! ! ! Xsthetic Netserver LUA 5 ! ! !


29 December 2022 - PtokaX (20th anniversary edition) released...
11 April 2017 - PtokaX released...
8 April 2015 Anti child and anti pedo pr0n scripts are not allowed anymore on this board!
28 September 2015 - PtokaX for Windows 10 IoT released...
3 September 2015 - PtokaX released...
16 August 2015 - PtokaX released...
1 August 2015 - Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX ended. Clearly nobody want ADC support...
30 June 2015 - PtokaX released...
30 April 2015 Crowdfunding for ADC protocol support in PtokaX
26 April 2015 New support hub!
20 February 2015 - PtokaX released...
13 April 2014 - PtokaX released...
23 March 2014 - PtokaX testing version build 454 is available.
04 March 2014 - PtokaX.org sites were temporary down because of DDOS attacks and issues with hosting service provider.

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! ! ! Xsthetic Netserver LUA 5 ! ! !

Started by ??????Hawk??????, 27 February, 2005, 17:20:44

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Heya Peeps

thaught id start a new thread for this ver in here

        ! ! !_Xsthetic-NetServer-V8.01-LUA 5_! ! !  by ??????Hawk??????  

With GUI for ease of setting up with Built in Multi Hub Chat Link And   AUTO SCRIPT UPDATE OPTION
The Link is optional in the GUI

Including the Option of Controlled Redirects to Linked Hubs ( A must For Networks )

All Logs are handled by script and saved to file Including Brief user info and ip info.
So the User Statistics option in Ptokax can be Disabled

All Commands that have a ' - ' Prefix Can Be used from ANY of the linked hubs ( commands typed in main)

Game/Fun Commands

Nick Party 1:- ~Simpsons Crazy~ ( Enabled = true, Timeout = 2 mins ) 

!sim on 
!sim off 
!sim rnd random nicks 
!np  enable or disable the Nick Party bot 

Nick Party 2:- ~Waltons Crazy~ ( Enabled = true, Timeout = 2 mins ) 

!wal on 
!wal off 
!wal rnd random nicks 
!np  enable or disable the Nick Party bot 


!lcoff List clock disable 
!lcon List clock enable 
!time displays hub local time to all users 
!clock  enables or disables the Auto ASCII clock 

!alarm    Set A personal Reminder. 
!alarmtoall    Set A Hub Reminder. 
!showalarms Shows All Alarms Set. 
!delalarm  Delete an alarm call. 

Trivia:- ( Enabled = true ) 

-numstart Starts hub Numbers Game 
-trivstart Starts the hub Quiz 
-trivstop Stops the hub Quiz 
-scores Show Scores 
!triv  enable or disable the trivia 
!triv opsonly enable trivia for ops control only 

-trivquestionfile [file/default] Load different question file for Triv. 
-qfiles Show available files for Trivia. 
-aq [question*answer] Add Question to User file. 
!sq Show Questions in temp user file. 
!qr [Question number] Remove question from user file. 
!qa Add all user questions to main user file for triv. 
!cleartrivscores Clears the Trivia Scores 

Anagram Game:- ( Enabled = true ) 

-anstart Starts the hub Anagram Game 
-anstop Stops the hub Anagram Game 
-scores Show Scores 
!an  enable or disable the Anagram game 
!anwordfile  load different files for the anagram game. 
!clearanscores Clears The Anagram game scores 

Joke Bot:- ( Enabled = true ) 

!joke Show a Joke in main chat 
!Joker  enable or disable the Joker bot 

Ascii Bot:- ( Enabled = true ) 

!trigs Show ascii triggers 
!ascii  enable or disable the Ascii trig bot bot 

Kenny Bot:- 

!kenny  Turns user in to a kenny Clone 
!unkenny  Un Clones user 
!unkennyall Un Clones all user 
!showkenny shows all kenny clones 

Mute Bot:- 

!mute  Stops all messages from muted user 
!unmute  Un mutes user 
!clearmutes Un mutes all user 
!showmutes shows all muted users 

Chat Rooms:- 

!MasterChat  ( Enabled = false ) 
!VipChat  ( Enabled = true ) 
!RegChat  ( Enabled = false ) 

Random Intro-Outro:- ( Enabled = true ) 

!intro  enable or disable the Random Intro/Outro 

Animalize Command is supported in your right click menu 
Turn any user in to the Animal of your choice 

!unanimalize [user] Remove the animal from the user 


HangMan game ( LINK supported )

Security Commands
?????? Master's Commands?????? 

