FilesChecker.lua - please help translating to lua 5

FilesChecker.lua - please help translating to lua 5

Started by FrancoS, 30 June, 2005, 09:44:36

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I was using succesfully this script

I translated it, but I get an error at the red line you see below

error is:
[09:41] Syntax [string "-- vim:ts=4:sw=4:noet..."]:148: unexpected symbol near `%'

I'm not strong enough in lua to fix it.
Please also check my job, thank you.


-- script begin

-- vim:ts=4:sw=4:noet
-- FileChecker.lua, rewrite of a 'SearchKick' bot for PtokaX by ptaczek and
-- Leon (called The Illegalist)
-- version 1.0 for DCH++
-- by Sedulus 20030910, requested by BSOD2600
-- 20030919: 1.0
-- Translated back to PtokaX (OpiumVolage 9 Sept. 2003)
-- Added timer for automating search
-- (using more mem (3 tables, instead of one) but less cpu)
-- searches for all terms in the SearchFor table,
-- sends a message to the user that he/she shares the file, with the response
-- message.
-- set disconnectUser to 1 if you want the user disconnected as well (not
-- recommended, as bots always seem to find a way to misinterpret data ;) )
-- spaces in the SearchFor table will be converted to dollar's, but they will
-- (purposely) only match if there's a space in the result later.
-- so "a b" won't match "b a" or "aXXXb"

--// useful stuff
botName = "FileChecker"
disconnectUser = 1 -- disconnect the user, nil = don't
-- opchatName = "-TropiCo-" -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil
opchatName = nil -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil
mb = 1024 * 1024
gb = 1024 * mb
-- Timer value, will send search for 1 of the file on all users at each timer
timerValue = 10*1000 -- Every 10 seconds (higher value will reduce load)
useTimer = 1 -- set to 1 to enable timer functions
counter = 1
--// do not modify this table, lookup the meanings in the $Search section in the protocol documentation
SearchTypes = {
   ANY = 1,
   AUDIO = 2,
   DOCUMENT = 4,
   IMAGE = 6,
   VIDEO = 7,
   FOLDER = 8, -- do not use FOLDER's! the $SR's are formatted differently

st = SearchTypes
--// MODIFY THIS TABLE <-------
--      { searchType, words[, minimumSize[, regexMatch]] }
SearchFor = {
   ["Please don't share (pre)teen/incest/sick porn"] = {
      { st.IMAGE, "preteen" },
      { st.VIDEO, "preteen" },
      { st.IMAGE, "incest" },
      { st.VIDEO, "incest" },
      { st.IMAGE, "underage" },
      { st.VIDEO, "underage" },
      { st.IMAGE, "teenage sex" },
      { st.VIDEO, "teenage sex" },
   ["Please don't share ANY installed application nor any UNZIPPED installer!"] = {
      { st.ANY, "explorer.scf" },
      { st.ANY, "explore.ex_" },
      { st.ANY, "cd_clint.dll" },
      { st.EXECUTABLE, "express msimn.exe", 0, "express\\msimn%.exe$" },
      { st.ANY, "bfdist.vlu" },
      { st.ANY, "War3Inst.log" },
      { st.ANY, "ut2003.log" },
      { st.EXECUTABLE, "NFSHP2.exe" },
      { st.ANY, "avp2.rez" },
      { st.ANY, "ntuser.dat" },
      { st.EXECUTABLE, "winword.exe" },
      { st.ANY, "sav", 0, "%.sav$" },
      { st.ANY, "dll", 0, "%.dll$" },
      { st.ANY, "ex_", 0, "%.ex_$" },
      { st.EXECUTABLE, "setup.exe", 0, "\\setup%.exe$" },
   ["Do not share INCOMPLETE downloads!"] = {
      { st.ANY, "antifrag", 0, "antifrag$" },
      { st.ANY, "incomplete" },
      { st.ANY, ".unfinished" },
      { st.ANY, "download dat", 0, "download[0-9]+%.dat$" },
   ["No, we don't allow uncompressed DVD's in here. Please remove all your VOB files"] = {
      { st.ANY, "VTS_01_0.VOB" },
   ["This hub is for MP3 files only. Be sure to share ONLY mp3 files."] = {
      { st.ANY, ".avi" },
      { st.ANY, ".mpg" },
      { st.ANY, ".mov" },
      { st.ANY, ".iso" },
      { st.ANY, ".bin" },
   ["Please do not share large WAV files"] = {
      { st.AUDIO, ".wav", 30*mb, "wav$" },
   ["If you're sharing copies of your files to increase your share size, we are on to you"] = {
      { st.ANY, "copy of", 30*mb, "\\Copy of" },
      { st.ANY, "kopie van", 30*mb, "\\Kopie van" },
      { st.ANY, "copia", 30*mb, "\\Kopie van" },
--   ["Please do not share files greater than 400MB"] = {
--      { st.ANY, ".", 400*mb },
--   },

