Banned files scanner - Page 2


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Banned files scanner

Started by QuikThinker, 20 May, 2004, 12:57:51

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3 remarks

1 there is no need to put a rawcommand in adl-search.

2 you allready named your opchat in the box where it said opchatname so no need to do that in rawcommand again just use opchat instead. i mean  [?OpChat?]  this is what you use. it should be just plain [opchat]

]|<%[mynick]> is Warning %[nick] because: %[clienttype] - %[cheatingdescription]|<%[mynick]> !Warn %[nick] %[clienttype]|"

see what i mean?

just use the raw as i provided them they will work.

and you ticked the right boxes.
but i would be carefull about the junkfiles i dont know what dc++kcmd think is junkfile but on occasions i checked the list of users and the had a perfect share and still cmd says junkfiles so i thin it is better to leave that one out.
Owner of FunnyHub
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Thanks Trucker for the tip,
I see exactly  what u mean ..
Will get to it plus I just got a Gift email from Snooze
Thanks again :D
Did ya see A GRAND SMILE !!


can someone change this script so a user can be kicked first and then if he comes back, then be banned ?? ---- Or you just put a number of kicks in the parenthesis --> "Kicked = {}"  ?????

- Simple Illegalist v0.1 
-- Created by Ptaczek, Jan-3, 2003 
-- Searches for specified patterns. Useful for illegal share checking 
-- some changes by Skippy and RabidWombat and OpiumVolage and trucker 

BotName = "Illegalist" 

function Main() 

Files = { 
["childsex"]="NO sick Porn inhere!", 
["childporn"]="NO sick kid Porn inhere!", 
["underage"]="NO sick kid Porn inhere!", 
["animalsex"]="NO Animalsex files here!", 
["svastika"]="NO Nazi/white power music HERE!!!", 
[".temp.mp3"]="NO sharing of incomplete downloads", 
["_INCOMPLETE_"]="NO sharing of incomplete downloads", 
["download123456789.dat"]="NO sharing of incomplete downloads", 
["part.met"]="NO sharing of incomplete downloads", 
[".getright"]="NO sharing of incomplete downloads", 
[".vob"]="NO sharing of incomplete downloads", 
["share faker"]="NO tools for fake sharing allowed", 
["share hacker"]="No tools for fake sharing allowed"} 

Kicked = {} 

function NewUserConnected(user) 
if( Kicked[user.sName] == 1 ) then 
Kicked[user.sName] = nil 
for i,v in Files do 
user:SendData("$Search Hub:"..BotName.." F?F?0?1?"..i) 

function DataArrival(user, data) 
if( strsub(data, 1, 3) == "$SR" ) then 
_,_,nick = strfind( data, "\05(%S*)|$" ) 
if( nick == BotName and Kicked[user.sName] == nil ) then 
Kicked[user.sName] = 1 
Reason = FindWhat(data) 
SendPmToNick("[NL]trucker", BotName, "*** User "..user.sName.." kicked. Reason: "..Reason) 
user:SendPM((BotName),( "You were kicked. "..Reason),("You can come back when you have corrected the problem")) 

function FindWhat(data) 
for i,v in Files do 
if( strfind(strlower(data), i) ) then 
return v 
return "Other files" 
Thanks  :)


A little thought that might give ya a hand,
If ur using DC++k-CDM-v3.0 to search for files// Folders//Directories by using ADL Searching they will be kicked on detection.
And depending on the scripts ur using there should be a max kick before ban option.
So to get to my point , ur script  will ban after 3 kicks for eaxmple.
Hope it helped.
Credits to Snooze for helping me get DC++k-CDM-v3.0 working as I need it to.



so I don't have to change anything in the script above ??


I tried this script, and when someone has a file from the list above it says search spam from Illegalist, and doesn't do anything, does not kick the user. How can I change this so it would say the user's name and kick him?? thanks.


QuoteOriginally posted by Artex
I tried this script, and when someone has a file from the list above it says search spam from Illegalist, and doesn't do anything, does not kick the user. How can I change this so it would say the user's name and kick him?? thanks.
thats the protection from dc++ kicking in.
the only failsafe way is by using dc++k CDM (+ it doesn't lag the hub if it runs on the connection from 1 of your OP's).

plop lua scripts/howto\'s.

>>----> he who fights hatred with hatred, drives the spreading of hatred <----<<

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