PtokaX forum

Development Section => LUA & PtokaX-Scripting-Interface => Topic started by: thefoggy on 24 March, 2005, 21:07:32

Title: Please Help Me
Post by: thefoggy on 24 March, 2005, 21:07:32
Friend`s,please tell me what a script make:

- <>=========================H=U=B==I=N=F=O===============================<>
 ?Welcome: [BG]thefoggy
 ?To this fine place Called:
 ?Your IP:
 ?Your Share: 12.57 GB
 ?Your Status in this Hub: Operator
 ?Actual Share in the Hub: 760.41 GB
 ?There are: 0 [MASTER] - 1 [OPERATOR] - 0 [VIP] online
 ?There are now: 35 of 100 users Online
 ?Hub minshare is: 0.48828125 GB
 ?Peak of hubshare: 1749.41 GB
 ?Peak of users: 37
 ?Logins: 9021
 ?Redirect address is:
 ?Date&Time: Date: 24/03/2005 Hour: 20:45:20
- <>======================================================================<>

Post by: Tw?sT?d-d?v on 24 March, 2005, 21:30:53
hope this is what your after

ConnectInfo = function(user)
local sTag = user.bHasTag
if sTag then
local hName = frmHub:GetHubName()
local sPace = string.char(32)..string.char(32)..string.char(32)..string.char(32)
local info = "\r\n\r\n\t?????????? Welcome to "..hName.." ??????????\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your name is: "..(user.sName  or "n/a").."\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your profile is: "..tProfileName(user.iProfile).."\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your current ip: "..(user.sIP or "n/a").."\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your using client: "..(user.sClient or "n/a").."\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your version is: "..(user.sClientVersion or "n/a").."\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your current mode is: "..(tMode[user.sMode] or "n/a").."\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your total hubs are: "..(user.iHubs or "n/a").."\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your open slots are: "..(user.iSlots or "n/a").."\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your sharesize is: "..ConvShare(user.iShareSize).."\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your description is: "..(user.sDescription or "n/a").."\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your connection is: "..(user.sConnection or "n/a").."\r\n"
info = info.."\t"..sPace.."Your email is: "..(user.sEmail or "n/a").."\r\n"
info = info.."\t?????????? Welcome to "..hName.." ??????????\r\n"
user:SendData(tSettings.sBot, info)
Post by: jiten on 24 March, 2005, 22:02:14
Check these threads too:

This ( and  this (

Best regards,


PS: Next time, post in the right thread (Request for scripts).