PtokaX forum

Archive => Archived 4.0 boards => Request for Lua 4 scripts => Topic started by: slick on 19 August, 2005, 03:35:58

Title: malfuntion script ?
Post by: slick on 19 August, 2005, 03:35:58
i'm using Chat Bot v3.5 Coded by   [aXs] Wellx   01/09-03 and i was talking to a regular user in main chat he said he was getting messages every time he posted in main this is what he got

You don't have permission to use the commands to the -Opchat- ask a Operator for permission !!
You don't have permission to use the commands to the -Vipchat- ask a Operator for permission !!

was does this happen ?
Post by: Dessamator on 19 August, 2005, 09:19:06
This is why it happens, because, he doesnt
QuoteOriginally posted by slick
have permission to use the commands to the -Vipchat- ask a Operator for permission !!
Post by: slick on 19 August, 2005, 12:34:17
apparantly i didn't make my problem clear :i'm an op and i'm talking to an unregisterd user in the main chat every time he types a line these messages pop up in the main chat during the conversation after every line he types it would make sence if we was using one of the private chats but we're not, i copied this from main this is what the unregistered user is seeing as he uses main chat :

You don't have permission to use the commands to the -Opchat- ask a Operator for permission !!
You don't have permission to use the commands to the -Vipchat- ask a Operator for permission !!
really short
You don't have permission to use the commands to the -Opchat- ask a Operator for permission !!
You don't have permission to use the commands to the -Vipchat- ask a Operator for permission !!
this hubis really quiet
You don't have permission to use the commands to the -Opchat- ask a Operator for permission !!
You don't have permission to use the commands to the -Vipchat- ask a Operator for permission !!
not alot of users
Post by: Dessamator on 19 August, 2005, 14:08:52
Indeed, there is a problem with the script post the script so we can debug it, hopefully .
Post by: slick on 19 August, 2005, 15:52:18
i made a change myself apparantly it worked but it gives me a error in the script editor section in hub exe anyway hers the script i changed the color of the section where i made a change SendToAll was SendData

-- Chat Bot v3.5 Coded by   [aXs] Wellx   01/09-03
-- Formerly known as the Developer-Chat for TIC50
-- Based on the idea VIPChat from Piglja
-- Thx goes to Piglja & aMutex for Ideas and Help

ChatBot = "-Opchat-"   -- Chat Bot Name
CanUseCommands = { 0 , 1 }   -- Can Use Chat Bot Commands Lvl ( 0 = Master ~~ 1 = Operators ~~ 2 = VIPs ~~ 3 = Reg ~~ etc.)

ChatFile = "Chatters.tbl"

function Main()
ChatArray = LoadFromFile(ChatFile)

--========================================================    DataArrival:    =========================================================--

function DataArrival(user, data)
   if (strsub(data, 1, 1) == "<" ) then
   _,_,cmd=strfind(data, "%b<>%s+(%S+)")
   local Commands = (DeveloperCommands(user, data, cmd))
   return Commands
   elseif strsub(data, 1, 5) == "$To: " then
      local s, e, to = strfind(data, "$To: (%S+)")
      if to ~= ChatBot then
         return 0
         if to == ChatBot then
         local data=strsub(data,1,strlen(data)-1)  
         local s,e,from,msg = strfind(data,"From:%s+(%S+)%s+$%b<>%s+(.+)")  
            if ChatArray[user.sName] ~= nil then
            ChatArray[user.sName] = nil
               for i,v in ChatArray do
                  if (Developer~=nil) then
                  Developer:SendData("$To: "..i.." From: "..ChatBot.." $<"..user.sName.."> "..msg.."|")
            ChatArray[user.sName] = user.sName
            user:SendPM(ChatBot,"You cannot type in here, This is a private chat for ops only send any inquiries to main chat or -ophotline-")
         local _,_,cmd = strfind(data,"$%b<>%s+(%S+)")
         local Commands = (DeveloperCommands(user, data, cmd))

