Language in front of nick


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Language in front of nick

Started by b_w_johan, 11 March, 2005, 09:12:00

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ok this is what im looking for:

if a user connects he has to put in front of his nick the languiage he uses ....
not like

[NL] = dutch
[UK]= english

but like this

List of User Discription
   =   Hubowner or nonreg user wich didn;t changed his name yet =-p
[LUA]   =   Lua Bot writer
[HTM]   =   Web(HTML)Scripter
[JAS]   =   Web(java)Scripter
[php]   =   Web(PHP)Scripter
[JAV]   =   JAVA Programmer
[VBP]   =   Visual Basic Programmer
[CPP]   =   C++ Programmer

they should putt this in front of htere nicks....

even if they enter with [LUA][NL]
they should get a message with choose one of these languages and put it in front of youre nick ...

is this possible to do ??
can someone help me with that ??

greetings Johan
checkout for my World Wide HubList project!


i think its to difficult ...

is there a possibility to make it check for those first parts of nick else disconnect and send message PM
the secon [***] isn;t that important

thx for any help

greetings Johan
checkout for my World Wide HubList project!

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