--// convert the tables
SearchTable = {}
ResultTable = {}

function Main()
   botLen = string.len( botName )
   local i = 0 -- add the serial botnames in here as well.. so the user doesn't think he is flooded by one person
   for k,v in SearchFor do
      for _,search in v do
         -- add $Search
         local s = "$Search Hub:"..botName..i.." "
         if search[3] then
            s = s.."T?F?"[3]
            s = s.."F?F?0"
         s = s.."?"[1].."?"..string.gsub( search[2], " ", "$" ).."|"
         table.insert( SearchTable, s )
         -- add $SR match
         local idx = string.lower( search[2] )
         ResultTable[idx] = { msg = k }
         if search[4] then ResultTable[idx].regex = string.lower( search[4] ) end
         -- next..
         i = i + 1
   st, SearchTypes, SearchFor = nil, nil, nil

   -- set options
   if opchatName then
      messageFunc = SendToOps
      messageFunc = SendPmToOps
      opchatName = botName
   if useTimer then SetTimer(timerValue) StartTimer() end

-- on new user
function NewUserConnected( client )
   table.foreachi(SearchTable, function(_, v) %client:SendData( v ) end)

-- on $SR
function DataArrival( client, line )
   local match = nil
   if string.sub( line, 1, 4 ) == "$SR " then
      -- test if it was a result to us only
      local ret,c,to = string.find( line, "\005([^\005|]*)|$" )
      if ret and string.sub( to, 1, botLen ) == botName then
         local ret,c,file,size = string.find( line, "^%$SR [^ ]+ ([^\005]*)\005([0-9]+) " )
         if ret then
            file = string.lower( file )
            for k,v in ResultTable do
               if ( v.regex and string.find( file, v.regex ) ) or ( not v.regex and string.find( file, k, 1, 1 ) ) then
                  match = 1
--                  warn( client, file.." ("..dchpp.formatBytes( size ).." ("..size.."))", v.msg )
                  warn( client, file.." ("..size..")", v.msg )
   -- disconnect user
   if match and disconnectUser and not client.bOperator then
      client:SendData( "<"..botName.."> You are being kicked" )
      return 1

function warn( client, file, response )
   -- send message to user
   client:SendData( "<"..botName.."> You are sharing the following file: "..file..": "..response )
   if client.bOperator then return end
   message = client.sName.." shares: "..file
   -- send message to all Operators
   -- messageFunc( opchatName, message )

function OnTimer()
   if SearchTable.n < 1 then return end
   counter = counter + 1
   if counter > SearchTable.n then counter =1 end

-- script end


If I'm not wrong, this script has already been converted to Lua 5. Search for "filechecker.lua" and you should find it.



Now it works fine

Quotethis is for coders:[/i]

I see the old issue is always there, not fixed yet ---> if the user is passive... it is not disconnected...

I've added one .avi file and

using dc++ search-spy and setting up myself as passive... I see the searches coming from the script... but I'm not being disconnected, while as active I'm disconnected..

Do you know why?

-- script begin

-- vim:ts=4:sw=4:noet
-- FileChecker.lua, rewrite of a 'SearchKick' bot for PtokaX by ptaczek and
-- Leon (called The Illegalist)
-- version 1.0 for DCH++
-- by Sedulus 20030910, requested by BSOD2600
-- 20030919: 1.0
-- Translated back to PtokaX (OpiumVolage 9 Sept. 2003)
-- Added timer for automating search
-- (using more mem (3 tables, instead of one) but less cpu)
-- searches for all terms in the SearchFor table,
-- sends a message to the user that he/she shares the file, with the response
-- message.
-- set disconnectUser to 1 if you want the user disconnected as well (not
-- recommended, as bots always seem to find a way to misinterpret data ;) )
-- spaces in the SearchFor table will be converted to dollar's, but they will
-- (purposely) only match if there's a space in the result later.
-- so "a b" won't match "b a" or "aXXXb"

--// useful stuff
botName = "FileChecker"
disconnectUser = 1 -- disconnect the user, nil = don't
-- opchatName = "-TropiCo-" -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil
opchatName = nil -- set opchat nick here if you want messages to opchat instead of mainchat, else nil
mb = 1024 * 1024
gb = 1024 * mb
-- Timer value, will send search for 1 of the file on all users at each timer
timerValue = 10*1000 -- Every 10 seconds (higher value will reduce load)
useTimer = 1 -- set to 1 to enable timer functions
counter = 1
--// do not modify this table, lookup the meanings in the $Search section in the protocol documentation
SearchTypes = {
   ANY = 1,
   AUDIO = 2,
   DOCUMENT = 4,
   IMAGE = 6,
   VIDEO = 7,
   FOLDER = 8, -- do not use FOLDER's! the $SR's are formatted differently