--=====================================================      Chat Commands:      ======================================================--

function DeveloperCommands(user, data, cmd)
   if tfind(CanUseCommands, user.iProfile) then
      if (cmd == "+chathelp") then
      return 1
      elseif (cmd == "+chat") then
      local s,e,cmd,ChatName = strfind( data, "%b<>%s+(%S+)%s+(.*)" )
         if (ChatName == nil) then
         ChatName = user.sName
         if ChatArray[ChatName] == nil then
         ChatArray[ChatName] = ChatName
            for index, value in ChatArray do
            SendPmToNick(index, ChatBot, "  "..ChatName.." Has joined the "..ChatBot)
            for index, value in ChatArray do
            SendPmToNick(index, ChatBot, "  "..ChatName.." Has left the "..ChatBot)
         ChatArray[ChatName] = nil
         return 1
      elseif (cmd == "+showchatters") then
         function DevList()
         local DevList = ""
            for index, value in ChatArray do
            local line = index
               if GetItemByName(index) then
                  if (strlen(index) <= 10) then
                  DevList = DevList.." ? "..line.."\t\t\t~ On-line ~\r\n"
                  DevList = DevList.." ? "..line.."\t\t~ On-line ~\r\n"
                  if (strlen(index) <= 10) then
                  DevList = DevList.." ? "..line.."\t\t\t? Off-Line ?\r\n"
                  DevList = DevList.." ? "..line.."\t\t? Off-Line ?\r\n"
            return DevList
         user:SendPM(ChatBot, "\r\n\r\n(? ?.??.->      "..ChatBot.." Chatters      <-.??.???) \r\n\r\n"..DevList())
         return 1
   else user:SendToAll("You don't have permission to use the commands to the "..ChatBot.." ask a Operator for permission !!") return 0 end
function DevHelp (user)
   local disp = "\r\n\r\n"
   disp = disp.."~~ Scripted DeveloperChat Commands: ~~\r\n\r\n"
   disp = disp.."   +chat       -   Add or part a user to the list of people that can chat in the "..ChatBot.."\r\n"
   disp = disp.."   +showchatters      -   See which users that can chat in the "..ChatBot.."\r\n"
   disp = disp.."\r\n"
   user:SendPM(ChatBot, disp)

--========================================================    Functions:    ===========================================================--

function SaveToFile(arg,file,table)
   local aString = pickle(table)

function LoadFromFile(file)
   local aString = read("*all")
   return  unpickle(aString)

function tfind(table, key)
return foreachi(table, function(id, tmp) return (tmp == %key) and id end)

-- Pickle.lua
-- An table serialization utility for lua
-- Steve Dekorte,, Apr 2000
-- Freeware
function pickle(t)
return Pickle:clone():pickle_(t)

Pickle = {
clone = function (t) local nt={}; for i, v in t do nt=v end return nt end

function Pickle:pickle_(root)
   if type(root) ~= "table" then
   error("can only pickle tables, not ".. type(root).."s")
   self._tableToRef = {}
   self._refToTable = {}
   local savecount = 0
   local s = ""
   while getn(self._refToTable) > savecount do
   savecount = savecount + 1
   local t = self._refToTable[savecount]
   s = s.."{\n"
      for i, v in t do
      s = format("%s[%s]=%s,\n", s, self:value_(i), self:value_(v))
   s = s.."},\n"
return format("{%s}", s)

function Pickle:value_(v)
local vtype = type(v)
   if vtype == "string" then return format("%q", v)
   elseif vtype == "number" then return v
   elseif vtype == "table" then return "{"..self:ref_(v).."}"
   else --error("pickle a "..type(v).." is not supported")

function Pickle:ref_(t)
local ref = self._tableToRef[t]
   if not ref then
      if t == self then error("can't pickle the pickle class") end
   tinsert(self._refToTable, t)
   ref = getn(self._refToTable)
   self._tableToRef[t] = ref
return ref

-- unpickle

function unpickle(s)
   if type(s) ~= "string" then
   error("can't unpickle a "..type(s)..", only strings")
   local tables = dostring("return "..s)
   for tnum = 1, getn(tables) do
   local t = tables[tnum]
   local tcopy = {}; for i, v in t do tcopy = v end
      for i, v in tcopy do
      local ni, nv
         if type(i) == "table" then ni = tables[i[1]] else ni = i end
         if type(v) == "table" then nv = tables[v[1]] else nv = v end
      t[ni] = nv
return tables[1]