!help - get this help 
!myip - get your ip 
!network - get the hub network 
!rules - get the hub rules 
!showreg [Profile] - get the ops and regs and so an in the hub Profile is: master/operator/vip/reg 
!regme [Pass] - Register to the hub and/or change your password 
!reguser [Name] [Pass] - Register User 
!regvip [Name] [Pass] - Register Vip 
!regop [Name] [Pass] - Register OP 
!regmaster [Name] [Pass] - Register Master 
!away [Message] - send a away message to all in the hub 
!message [Name] [Message] - send an offline message to a user.[Gets it when he connect] 
!hconfig - get hubinfo 
!kick [Name] [Reason] - kick a user with tempban 
!kickban [Name] [Reason] - ban and kick a user with permban 
!kill [user] [reason] - ban the nick and ip of a user. 
!warn [Name] [Reason] - warn a user 3/warns and he/she gets kicked 
!getwarn - get all the warns in the hub 
!getkicks - get all the kicks in the hub until the get banned 
!visits [Name] - get the latest visits on that user and ip Off/online 
!drop [Name] - disconnect a user no reason given in main or to user 
!info [Name] - get a little info about that user 
!getinfo [Name] - get info about that name 
!unban [Name/ip] - unban a users Name/Ip 
!mass [Message] - send a pm to all in the hub 
!clrtemp - Clears the temp ban 
!timeban [Name] [Time] [Reason] - timeban a user in min 
!redpass [Password] - unlock the redirect command .. 
!fake - get the maybe fakers in the hub.. 
!advert - send a message from advert.txt to all in main chat. 
!whois [Ip] - check his Isp and so an. 
!nickban [Name] - ban a nick 
!banip [Ip] - ban a ip 
!getbanlist - get ban list 
!ipinfo [Ip] - get info about that ip 
!iprangeinfo [Ip] - get iprange info 
!userinfo [Name] - get userinfo about that name 
!redirect [Address] - change hub redirect address 
!chmaxusers [Number] - Hub maxusers 
!delreg [Name] - delete user 
!flood [Name] [Times] [Reason] - flood a users 
!fmain [Name] [Message] - fake a message in main from [Name] to all [message] 
!onlydc [on/off] - Allow only dc++ 
!scriptmem - get a little lua info version and kb used 
!savewarn - save all warnings it load auto when restarting hub. 
!delwarn - del all save warnings 
!savekicks - save all the kick counts until ban 
!delkicks - del all the saved kicks count until ban 
!op [Name] - give that name temp op for one session 
!clrpermban - clear perm ban 
!restart - restart the hub (hub owner and Net Admin Only) 
!restartscripts - restart scripts (hub owner and Net Admin Only) 
!stealthon - Ops Only ( hides you from reg and None reg users. 
!sredirect - Show Redirect addy list 
!delredirects - Delete Redirect addy list 
!cls - Clear main chat displaying the avert text 
!history - Show Last 100 lines of main chat 
!cmdspyon - Alert you of all commands used in hub 

Hub Maintanence section in the Right Click to Clear Other Logs 

-netban [user] [reason] - Ban User from all linked hubs, must be manually kicked from the hub aswell ( NET FOUNDER COMMAND ONLY) 

?????? Cleaner Commands?????? ( Reg Cleaner by plop ) 

!noclean  add/remove - adds/removes users from/to the list which aren't cleaned 
!showusers - shows all registered users 
!seen  - shows the last time the user left the hub 
!shownoclean - shows all names wich are on the noclean list 
!cleanusers - manualy start the usercleaner

Other Stuff
.Perv advertiser ( allerts ops to Bad Searches ) 
.timed mass message to non registered users 
.timed Mass message to all none registered users 
.Displays 2 x timed main chat messages at a period set in GUI.( bot name can be indevidually set for the second) 
.Displays timed mass message message at a period set in GUI. 
.displays ASCII Clock at a timed period set in GUI. 
.Bot Description Cycles through 6 x lines of text every 20 sec's ( set in GUI ). 
.Gives Description to ops chat. 
.option to give all registered and above user a tag on their description 
.2 x Nick partys. ( Trig and name lists set in GUI ). 
.displays clock in user list. 
.random intro/outro message for ops and vips. 
.Kenny clone bot 
.mute bot 
.ascii trigger bot 
.joke bot timed joke alternates between one liners and 2 liners 
.3 chat rooms for 
Masters .... all masters 
vip's .... vip's and hub owner only 
reg's .... reg's and hub owner only 

.different command levels for hubowner, ops , normal users 
.commands can be set to auto load to right click, or sent on command 
.Auto timed Anagram 
.pm to ops chat when nickparty enabled 
.Option to turn off the OpChat and OpChat description 
.Option to turn off intro/outro msgs 
.Option to turn off the Hub Bot description 
.Make the rightclick commands in 2 Sub Folders to avoid those long rightclick menu's 
.load different word files for anagram game ( must be a .txt file in the Xsthetic/UserAnagramFiles directory ) 
.load different question files for trivia game ( must be a .txt file in the Xsthetic/UserQuestionFiles directory ) 

