Pfxs.."])(%a+)")
if pfx and cmd then
cmd = cmd:lower()
local i = user.iProfile
local p = "Unregistered User",user.iProfile
if i ~= -1 then p = ProfMan.GetProfile(i).sProfileName end
local msg = "Sorry "..user.sNick..", "..p.."'s may not use the "..pfx..cmd.." command."
if RegCmds[cmd] then
if i == -1 and cmd == "regme" or i ~= -1 and cmd == "passwd" or cmd == "rmhelp" then
return Core.SendPmToUser(user,Bot,RegCmds[cmd](user,data,cmd)), true
return Core.SendPmToUser(user,Bot,msg), true
return Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..msg),
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg),true
local _,_,to,from = string.find(data,"^$To: (%S+) From: (%S+)")
if to and from then
if RegPms and user.iProfile == -1 then
local prof = Core.GetUser(to)
if prof then
if not Core.GetUserValue(prof,11) then
return Core.SendPmToUser(user,to,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg),true
return true
if RegChat and user.iProfile == -1 then
return Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg),true
ToArrival = ChatArrival

ConnectToMeArrival = function(user, data)
if RegOnly and user.iProfile == -1 then
local CtmMsg = "\t*Please remove this transfer from your download queue.*"
return Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..BlockMsg..
CtmMsg:gsub(" ",string.char(160)).."\r\n\r\n|"),true
RevConnectToMeArrival = ConnectToMeArrival

SearchArrival = function (user, data)
if RegOnly and user.iProfile == -1 then
local _,_,search = string.find(data,"([^?]+)|$")
if search then
local n,h,b,i,u = user.sNick,SetMan.GetString(0),SetMan.GetString(21),
local res = "Unknown Path"..string.char(92)..n..", search is "..
"disabled for you :P "..string.rep("\t",15)
return Core.SendToUser(user,"$SR "..b.." "..res.." 0 1/2"..t.." ("..i..":"..u..")|"..
"<"..Bot.."> "..n..", search is disabled for you. Please close the "..
string.format("%q",search:gsub("%$"," ")).." search window. Thank you.|"),true

OnError = function(msg)
local user = Core.GetUser(OpNick)
if user then
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..msg)

SendCmds = function(user)
local n,b = user.iProfile
for i,v in pairs(RegCmds) do
local c = i:lower()
if n == -1 and c == "regme" or n ~= -1 and c == "passwd" or c == "rmhelp" then
local desc,arg1,arg2 = RegCmds[i]()
Core.SendToUser(user,"$UserCommand 1 1 "..Menu.."\\"..SubMenu.."\\"..
desc.."$<%[mynick]> "..Pfx..i..arg1.."&#124;")
Core.SendToUser(user,"$UserCommand 1 2 "..Menu.."\\"..SubMenu.."\\"..
desc.."$<%[mynick]> "..Pfx..i..arg2.."&#124;")
if not b then b = true end
if b and Notify then
local Prof = "Unregistered User"
if user.iProfile > -1 then Prof = ProfMan.GetProfile(user.iProfile).sProfileName end
Core.SendToUser(user,"<"..Bot.."> "..Prof.."'s "..Scp.." commands "..
"enabled. See hub tab or user list for a menu.")

FormatSize = function(int)
local i,u,x = tonumber(int) or 0,{"","K","M","G","T","P"},1
while i > 1024 do i,x = i/1024,x+1 end return string.format("%.2f %sB.",i,u[x])

RegCmds = {
regme = function(user,data,cmd)
if user then
local nick = user.sNick
if user.iProfile ~= -1 then
return "Don't be silly "..nick.." you're already registered here."
elseif Core.GetUserAllData(user) then
local _,_,pwd = data:find("%b<> %p%w+ (%S+)|$")
if pwd then
if nick:find("[%c\$\|\<\>\:\?\*\"\/\\]") then
return "Your nickname contains invalid characters. "..
"Please choose a new one."
if pwd:find("[%c\$\|\<\>\:\?\*\"\/\\]") then
return "Your password contains invalid characters. "..
"Please choose a new one."
local hub = SetMan.GetString(0)
local addy = SetMan.GetString(2)..":"..SetMan.GetString(3)
local share,ip = FormatSize(user.iShareSize),user.sIP
local slots = user.iSlots or 0
local mode = "Passive"
if user.bActive then mode = "Active" end
if user.sMode and user.sMode == "5" then mode = "Socks5" end
local opmsg = "\r\n\r\n\tA user has self-registered\r\n"..
"\twith the the following details:\r\n"..
RegMan.AddReg(nick, pwd, 3)
Core.SendToOps("<"..Bot.."> "..opmsg)
return "\r\n\r\n\tWelcome. You have successfully "..
"registered yourself.\r\n\t"..string.rep("¯",40).."\r\n"..
"\tHub Name:\t"..hub.."\r\n"..
"\tHub Address:\t"..addy.."\r\n"..
"\tUser Name:\t"..nick.."\r\n"..
"\tPlease make a note of this information.\r\n"..
"\tPlease reconnect to activate your status.\r\n"
return "Error! Usage: "..Pfx..cmd.." <password>"
return "Register Yourself "," %[line:Password]"," %[line:Password]"," <password>>"
passwd = function(user,data,cmd)
if user then
if user.iProfile == -1 then
return "Don't be silly "..user.sNick.." you're not registered here."
elseif Core.GetUserAllData(user) then
local _,_,oldpass,newpass = data:find("%b<> %p%w+ (%S+) (.+)|$")
if oldpass and newpass then
local pwd,prof = RegMan.GetReg(user.sNick).sPassword,user.iProfile
if pwd and prof then
if oldpass:lower() ~= pwd:lower() then
return "That is not your correct password. "..
"Please try again. [case insensitive]"
if newpass:find("[%c\$\|\<\>\:\?\*\"\/\\]") then
return "Your new password contains invalid characters. "..
"Please choose a new one."
if newpass:lower() == oldpass:lower() then
return "Your cannot change to the same password. "..
"Please choose a new one."
RegMan.ChangeReg(user.sNick, newpass, prof)
return "You have successfully changed your password from "..
oldpass.." to "..newpass
return "Error! Usage: ."..Pfx..cmd.." <old password> <new password>"
return "Change Your Password"," %[line:Old Password] %[line:New Password]",
" %[line:Old Password] %[line:New Password]"," <old password> <new password>"
rmhelp = function(user,data,cmd,reg)
if user then
local n,b = user.iProfile
local reply = "\r\n\r\n\t"..Scp.." Help\r\n\r\n\tCommand\t\tDescription\r\n"..
for i,v in pairs(RegCmds) do
local c = i:lower()
if n == -1 and c == "regme" or n ~= -1 and c == "passwd" or c == "rmhelp" then
local desc = RegCmds[i]()
reply = reply.."\t"..Pfx..string.format("%-15s",i).."\t"..desc.."\r\n"
return reply.."\n\t"..string.rep("¯",40).."\r\n\r\n"
return "RegMe Help","",""

Title: Re: Regme Px
Post by: Massi on 30 June, 2021, 13:41:54
Take a look here  ;)

Thanks for your support and assistance ;)

Best Regards,