st = SearchTypes
--// MODIFY THIS TABLE <-------
--      { searchType, words[, minimumSize[, regexMatch]] }
SearchFor = {
   ["Please don't share (pre)teen/incest/sick porn"] = {
      { st.IMAGE, "preteen" },
      { st.VIDEO, "preteen" },
      { st.IMAGE, "incest" },
      { st.VIDEO, "incest" },
      { st.IMAGE, "underage" },
      { st.VIDEO, "underage" },
      { st.IMAGE, "teenage sex" },
      { st.VIDEO, "teenage sex" },
   ["Please don't share ANY installed application nor any UNZIPPED installer!"] = {
      { st.ANY, "explorer.scf" },
      { st.ANY, "explore.ex_" },
      { st.ANY, "cd_clint.dll" },
      { st.EXECUTABLE, "express msimn.exe", 0, "express\\msimn%.exe$" },
      { st.ANY, "bfdist.vlu" },
      { st.ANY, "War3Inst.log" },
      { st.ANY, "ut2003.log" },
      { st.EXECUTABLE, "NFSHP2.exe" },
      { st.ANY, "avp2.rez" },
      { st.ANY, "ntuser.dat" },
      { st.EXECUTABLE, "winword.exe" },
      { st.ANY, "sav", 0, "%.sav$" },
      { st.ANY, "dll", 0, "%.dll$" },
      { st.ANY, "ex_", 0, "%.ex_$" },
      { st.EXECUTABLE, "setup.exe", 0, "\\setup%.exe$" },
   ["Do not share INCOMPLETE downloads!"] = {
      { st.ANY, "antifrag", 0, "antifrag$" },
      { st.ANY, "incomplete" },
      { st.ANY, ".unfinished" },
      { st.ANY, "download dat", 0, "download[0-9]+%.dat$" },
   ["No, we don't allow uncompressed DVD's in here. Please remove all your VOB files"] = {
      { st.ANY, ".VOB" },
   ["This hub is for MP3 files only. Be sure to share ONLY mp3 files."] = {
      { st.ANY, ".avi" },
      { st.ANY, ".mpg" },
      { st.ANY, ".mov" },
      { st.ANY, ".iso" },
      { st.ANY, ".bin" },
   ["Please do not share large WAV files"] = {
      { st.AUDIO, ".wav", 30*mb, "wav$" },
   ["If you're sharing copies of your files to increase your share size, we are on to you"] = {
      { st.ANY, "copy of", 30*mb, "\\Copy of" },
      { st.ANY, "kopie van", 30*mb, "\\Kopie van" },
      { st.ANY, "copia", 30*mb, "\\Kopie van" },
--   ["Please do not share files greater than 400MB"] = {
--      { st.ANY, ".", 400*mb },
--   },

--// convert the tables
SearchTable = {}
ResultTable = {}

function Main()



   botLen = string.len( botName )

   local i = 0 -- add the serial botnames in here as well.. so the user doesn't think he is flooded by one person

   for k,v in SearchFor do

      for _,search in v do

         -- add $Search

         local s = "$Search Hub:"..botName..i.." "

         if search[3] then

            s = s.."T?F?"[3]


            s = s.."F?F?0"


         s = s.."?"[1].."?"..string.gsub( search[2], " ", "$" ).."|"

         table.insert( SearchTable, s )

         -- add $SR match

         local idx = string.lower( search[2] )

         ResultTable[idx] = { msg = k }

         if search[4] then ResultTable[idx].regex = string.lower( search[4] ) end

         -- next..

         i = i + 1



   st, SearchTypes, SearchFor = nil, nil, nil

   -- set options

   if opchatName then

      messageFunc = SendPmToOps


      messageFunc = SendPmToOps

      opchatName = botName


   if useTimer then SetTimer(timerValue) StartTimer() end


-- on new user
function NewUserConnected( client )
   table.foreachi(SearchTable, function(_, v) client:SendData( v ) end)

-- on $SR
function SRArrival( client, line )
   local match = nil
   if string.sub( line, 1, 4 ) == "$SR " then
      -- test if it was a result to us only
      local ret,c,to = string.find( line, "\005([^\005|]*)|$" )
      if ret and string.sub( to, 1, botLen ) == botName then
         local ret,c,file,size = string.find( line, "^%$SR [^ ]+ ([^\005]*)\005([0-9]+) " )
         if ret then
            file = string.lower( file )
            for k,v in ResultTable do
               if ( v.regex and string.find( file, v.regex ) ) or ( not v.regex and string.find( file, k, 1, 1 ) ) then
                  match = 1
--                  warn( client, file.." ("..dchpp.formatBytes( size ).." ("..size.."))", v.msg )
                  warn( client, file.." ("..size..")", v.msg )
   -- disconnect user
   if match and disconnectUser and not client.bOperator then
      client:SendData( "<"..botName.."> You are being kicked" )
      return 1

function warn( client, file, response )
   -- send message to user
   client:SendData( "<"..botName.."> You are sharing the following file: "..file..": "..response )
   if client.bOperator then return end
   message = client.sName.." shares: "..file
   -- send message to all Operators
   -- messageFunc( opchatName, message )

function OnTimer()

   if table.getn(SearchTable) < 1 then return end


   counter = counter + 1

   if counter > table.getn(SearchTable) then counter =1 end


-- script end

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