...any scripts that block proxy users ? ... don't work 100% !

...any scripts that block proxy users ? ... don't work 100% !

Started by davnis, 24 March, 2005, 19:49:51

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Hy all

I ask for an proxy deny access and I got this one. Was magic .. I test it .. work ... I test it and work for me ... but today, even the script was loaded as usual, one man enter over the proxy connection and start swear etc. Im wondering how this user skip the check of the script and enter into the hub

Can anyone tell me why this script was cheaten ?
Please help me to find what was wrong.

Thank you a lot


The IP was taken from :


The IP was :


here is the script, converted by UwV

-- Mode Check : By NightLitch
-- Fixed the nil error
-- Checking if MyInfo is correct, becouse it can be missed in some Build Versions...
-- 2lua5 by uv (4chars) ;0)

BotName = "no.proxy"

function NewUserConnected(curUser)
   if curUser.sMyInfoString then
      s,e,Mode = string.find(curUser.sMyInfoString,"M:(%u*),")
      if Mode == nil then
         curUser:SendData(BotName,"You are hidding your TAG..  Buuuh.. ")
      elseif  Mode == "S" then  
         curUser:SendData(BotName,"Your Client Mode ( "..Mode.." ) is not Allowed here,\r\n\t Please change to A(ctive) or P(assive). \r\n\r\n Find your shoes .. no   S(ocks) in here  ;0)\r\n")
      curUser:SendData(BotName,"Your MyInfoString is messed up or lost...  \r\n\t Tie them shoes neatly .. please? ;0)")


elseif Mode == "S" then  ..
means that the client's modus needs to be set to S (socks) to get a disconnect ..
so my guess is that this user was connecting without using the proper connection in his settings, ..
so i guess he was swearing cause he couldnt get a filelist ? .. ;0)
sorry that it didn't stup the bugger from entrign and spamming ..
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