ptokax inbuild kicks


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ptokax inbuild kicks

Started by Anna, 08 March, 2006, 13:39:47

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One of my ops pointed out that by having this disabled they get a lot more trouble when finding someone to kick through search. They have to copy filename and go to main and find the user inlist before kick. As the op pointed out, many kicks might be lost since they dont notice this behavior until they do check main after a few search and kick sessions.

Robocops built in usercommands that gets send to user does not show up in search frame, so thats not an option in this case.

Please enable inbuild kick again or make usercommands visable in searchframe as well as in userlist.

Apart from this I really do like robocop, but I need to have a script where ops easily can sort the problems found, no matter if found in search or other place.


Add this to the CustomeRightclicks.lua and the problem is solved 4 now... =)

user:SendData("$UserCommand 2 4 Kick user(s) with filename$<%[mynick]> !kick %[nick] %[line:Reason] %[file]&#124;")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 2 4 Ban user(s)$<%[mynick]> !ban %[nick] %[line:Reason]&#124;")
	user:SendData("$UserCommand 2 4 Ban user(s) with filename$<%[mynick]> !ban %[nick] %[line:Reason] %[file]&#124;")
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