PtokaX forum

Archive => Archived 5.0 boards => Help with scripts => Topic started by: Habatsu on 08 March, 2005, 13:42:38

Title: Can someone help whit my chatstats script
Post by: Habatsu on 08 March, 2005, 13:42:38
i?v got one broblemo,to use this script whit the new ptokax and robo 10,,can someone help me to config this script so it can use whit new ptokax? here is the script

Bot = "?Agents??"

TimeSpanInMinutes = 10

-- Main function --

function Main()



tabConfig = parseINI("Stats/Bigstats.ini")
tabOpStats = parseINI("Stats/OpStats.ini")
tabUserStats = parseINI("Stats/UserStats.ini")
cfgStats = getsection(tabConfig,"stats")
InitTable ("Stats/OpStats.ini",tabOpStats,ChatOpStat)
InitTable ("Stats/UserStats.ini",tabUserStats,ChatUserStat)
smEyes = getkey(cfgStats, "eyes")
smNose = getkey(cfgStats, "nose")
smMouth = getkey(cfgStats, "mouth")


function DataArrival(user,data)
local tmp = strsub(data,1,1)
   if tmp == "<" then
      local s, e, str = strfind(data,"%b<> (.*)|")
      if not iscommand(str) then
         if (user.bOperator) then

   if (strsub(data,1,1) == "<" ) then
      s,e,cmd = strfind( data,"%b<>%s+(%S+)" )
         if (cmd=="?stats")then
            pm = 0

         elseif (cmd=="!helps")then
            if user.bOperator then
               returndata = 1

   if(strsub(data,1,4) == "$To:") then
      s,e,whoTo = strfind(data,"$To:%s+(%S+)")
      if (whoTo == Bot) then
         s,e,whoTo,from,cmd = strfind(data,"$To:%s+(%S+)%s+From:%s+(%S+)%s+$%b<>%s+(%S+)")
         if (user.bOperator) then
            if (cmd=="!helps")then

            elseif (cmd=="!savestats") then

            elseif (cmd=="!loadstats") then

            elseif (cmd=="!clearstats") then

            elseif (cmd=="?mystats") then

            elseif (cmd=="?stats")then
               pm = 1

            elseif (cmd=="?userstats") then
               s,e,cmd,userName= strfind(data,"%b<>%s+(%S+)%s+(.+)")
               if not userName then
                  user:SendPM(Bot,"***Wrong synthax: ?userstats ")

--------- Update Chat Stats ---------

function DoUpdUserStats(user, str)
   local table = getitem(tabUserStats, user.sName)
   if not table then table = mkUserStats(user) end
   local stats = getvalue(table.tItems, "stats")
   local s, e, chars, words, smilies = strfind(stats, "(%d+)|(%d+)|(%d+)")

   chars = tonumber(chars)+strlen(str)
   words = tonumber(words)+cntargs(str, "(%a+)", 2)
   smilies = tonumber(smilies)+cntsmilies(str)


   putvalue(table.tItems, "stats", chars.."|"..words.."|"..smilies)

function DoUpdOpStats(user, str)
   local table = getitem(tabOpStats, user.sName)
   if not table then table = mkOpStats(user) end
   local stats = getvalue(table.tItems, "stats")
   local s, e, chars, words, smilies = strfind(stats, "(%d+)|(%d+)|(%d+)")

   chars = tonumber(chars)+strlen(str)
   words = tonumber(words)+cntargs(str, "(%a+)", 2)
   smilies = tonumber(smilies)+cntsmilies(str)


   putvalue(table.tItems, "stats", chars.."|"..words.."|"..smilies)

--------- Show Chat Stats Commands ---------

function ShowHelpStats(user)
   user:SendPM(Bot,"\r\n\===============================================\r\nUsers Commands in main chat:\r\n????????????????????????\r\n?stats\t\t- Show the Top 15 Chaters, and the stats user's\r\n\r\nOps Commands in pm for the stats:\r\n????????????????????????????\r\n?stats\t\t- Show the Top 15 Chaters and the stats user's\r\n?userstats \t- Show stats user's\r\n?mystats\t\t- Show ur current stats\r\n!loadstats\t- Load stats\r\n!savestats\t- Saves stats\r\n!clearstats\t- All stats initialized\r\n!helps\t\t- This help again\r\n===============================================")

