offline pm with nick list in rightclickmenu


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offline pm with nick list in rightclickmenu

Started by blastbeat, 10 March, 2007, 04:13:42

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i have written a script to send pms to offline users. The messages will be send in chronological order to the user when he connects the next time.
Dependent on the profile permissions, in the rightclick menu appears a list of all regged users of the hub in alphabetical order. In this way it is easy to choose the user for the offline pm


Thanks for comments, blastbeat


Thanks for the submission.
You are now a Scripter.
Everything could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning.


thnx for nice script.. but I have a problem.. the menu is not coming for the users.. neither HubFounder, Vip, Reg or anyone...

I am using Pokax with Robocop


no.. I get menu with none

I have tried with Master, Netfounder,User, Reg etc
I have already set permission 2 for all but still..

!offpm is working fine thought


The script seems to work with robocop in my testhub. The menu is created by the function "Rechtsklick". These lines in this function are important:

	for line in f:lines() do
		local _,_,usernick=string.find(line, "<Nick>(.+)</Nick>")		
		local hFile ="table.tbl", "w+") Serialize(tableusers, "tableusers", hFile); hFile:close()	

The for loop opens the XML with all regged nicks and saves the nicks in "tableusers". If this table is nil then no menu appears in your right click. That could be if the path to the "RegisteredUsers.xml" or the name of the XML on your computer is another.


Thanks Mutor, i changed the script and now its independent from path or filenames. I hope it works now for mgforce


Quote from: blastbeat on 24 March, 2007, 02:57:49
Thanks Mutor, i changed the script and now its independent from path or filenames. I hope it works now for mgforce

nope.. still not coming... I hope it will come when I right click on username.. correct ?

On right click the two options are Robocop and Releases. Also no bot is seen in the hub ( like we have fresh stuff bot etc)


No, the menu dont appaers when you rightclick in the userlist because the users in the list are online and you can use pm. The menu should appear in hub right click and list all regged users. There is also no extra bot.


Quote from: blastbeat on 24 March, 2007, 13:21:24
No, the menu dont appaers when you rightclick in the userlist because the users in the list are online and you can use pm. The menu should appear in hub right click and list all regged users. There is also no extra bot.
oh...  :P so it must have been working from the start.. thnx for nice script..

btw is it not possible to get this option when doing Right Click on user list..We don't want to send offline message to him but as we use Robocop Offline feature this shud also work.. right ?

Edit :1
btw whts "Nachricht ??"
also I sent offline message to myself.. and I clicked on the window many tmes so it the hub window the messgae came wrong input and it hanged..Not able to close the box neither able to close hub window.. any idea what happened ?
Edit :2
also there is one more bug I guess... I opened menu for Offline Mesage slected a name and then I clicked on Cancel.. Nothing happening.. any ideaz why ?


yes its possible to build the menu in the userlist you have only to add the same Usercommands with "$UserCommand 1 2".

"Nachricht" == "message" in german, i forget to change this entry, sorry.

When i use BCDC++ then errors with righclick menus can happen, i dont know why. Its not a hub/script specific problem, these errors with BCDC and rightcklick also happens in ynhub


Quote from: blastbeat on 24 March, 2007, 15:13:05
yes its possible to build the menu in the userlist you have only to add the same Usercommands with "$UserCommand 1 2".

"Nachricht" == "message" in german, i forget to change this entry, sorry.

When i use BCDC++ then errors with righclick menus can happen, i dont know why. Its not a hub/script specific problem, these errors with BCDC and rightcklick also happens in ynhub
OH... I C..I am using BCDC only..

Quote from: Mutor on 24 March, 2007, 15:17:18
you can send $UserCommand 1 3 to create both
hub and user message at the same time.


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