..if all triv and anagrams and Hangman are set to auto start it will use the lowest of the Three timers and cycle between the 3 games 
User definable Charicters for missing letters in game hints 

commands Supported over hub link:- 




-netban   ( Net Founder Only ) 
trigg bot is now supported over link 

min slots per profile 
max slots per profile 
max hubs 
slot/hub ratio 
client allow/block list 
min client ver 
redirect rule brakers 
!country command to add Country tag to all users descriptions. 
Anti advertise. 
Mldc Mldonkey not wanted clients. 
Only dc++ 
Fake check 
Search for badfiles 
Not wanted isps 
Minimum Dc++ version 
Redirect pass 
Saves maxkicks into file 
Saves Warning into file 
Auto Load saved files 
Self Registering 
Vips Kick (enable/disable) 
Download/Search Blocks (enable/disable) 
Chat Blocker for non regs 
reg cleaner 
Compitible with RoboCop Profiles ( fingers X'd )  

Etc.....Etc.....Etc....and probably some other stuff ive forgotten about 

Matrix Text
Polite Ops Kick/Ban Messages
Commands Listed Are Subject to Change  PLS check out the right click menu for full list.

with credits to the following for ideas and/or code used from their scripts


Big Thanks to Plop for hints/tips and help on some of the more advanced commands.
And thx to All at the Lua Hub that have helped.

Also Thanks to Kepp and  Shad-dow For tips in starting me off with the GUI.

Hub Link GUI Credits:-
'***   Xsthetic-Bot-Setup-V8.00 By ??????Hawk?????? ***
'incorporated GUI for setting up of !_Xsthetic-NetServer-V8.00_!
'Previously Known as DC Multi-External Chat by Ita_Motta (v1.00)
'Previously Known as MultiHubLink by HaArD
'Previously known as MHC Bot v2.xx which was written
'by FLiXD and enhanced by HaArD. This program owes its
'existence to the inspiration provided by FLiXD's
'original MHC-Bot v2.42.

'  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
'  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
'  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
'  (at your option) any later version.
'  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'  GNU General Public License for more details.
'  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
'  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
'  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
'  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

Huge Thanks to H?LL?L?L??nG?L  kazz.redirectme.net  for many a script test, hub reboots and suffering some right "HUM DINGER" scripting cockups..

Download from my Signature

Have Fun Peeps



Heya Peeps

Update Available

! ! !_Xsthetic-NetServer-V8.01-LUA 5_! ! !    

Use the GUI Script Update Feature..  

Fixed a Few Bugs

Fixed Chat Rooms..

Please report any Bugs here  asap  

 * * * edit * * *
Also Updated the Full Install to the latest for any New Comers  :))  :))
* * * * * * * * *




hi thanks for this hawk it work great the all in one script grab it now. all working with ptokax

the best lua 5 bot out there


Heya Peeps

Update Available

UPDATE AVAILABLE Xsthetic-NetServer-V8.02-LUA 5_! ! !    

Use the GUI Script Update Feature..  

Fixed a Few more Bugs




Hawk, I'm a newbie with Xsthetic-NetServer, so I will ask a few questions =

1) grey button = enabled, black button = disabled, correct?

2) "Block downloads", does this function only block non-regged from downloading??

3) Share setting, is it in MB or in GB??

Ehm, I happend to uninstall&delete the zip file for Xsthetic-NetServer and now when I redl it and try to extract the file, it says the file is corrupted (I was doing this to update from 8.01 to 8.02)


hi m8  

1) grey button = enabled, black button = disabled, correct?   A:-    YUP   :))

2) "Block downloads", does this function only block non-regged from downloading??  A:-  YUP  :))

3) Share setting, is it in MB or in GB??    A:-   GB  :))  :))

Try Downloading again m8  ..  i may have been in the process of uploading a new one .  

Update available to all who are already running it..

Full install updated to the latest for all Newbies to XN

Have Fun



just a suggestion hawk, but I think this would be better =
black = enabled
grey = disabled

another question, why do you use installer? Why not just a zip? I don't really like things that use installer when it isn't needed.

Oh, why does your bot try to connect to your site on port 80 when you start it??


that's the update function
but that wouldn't be neccesary, would it
because we still have to check manually if the site is online :S
PtokaX DC Hub build 17.09 Not Running :(
DCH++ v1.0-Release (Plugin API v1.0) Special Quattro? Build
For DCH scripting and plugins


heya peeps  ..