--------- Load Chat Stats ---------

function LoadStats(user)
   tabConfig = parseINI("Stats/Bigstats.ini")
   tabOpStats = parseINI("Stats/OpStats.ini")
   tabUserStats = parseINI("Stats/UserStats.ini")
   cfgStats = getsection(tabConfig,"stats")
   InitTable ("Stats/OpStats.ini",tabOpStats,ChatOpStat)
   InitTable ("Stats/UserStats.ini",tabUserStats,ChatUserStat)
   smEyes = getkey(cfgStats, "eyes")
   smNose = getkey(cfgStats, "nose")
   smMouth = getkey(cfgStats, "mouth")
   user:SendPM(Bot,"Chatstat has been successfully loaded ...")

--------- Reset Chat Stats ---------

function Reset(user)
   local handle=openfile("Stats/OpStats.ini","a")
   local handle=openfile("Stats/UserStats.ini","a")
   tabConfig = parseINI("Stats/Bigstats.ini")
   tabOpStats = parseINI("Stats/OpStats.ini")
   tabUserStats = parseINI("Stats/UserStats.ini")
   user:SendPM(Bot,"Chat-Stats initialized!")

--------- Save Chat Stats ---------

function SaveStats(user)
   user:SendPM(Bot,"Chatstat has been successfully saved ...")

--------- Your Chat Stats ---------

function ShowYourStats(user, cmd, args)
   local table = getitem(tabOpStats, user.sName)
   if not table then table = mkOpStats(user, "") end
   local stats = getkey(table, "stats")
   local s, e, chars, words, smilies = strfind(stats, "(%d+)|(%d+)|(%d+)", 1)
   user:SendPM(Bot,user.sName.." "..chars.." characters "..words.." words ".. smilies.." smilies")

--------- User Chat Stats ---------

function ShowUserStats(user, cmd, userName)
   local table = getitem(tabUserStats, userName)
   if not table then
      local stats = getkey(table, "stats")
      local s, e, chars, words, smilies = strfind(stats, "(%d+)|(%d+)|(%d+)", 1)
      user:SendPM(Bot,userName.." "..chars.." characters "..words.." words ".. smilies.." smilies")
   local table = getitem(tabOpStats, userName)
   if not table then
      local stats = getkey(table, "stats")
      local s, e, chars, words, smilies = strfind(stats, "(%d+)|(%d+)|(%d+)", 1)
      user:SendPM(Bot,userName.." "..chars.." characters "..words.." words ".. smilies.." smilies")
   if UserError==1 and OpError==1 then
      user:SendPM(Bot,userName.." is not in my stats file...")

--------- Show Top 15 Chatters ---------

function ShowTop15(user)

   local user1, userkey1
   local user2, userkey2
   local user3, userkey3
   local user4, userkey4
   local user5, userkey5
   local user6, userkey6
   local user7, userkey7
   local user8, userkey8
   local user9, userkey9
   local user10, userkey10

   local op1, opkey1
   local op2, opkey2
   local op3, opkey3
   local op4, opkey4
   local op5, opkey5



   for a,b in ChatOpStat do
      if (ChatOpStat[a]>opkey1) then
         if (ChatOpStat[a]>opkey2) then
            if (ChatOpStat[a]>opkey3) then
               if (ChatOpStat[a]>opkey4) then
                  if (ChatOpStat[a]>opkey5) then

   opstats1 = ""
   opstats2 = ""
   opstats3 = ""
   opstats4 = ""
   opstats5 = ""

   if (op1~=nil) then
      opstats1 = ("* 1.\t"..ChatOpStat[op1]..":\t"..op1)

   if (op2~=nil) then
      opstats2 = ("\r\n* 2.\t"..ChatOpStat[op2]..":\t"..op2)

   if (op3~=nil) then
      opstats3 = ("\r\n* 3.\t"..ChatOpStat[op3]..":\t"..op3)

   if (op4~=nil) then
      opstats4 = ("\r\n* 4.\t"..ChatOpStat[op4]..":\t"..op4)

   if (op5~=nil) then
      opstats5 = ("\r\n* 5.\t"..ChatOpStat[op5]..":\t"..op5)

   opstats = opstats1..opstats2..opstats3..opstats4..opstats5
 first part of script