Quotejust a suggestion hawk, but I think this would be better =
black = enabled
grey = disabled
changing it now would just confuse a whole load of ppl that use XN

QuoteOh, why does your bot try to connect to your site on port 80 when you start it??
the scrolling Credit window is a HTML loaded direct from my site so i can update it easily and everyone sees the updated Credits..  ..  hmmm  maby i should update it  lolol

Have Fun :))  :))



Testing..cockups...testing...cockups....it never ends  :D
im testing this script and its running really good with the new ptokax..im finding its not using so much memory, cpu and seems to be running faster too AND no complaints from users.. They do love the hangman tho :P Keep it up birdman  :P  :P



thanks for a great script, runs fine (Now hehe) however can i re-iterate my request for a dishwasher, and general slave edition, u might as well put it in m8 as it does pretty much everything else!!!

Great Script, and i recommend it.



Some things that would be nice if added =

1) Safe advertise
2) slot/hub setting for each profile
3) kick/ban/redirect/ protection for each profile


QuoteOriginally posted by blackwings
Some things that would be nice if added =

1) Safe advertise
2) slot/hub setting for each profile
3) kick/ban/redirect/ protection for each profile

would also be nice for just a few of you to click that Thin blue button at the top of the GUI to help towards the ?77.55  ive just had to fork out to keep it online  :P  :P  :P  :P

there on the list m8  ..  

first  i need to see it running bug free for a couple of days before i start adding more  :))  :))



Heya Peeps

Update Available

UPDATE AVAILABLE Xsthetic-NetServer-V8.03-LUA 5_! ! !    

Use the GUI Script Update Feature..  

Fixed a Few more Bugs

!whois  command not supported Yet  ( Im working on it )




Cool work

Just one thing

How is it ur script seems to be the 1st with everything lol

Half the new scripts seem to already be included in xsthetic

Keep it up m8 :))


Quote.im finding its not using so much memory, cpu and seems to be running faster too AND no complaints from users..
-hells little angels

 I llikee the sound of that.. .. the memory usage always worried me !!


heya peeps  ...

well  after about  3 hrs solid trying i found out that sockets have been temoprary removed from Ptokax

so the !whois command cannot be scripted in to ptokax as yet..

Please report any bugs here  ASAP

* * * Reminder * * *
V8.03-LUA 5 is on the Update server  :))

* * * EDIT * * *
 [rug.nl]pinger has just pinged the hub
these messages are to let you know when one of the hub lists pings your hub to get the status to display on their lists..
* * * * * * * * *




question, is it possible to set more than 1 network admin / founder, i'd like the ability for more than 1 admin to be able to reg users, so will this be possible in the future?


Also when I use the gui i'm getting
Quoterun-time error '55':

File already open

I checked and ptokax and the gui is not already open, so i have no idea if this is a bug or something on my part.


Heya Peeps  ...

It Seems  that quite a few of you are ignoring

1.   the   ! ! ! WARNING ! ! !    on the updates page  and

2.  The Little Confirmation box that pops up when you click the Script update button..


my server is offline at the moment and trying to update NOW will render the script usless.. ...

For ALL of you that have already messed up i am trying to find somwhere i can put the 2 files you now need to make it work again ...




Heya Peeps  ...

Ok  for all those that have tried to Update Today Without first checking the Server Status..

Download THIS  and Unzip it to your Scripts folder Over writing Both Files..




Heya Peeps  ..  

Server Back Online   :))  :))  :))



Heya Peeps....

Auto Update Available  V8.04  

Fixed a few Bugs..

added new fun command

!prefix [your chat prefix]

adds a Prefix to your Main chat user name..

! ! ! IMPORTANT NOTICE ! ! !  

Just recieved email from my Hosting....
QuoteWe have a data transfer allowance of 6GB a month for each hosting account. It is estimated that your account will exceeded this allowance by the end of the month. If the account exceeds the allowance your site will show a bandwidth exceeded error message.

If your account exceeds the allowance, You will have a couple of options.

1./ Wait till the end of the month when the account will be reactivated.

2./ You can purchase extra data transfer which will increase your data transfer allowance and therefore enable your site to continue.

So please Remember to Check the Status of my web site before you Do a Script Update..

Unless i get enough Donations to Cover the cost of Extra B/W THE auto update and Web site will  go offline  Before the end of the Month.. :(  :(

But will Return on the turn of the New Month..  

Have Fun Peeps...


P.S  for all those who want to help Click the Thin Blue button @ the top of the GUI..


found out the error message i was getting about error 55 or whatever was because at one point i think i added a / or ; in the hubowner box, silly me :]

on another note:
how much you paying for hosting atm?
i have a host for 10bucks/month for 50GB HD space and 500GB bandwidth, unlimited everything else in case  8)


Can We have the option to have normal triv and number triv to run alternatly please



QuoteOriginally posted by Comatosed
Can We have the option to have normal triv and number triv to run alternatly please

Ill Look in to adding it in a  future Update   :))  :))

im using Web-Mania for Hosting @ ?20 for the Year..

its  cost me enough already without having a Monthly coming out of my account   :P
cheers for info anyway  ...


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